Friday, December 27, 2019
Mass Media Enslavement and Stupidity Effects of Media on...
Although Americans have been concerned about the moral principles involved with mass media approaches, it hasn’t stopped our society from continually investing money and time into fueling the mass media fire. In Tom Cooper’s (2008) In Between the Summits: What Americans Think About Media Ethics, he states: While some concerns such as deception, invasion of privacy, advertising saturation, and excessive violence apply to multiple channels of communication, others are medium specific. For example, the public’s primary anxieties about the Internet include fraud, spam, and the availability of pornography to children, while the primary concerns about telephone have included telemarketing and wiretapping. Overall findings suggest several†¦show more content†¦Reducing dissonance is important because if not handled correctly, dissonance can increase and our beliefs can be compromised. These acts of reducing dissonance can be done in multiple ways, which in this instance can also overlap with the use of mass media. One way of reducing dissonance can be through selective exposure. This is when an individual starts to protect their lifestyle by omitting any information that may conflict with what they believe (Griffin, 2009). An example of this could be through mass media contro l and ownership. The number of corporations that control the media has considerably been consolidated over the past 20 years, which censors the amount of viewpoints we are exposed to (VC, 2010). Media ownership today can be traced back to five main companies: AOL Time Warner, Viacom, The Walt Disney Company, Vivendi Universal, and Sony (VC, 2010). The chart provided below summarizes the more popular media. In this case, we don’t necessarily have control over what information is being selected by the media, but we can weed through this filtered information to find sources that reinforce our lifestyles. An example would be how certain news stations politically tend to be more conservative while others have more of a liberal stance. The viewer has the choice to filter this exposureShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) And Acquired...
Introduction Over the last three decades, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS) epidemic has been a public health concern in the United States (US) and globally. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], (2015d) estimates that in the US, over 1.2 million people are living with HIV, of which 12.8% are unaware of their diagnosis. Due to exceptional medical advances in treatment and prevention strategies, a healthier quality of life and longevity can now be achieved with persons diagnosed with HIV (Irvine et al., 2014; CDC 2015a; Sayles, Wong, Kinsler, Martins, Cunningham, 2009). However, despite the advance from a deathly diagnosis to a chronic disease, the continuum of care in treatment is still threatened. Each year, there are 40,000 new HIV infections in the US; and HIV is one of the leading causes of death in Florida. After unintentional injury, cancer, heart disease and suicide. It is reported as the 5th leading cause of death for ages 35 – 44, in 2011 (Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, 2013). The disparity seen in the African American population in regards to HIV is often discussed, and is targeted for prevention strategies. Only making up less than 16% of the US population, yet having the highest HIV infection rate in comparison to adults in other racial/ethnic populations. Nearly half of new infections occur in black young adults and adolescents (13 – 24 in age) (CDC, 2015d;Show MoreRelatedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus And Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome1477 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome In 1981, the first cases in the United States of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) developed in Los Angeles and New York (Fraser, Burd, Liebson, Lipschik, Peterson, 2008). The illness presented itself among several homosexual males who developed rare opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma (Sharp Hahn, 2011). At the time, medical professionals deemed the infections to beRead MoreCommunicable Disease934 Words  | 4 PagesCommunicable Disease Svetlana Brooks HCS/457 April 22, 2013 Deborah Ayers Communicable Disease A communicable disease is an infectious disease transmitted from one person to another directly or indirectly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV and nearly one in five of those are not aware that they are infected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquiredRead MoreModern Day Methods Of Contracting1113 Words  | 5 Pagesthe SIV virus from these non-human primates is discussed as well. As a result of these transmissions, the human immunodeficiency virus is brought to life. In this paper, this virus and its journey throughout history will be explained. Also, HIV and the different subfields this virus can be classified in are discussed throughout the research. As well as the where this virus was contracted, about the time when, and how it was possible. Also, the modern day methods of contracting this virus are listedRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1359 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper explores the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well as the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The virus has infected two million adults and children by the year 2005 already. The virus continues to race around the world, and new HIV infections are at 50,000 p er year (Martine Peeters, Matthieu Jung, Ahidjo Ayouba) (2013). The final outcome of the HIV infection is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are many treatments that have developed to help the large numberRead MoreAIDS/HIV Its Effects on Popular Culture Essay1194 Words  | 5 Pageshealth care worker. Some people may sadly consider their lives extinguished upon contraction of the in-curable virus, others will not let the infection rule their lives. However, the infection is no long-er considered a death sentence in contrast to what many may believe. Many people are igno-rant of the virus and continue to believe what was shared many years ago. What is HIV/AIDS, and what is its history? What is its effects on the body? How can it be, not cured, but treated? Who is at higherRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus Essay1208 Words  | 5 PagesHIV has been a pandemic that has affected the world relentlessly for many years in a never-ending circle. HIV , or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is the virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids and can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV attacks the immune system by destroying CD4+ T cells, which leaves the person infected with HIV vulnerable to other infections, diseases, and other complications.1 Once this virus is acquired, the human can never fully rid itself of thisRead MoreHiv/Aids854 Words  | 4 Pages------------------------------------------------- REACTION PAPER â€Å"HIV / AIDS†I. Title: HIV / AIDS Date: December 10, 2011 Name of speaker: Darius Umande II. Overview of the topic As I have learned from my past lessons in high school and elementary, HIV which stands for human immunodeficiency virus is a kind of virus, specifically lentivirus, that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome better known as AIDS. As what our high school teacher taught us, HIV can be transmitted commonly from personRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pages The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects the human wellbeing by attacking the body’s immune system which is the natural defense system in the human body to resist infections. When the immune system is being compromised, the body becomes less capable of fighting diseases, allowing the body to become more susceptible to infections. Different from other viruses that the body can get rid of, HIV will remain in the body for life (Wright and Carnes, 2016). HIV works by attacking the CD4Read MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, Also Known As Hiv, Continuous1519 Words  | 7 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV, continuous to be an epidemic crisis. HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if left untreated.Unlike other viruses once HIV is acquired the human body can not get rid of it. Sub Saharan Africa is currently the most affected region for HIV/AIDS, Men in the region seem to be the most affected. There is currently no cure for HIV, however there is possible treatment, as well as ways one can prevent developing the virus. HIV/AIDS continousRead MoreAids757 Words  | 4 PagesAIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the disease progresses. HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
International Cases in Sustainable Travel & Tourism
Question: Descrbe about the International Cases in Sustainable Travel Tourism? Answer: Sustainability of tourism The tourism business in Kenya is the second biggest wellspring of outside trade income took after by farming. The fundamental vacation destinations are amusement safaris and visits through the national stops and diversion holds. Different attractions incorporate the 4Ss (Sandy shorelines, sex, sun and ocean, building outlines like the mosques at Mombasa the prestigious landscape of the Great Rift Valley, the espresso ranches at Thika, a perspective of Mt. Kilimanjaro, over the fringe into Tanzania and its shorelines along the Indian Ocean among others (Swarbrooke, 1999). Meeting tourism was gravely hit amid the first quarter, dropping by 87.4% contrasted with the development that was seen in 2007, 974 individuals touched base in Kenya amid that period for some gatherings were crossed out. Business travel declined by 21 for every penny amid the time period and 35,914 voyagers came into the nation contrasted with 45,338 amid the same period the prior year. Notwithstanding this, Kenya won the Best Leisure Destination recompense at the World Travel Fair in Shanghai, China, in April 2008. The Permanent Secretary in Kenya's Ministry of Tourism, Rebecca Nabutola, expressed that the honour "goes to affirm that Kenya has one of a kind world acclaimed tourism item. The acknowledgment will most likely support Kenya's tourism and upgrade its profile as a main vacationer destination. Sustainable tourism advancement system and management performances are appropriate to all kinds of tourism in a broad variety of purpose, including accumulation travelling and the dissimilar subject tourism section. Maintainability principles allude to the natural, financial, and communal sections of tourism improvement, and a suitable equalization must be built up among these three capacities to make sure its long heave manageability. Feasible tourism improvement requires the cultured collaboration of each important partner, and additionally hard following proposal to assurance wide interest and accord structure. Achieving manageable tourism is a persistent process and it requires stable inspection of effects, present the fundamental defensive and/or remedial measures at whatever point essential. Economical tourism should additionally continue an irregular state of traveller fulfilment and assurance an important matter to the visitors, raise their concerns about support and ability issue and advance feasible tourism practices among them. Tourism is an administration industry which implies that it depends firmly on HR at all levels (territorial, national, global) and from a wide range of administration divisions, e.g. convenience, gastronomy, travel organizations, travel authors and distributers and so forth. Each of these divisions is truly its very own industry. HR incorporates every one of the general population who work in the tourism business at all levels, from the cleaners who clean the inn rooms to the people who oversee tourism resorts. This reliance on HR implies that the nature of tourism changes continually. The general population utilized in the tourism business are frequently those utilized for a shorter measure of time than those in different commercial ventures. Aptitudes learnt including tourism frequently don't stay in one spot for long in light of this high move over rate (Pineda and Brebbia, 2004). Tourism can be a lucrative wellspring of income for a destination; however it can likewise have significant negative effects on it. These effects are physical, as well as social. The effects shift as indicated by the number and the way of voyagers and in addition the attributes of the site at which tourism exercises happen. These negative effects must be overseen viably on the off chance that they have been distinguished, measured and assessed. At whatever point the negative effects on the indigenous habitat are managed, it ought to be viewed as that these effects once in a while impact stand out substance, yet that the natural effects of tourism generally impact environments all in all. The effects on the indigenous habitat don't just impact immaculate nature regions, additionally developed area, which is a critical piece of the common and social legacy of a locale and environmentally profitable on the grounds that it's the living space of numerous species (Page and Connell, 2008). Tourism helps change and improvement and in this manner affects the social advancement of a general public. The response of social orders towards tourism is differing: some reject transforms, others involucrate them into their customs and some will desert their social roots by and large. While social change is an unavoidable, common piece of human culture, the sudden and constrained changes that tourism frequently brings can bring about the complete breakdown of society and might importantly bring about the loss of whole social custom. Tourism earning not just enhances the monetary circumstance of a destination, however can encourage ecological insurance. Direct monetary commitment to preservation is created through extra charges for secured regions, gifts with which visit administrators and other tourism suppliers bolster protection measures, charges which the legislature somewhat utilizes for financing natural insurance. Sightseers welcome a solid and lovely common habitat and reject destinations where the contamination and pulverization of the regular habitat happens. Tourism can in this manner raise the attention to the neighbourhood populace concerning natural issues and upgrade the inspiration for protection exercises or advance the change of preservation administration. Because of the measurement of the tourism business - 900 million entries for each year around the globe - and on the grounds that tourism is connected so basically to regular ranges, it is one of the real dangers to biodiversity and common assets around the world. Along these lines, it is totally key to attempt endeavours to make tourism more maintainable - in regards to a wide range of tourism, at all levels and for all parts of the tourism business from global visit administrator to little benefits proprietors (Page and Connell, 2008). The test of practical tourism improvement is to make utilization of tourism's certain effects, upgrading and diverting the advantages into the right bearings, and to maintain a strategic distance from or moderate the negative effects beyond what many would consider possible. Tourism in Kenya is a noteworthy remote trade worker topping more than 60 billion annually. The segment depends vigorously on biodiversity with a few heavenly sights from national parks to the sandy shorelines on the Kenya coastline. Kenya rehearses mass tourism however is understands that this can just devastate the business by pulverization of the biological community. A fragile equalization is coveted, practical tourism is the decision. It presents different advantages particularly for SMEs improvement. Numerous hotel and lodges, far from the urban areas, are presently putting resources into option vitality sources. Sun based force, specifically, is the favoured option, and most dependable organizations today utilize some sort of close planetary system for their power and water warming. Wind force is not yet as large, but rather a few nearby suppliers are fuelling a developing hobby (Brebbia, Favro and Pineda, 2014). For the groups to profit by tourism, group tourism is rapidly grabbing with backing from the Tourism Trust Fund, and NGOs like SNV. Home-stays where the visitor is facilitated by local people in their estates is putting forth impetuses to moderate the earth. CBOs are meeting up to run vacation spot sports like the Hell's kitchen in Magarini. The Kipepeo or butterfly raising endeavor by ladies in Arabuko Sokoke in Malindi offers elective wellspring of job while monitoring the earth. The group circumscribing the Kakamega woods are occupied with developing restorative plants like Mukombero while monitoring the backwoods and pulling in vacationers. The Kenya Community Based Tourism (Kecobat) is an enrollment NGO framed to advance group tourism. Every year the Mara acting crowd to the world's most noteworthy characteristic scene, the seventh miracle of the earth the huge Wildebeest Migration from the area of Serengeti. The Mara is most likely the best overhauled of all Kenyan Nature Park and assets with an extensive variety of housing for any financial plan. The natural park is a prevalent fascination with Safari administrators. Generally, the Maasai once in a while chase and living close by untamed life in amicability is a vital piece of their beliefs. Lions and Wildebeest assume as essential a part in their social convictions as their own groups of steers (Brebbia and Pineda, 2006). The sustainability tourism is one of the most important examples in modern day. The sustainability is important aspect in tourism and it helps to enhance the tourism in that area of Kenya. The sustainability is important aspect that needs to environmental and social responsibility towards the state and nation. Reasonable tourism is the suggestion of going to a spot as a traveller and effort to have immediately an advantageous conclusion on the world, civilization and financial system. Tourism can include essential transportation to the general area, neighbourhood transport, housing, enthusiasm, enjroyment, food and etc. The sustainable tourism enhances and improves the tourism in any area and generates good response from stakeholders. As more districts and state add to their tourism business, it produces huge belongings on usual possessions, utilization designs, contamination and social laws. The requirement for feasible/dependable arrange and management is essential for the industry to make due all in all (Benckendorff and Lund-Durlacher, 2013). References Benckendorff, P. and Lund-Durlacher, D. (2013).International cases in sustainable travel tourism. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers. Brebbia, C. and Pineda, F. (2006).Sustainable tourism II. Southampton: WIT. Brebbia, C., Favro, S. and Pineda, F. (2014).Sustainable tourism VI. Southhampton: WIT Press. Page, S. and Connell, J. (2008).Sustainable tourism. London: Routledge. Pineda, F. and Brebbia, C. (2004).Sustainable tourism. Southampton: WIT Press. Pineda, F. and Brebbia, C. (2010).Sustainable tourism IV. Southampton: WIT. Pooley, C. (2013).Promoting walking and cycling. Bristol: Policy Press. Richards, G. and Hall, D. (2000).Tourism and sustainable community development. London: Routledge. Solway, A. (2010).Sustainable tourism. Mankato, Minn.: Arcturus Pub. Swarbrooke, J. (1999).Sustainable tourism management. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Pub.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sooner or Later Essay Sample free essay sample
It’s a bright cheery twenty-four hours. City is unagitated. Birds are peeping. We hear people are speaking. Senior citizens are practising yoga and express joying exercising. It’s a crowd comprising of all ages from senior citizen to kids of all ages. college traveling childs ; shouting. express joying. Everyone is busy in their ain universe. A child looks about and runs to his fellow mate. who is shouting. the kid shows concern toward him. Meanwhile another kid is shouting some names out loud and a group of kids tallies towards him. Some misss are playing home-home. Some male childs are playing cricket/football. Some are merely chew the fating. ( no sound merely obviously background music. Visuals will be slow-mo. stressing chiefly on different emotions of children’s. ) We see ANKUR and AMIT are sitting at the corner of the park off from all kids. ANKIT looks emotional and witting like he is afraid of something or the other. We will write a custom essay sample on Sooner or Later Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ANKIT starts walking backwards off from ANKUR. Unaware of what’s traveling on. on ANKITS head ANKUR breaks the distance and walks towards him inquiring. . ANKUR Kya Harkat-ul-Mujahidin?ANKITMaine kal raat ma dad KO baat karte chromaticity suna. Voh tumhein door bejne welt h. ANKURArey pagal! Aisa tujhse kisne kahan?ANKITBhai. wahan dekho!ANKUR looks at two ladies. sitting on the bench in the garden. One is ANKIT’s female parent and another 1 is her friend. They are being civil and speaking in a vey low voice. ANKIT and ANKUR attempts to listen to them. LADY 1 ( ANKIT’s MOM )Aaj kal itni mehengai mein samajh mein hello nahi aata hahi aakhir kare toh kare kya! ? Tax wage kare toh rashan mein samjhota. loan ka involvement wage karein toh ghar qi choti moti zarurteinpoori karne mein samjhota. Interest. measure chukate chukate kahin hum hi karze mein na doob jayein. Uppar se ANKIT-ANKUR ki padhai toh abhi Ba chalu hello hui hai. Itna sab ANKIT ke dad ki salary mein adjust kar pana bada mushkil hai. LADY 2 ( FRIEND ) Haan! Ab mehengai hai hello itni. Tum ek kaam kyon nahi karti apne jeeth ke ladke KO kisi authorities school mein admittance kyon nahi dila deti? Wahan bhi toh acchi padhai hoti hai. LADY 1Mujhe bhi Bachelor of Arts yahin slowdown raha hai. Kyon ki agar aisa hello chalta raha toh na jaane ANKIT qi aage ki padhai kaise hogi. ANKIT-ANKUR expressions at each other. emotional. Both remain soundless for a minute. ANKIT’s oculus bend ruddy. full of cryings he all of a sudden turns his dorsum towards ANKUR seeking to halt weeping. Hissing. embracing himself as if he has nowhere to travel. ANKUR on the other manus somehow command his emotions and tried to convert ANKIT. Ans says. . ANKUR Pagal! Mummy jo kuch bol rahi hai usmein burai kya hai. Woh toh busyness dono ke whole ke liye. hamare future ke bare bearing hello soch rahi hai. Unka kehna bhi galat nahi hai. ANKIT un satisfy with ANKUR’s suggestion says. . ANKIT( Firm voice )Bhai aap chale jaoge toh chief kaise rahunga. Main aapke bina nahi reh sakta. ANKUR keep his cryings and says. .ANKURSab clip ke saath theek Ho jayega. Main hamesh tere saath rahunga Bachelor of Arts rona set kar. Both hug each other tightly. Camera pans from ANKIT’s face. We see a immature male child who is 26. good suitable office traveling cat. hearing all the conversation between the male childs. Blink his eyes with cryings. Scene II.VIVEK and SHAURYA are like bestest brothers since childhood though are existent brothers. They can non conceive of life without each other. VIVEK is largely depended on his brother for his support. He is unworried for about everything in his life. While SHAURYA is mature. responsible cats handle everything with easiness. But when both are together they behave immature. comrade enjoy a hedonic life even while SHAURYA is married to a degree headed mature miss name SONIA. ) CUT TO We see both are in the auto. Enjoying. Playing music. Singing aloud. checking gags. SHAURYA drives VIVEK to his college and leaves for his office. Both are back place in the dark. Laughing.Cut TOCamera pulls back from dismay clock its 9:30 am. Its VIVEK’s suites which is all messed up. Alarm rings. Vivek take a expression at the dismay clock. rolls his eyes. hits it. take a deep breath. covers his face with bed sheet and goes back to kip once more. SHAURAYA noticing from his ain room.SHAURAYAOye nind ke poojari VIKI. Chal uth aise hello sota rahega toh aaj mujhe bhi late karayega. 5 min mein ready Ho warna tujhe chod ke chala jaunga. Both are ready. Rushing from their house’s chief door. SHAURYA doing a dead full serious face and VIVEK muttering random vocals. SHAURYA Be a small responsible VIVEK. Sson you will be finishing your grads and now to don’t even have wont of turn uping your bed sheets. VIVEKArey Bhai. poke mein khud apne aap KO college ke liye taiyaar nahi paa raha Hunt oh bed sheet KOs kaise karu! SHAURYA smiles. Both goes towards auto.SHAURYATu bhi sodium. . tere kuch nahi Ho sakta.VIVEKAakhir bhai kiska Hun Cut TOSHAURYA takes short stairss towards childs. Almost about to shout. Wanted to state something but nil comes out of him. Sound of his HEART BEAT is heard. ANKIT-ANKUR Still embracing each other tightly. Crying. Cut TOA classy life room. Marble flooring. pendants. keen furniture. SONIA is set uping materials and SHAURYA is acquiring ready for his office. SONIAAb kab tak aap apne bhai KO bachche jaise rakheinge. Woh bada ho gaya hai Bachelor of Arts apni duties khud le sakta hai. If you guys wont separate now so I am afraid than any of us will hold any hereafter. Let him travel. Besides you cant travel in front in your life with VIVEK around. C’mon we have household to be planned. Baby please inquire VIVEK to travel on. SHAURYA is listening to her frustrated from day-to-day dosage of ASK VIVEK TO MOVE ON. he tried to knot his tie. Ignore Sonia as if he doesn’t attention. After a piece SHAURYA gets annoyed and leaves the room with arrant dissatisfaction. Camera pans to VIVEK face. standing outside SAURYA’s room with staff of life in his custodies. VIVEK don’t react to things that eh heard recently. Alternatively maintain fire hook face and expression determined. Trying to pull off this state of affairs SHAURYA indiscriminately do his day-to-day material and inquire VIVEK. . SHAURYA Chal you are acquiring tardily for college. You have college fest today right? Even I got up early for you today. VIVEKNahi Bhai. you go. I have some assignment to be done. College fest is of no usage. Furthermore there are no talks agenda for today so I should be at place making assignments. SHAURYA nods and foliages. Cut TOWe see VIVEK haste towards his room. lock it and is looking for something between the apparels every bit shortly as he finds his laptop he sits and look for a occupation over the net. His eyes turn ruddy. full of cryings. Finally he wipes his cryings. Get relax like he got the occupation. VIVEK drops his cryings. ( one bead. Slow minute ) CUT TO SHAURYA cryings are dropping down. Equally shortly as one of his tear falls on the grass everything goes on contrary manner. Cryings are eventually traveling back on SHAURYA’s eyes as if he is rewinding and populating all the minute he spent with his brother. V/O WAQT NAHI LAGTA. APNO KO PARAYA BANANE MEINSAALON JINKE SAATH JIYE. UNKO BEGANA BANANE MEINCHANND KHUSHIYON KE LIYE. KIMTI KHUSHIYO KA GALA DABANE MEIN AAKHIR KAB TAK CHALEGA YEIN ZAMANE MEIN? Full collage of SHAURYA-VIVEK’s life with â€Å"RUTH KE HUMSE KABHI JAB CHALE JAOGE â€Å" playing at the background.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sammuri Argumentative Essay free essay sample
Whether it is through the martial arts, the peaceful arts, or their beliefs, the samurai continue to influence life to this day. The Samurai’s ethics are major in Japanese society as well as business; the idea of Bushido exists in society today as the Japanese business ethics illustrate honor and duty to Japan. To be a Samurai was a huge honor and it took an abundance of training and extensive hours of practice. Samurais had to be completely dedicated to their lifestyle; they repeated their schedule day after day: wake up in the Samurai village, meditation, hours of training, dinner, and sleep. Their routine was very rigorous however; it was compensated when they went into battle. Samurais were an elite group of warriors who were very skilled in battle and killing. Many may say that the Samurais were very violent and provocative group, however, the Samurais were always on the defensive. We will write a custom essay sample on Sammuri Argumentative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though the entire movie, the Samurais never picked the fight, it was always the Americans- or in any case, it was never the Samurais who were picking the fights. The Samurais’ code of honor, Bushido, was much like a knights’ code of honor, chivalry; the only difference was â€Å"seppuku†. Seppuku was the traditional suicide after a battle was lost. The leader of the losing team was to commit suicide by carving a figure 8 into his abdomen because he shouldn’t live with the shame of losing a battle. If the man could not complete the figure 8, the leader of the opposing side would cut off the loser’s head. This was all part of honor; however, many people saw it as barbaric and couldn’t understand this ritual. The Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so any way they are viewed; they were still violent peoples so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued. The weapons the Samurais used were swords, bow and arrows, and a spear; no fire arms. In the movie, The Last Samurai, it was said that the â€Å"sword is part of the soul†. The Japanese took this very seriously; training took up most of a warriors’ day. The samurai rose to power out of the constant fight for land in feudal Japan. They became experts at fighting from horseback and on the ground. They trained in armed and unarmed combat. They wore many layers of armor and used only the sword passed down from previous generations. As mentioned previously, the Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued. However, much like the Samurai, soldiers fighting the war today are much more aggressive than the Samurai and they are armed with much more lethal weapons than a sword. Others may view this as hypocritical that the centuries long tradition was put to an end yet we continue to fight and kill to get what we need; we aren’t even fighting to protect our people like the Samurais were, we are fighting for something that we want.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Comparing Economies Aus Japan Essay
Comparing Economies Aus Japan Essay Comparing Economies Aus Japan Essay Australia and Japan are two exceptionally advanced and industrialised mixed market economies, meaning their economies are mostly run by private market forces, but there is also substantial government intervention in economic life. Australia and Japan are closely linked and have a very strong economic relationship within the world economy that has evolved over decades. These two economies provide for an interesting comparison, as they are similar in many aspects, however they do have their various significant differences. This report seeks to compare and contrast the aspects of both Japan and Australia, which make up their economies, and to provide the close analysis of their economic characteristics. The economic aspects examined within this paper include: economic growth, main industries, trade, employment and unemployment, distribution of income, quality of life, environmental sustainability and the role of government. General Facts Australia Japan Geography Island located just below the equator in the South Pacific region Archipelago located in Asia to the east of North Korea and South Korea Size 7,741,200 km2 377,194 km2 Population 23.7 million 127.3 million Population density (per km2) 3 350.66 Currency Australian dollar (AU$) Japanese yen (Â ¥) Type of Economy Mixed/Free market economy Mixed/Free market economy Economic Growth Economic growth refers to an economy’s capability of producing goods and services. GDP is the measure of a nation’s total output, and is used as the main indicator for economic growth. In 2013, Japan’s GDP measured US$4.901 trillion and Australia’s measured US $1.56 trillion. Japan has a much larger economy than Australia in terms of GDP, which is most likely due to their significantly larger population and stronger labour force. Although Japan has the larger total GDP, Australia has a significantly larger GDP per capita, which is due to their much smaller population. Australia’s economic growth rate between the years 2010-2013 ranged from 2-4%, according to the World Bank, and Japan’s rate of economic growth ranged from -0.5-4.7%. Australia Japan GDP US$4.901 trillion (2013) $1.56 trillion (2013) GDP per capita US$67,458.36 US$38,633.71 The rates of economic growth of both Japan and Australia during the past few years are shown in the graph below. Australia’s rates of economic growth throughout the years remain relatively steady in comparison to Japan’s. Contrastingly, Japan’s economic growth rates do not tend to remain steady and often rise and fall dramatically in short periods of time. Australia’s economic growth is quite consistent, in the sense that they tend to have less dramatic changes in rates of economic growth in comparison to Japan. Inflation generally refers to the rise of prices of consumer goods and services in the market, and the decline of the purchasing value of money. CPI (consumer price index) is the measure used to calculate inflation in the economy. CPI is determined by calculating the percentage change in the average prices of common consumer goods and services. The changes in the CPI of Australia and Japan throughout the years is displayed on the graph below, relative to the 2010 statistics, which are used as the 100%. In 2013, Australia’s CPI measured 107.8%, whereas Japan’s measured 100.0%. Australia’s CPI had risen by 7.8% in three years, whereas Japan remained where they were three years ago. From the graph below, it can be observed that Australia’s CPI continues to increase quite rapidly, which is in contrast with Japan, whose CPI is quite stable and experiences very small change in rises and falls. It can be predicted that Australia’s CPI will continue to rise , and Japan’s is expected to rise slightly due to the government reforms that were aimed to increase inflation. Both the Australian and Japanese Governments have introduced various policies and stimulus packages for the purpose
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Paper on Qatar Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
On Qatar - Research Paper Example English speakers tend to include the â€Å"t†in the second syllable of the name, which is a tension of sort that mirrors the complication political tension between the native Arabs and the foreign Western powers such as the British Empire. Today, Qatar is a relatively well-developed, progressive-looking Arab state that has much in common with the West, but still retains many of the traditions and ethnic identities that define it as an Islamic monarchy. Each of the distinct aspects of Qatar, including its geography and political structure, are deserving of a closer look for anyone trying to understand the country better. In terms of the country’s location, Qatar is a small state that shares its own border with Saudi Arabia. The country sits on the northeastern corner of its much larger neighbor on a peninsula that juts out into the Persian Gulf. Across the Persian Gulf from Qatar lies Iran, and across a narrow strait in the Gulf lies the island nation of Bahrain. Relatively close to Qatar and its neighbor Saudi Arabia is the United Arab Emirates. This location as a peninsula proximate to Saudi Arabia does not pose a political threat to the tiny nation of Qatar, but instead has proven to be an advantage for Qatar’s growth. For instance, during the Persian Gulf War, Qatar military forces joined the coalition against Iraq in stabilizing the Middle East. Within its space, Qatar has excelled and has built favorable relations with its neighbors. Geographically, Qatar is not only small but also flat. As was mentioned previously, Qatar is a small nation based on a peninsula jutting out from neighboring Saudi Arabia. The peninsula is just about 100 miles (or 160 km) in length, which is roughly the same length as Delaware. Much of that length consists of barren plain covered with sand, without much in terms of high fixtures or rock faces. One interesting feature of Qatar
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Mid-Nineteenth Through the Early Twentieth Century Essay - 1
The Mid-Nineteenth Through the Early Twentieth Century - Essay Example He also condemned Christianity as it hindered the development of human instincts. He further went on to state that man can only be saved by the evolution of a superman who would create his rules based on his own instincts. He will not adhere to any set rules or code of conducts that have been imposed by the civilization of mankind. He firmly believed in his principles even during the late 19th century which was heralded as an era of scientific progress and development. Many European scholars considered the thoughts expressed by Nietzsche as an expression of the inner energy of man. Like Nietzsche, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky also believed that human were irrational and rebellious and did not believe in the era of enlightenment or the age of human reason. He was totally against science and reasoning. He strongly believed that man could not fit into a tailor-made world and that he was bound to undergo suffering and act irrationally in order to assert their individuality. There w as more to the existence of human beings than merely reason and perform worldly duties expected from him. This, he believed, was the freedom of every man as it is created by him and not put down by the society in which he lives.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Banks Deal with Documents and Not with Goods, Services or Performance Essay - 1
Banks Deal with Documents and Not with Goods, Services or Performance to Which the Documents May Relate - Essay Example The limitations of the bank’s role in dealing with documents without exceeding these limits in the light of judiciary’s view will be discussed.4 This is divided into three sections: the principle of independence in the bank’s role in complying with the documents, analysing the doctrine of strict compliance and the position of the bank in interpreting the doctrine and the bank’s duty in relation to the exceptions to the above doctrines. 2. The Principle of Independence 2.1 General overview As Goode highlights, the principle of independence, or the principle of autonomy, is the most essential principle of a document of credit (DC).5 It is not an exaggeration to say that the true benefits of the LC go hand-in-hand with this principle. It is the â€Å"cornerstone of the law relating to a letter of credit†.6 This means that an LC is separate and independent from underlying contracts between the credit’s parties7. In Nareerux Import Co. vs. ... ctual obligations towards the latter.11 Generally, not carrying out some or all of these obligations does not give the buyer the right to ask the bank to withhold payment to the seller as long as the documents presented by the beneficiary are compatible ‘on their face’ with the LC12. This is true unless it does not fall into any of the exceptions13 that will be discussed in Section 3 of this essay. Therefore, the commitments of both the confirming bank and the issuing bank are considered in regards to the documents and not the goods. This has been confirmed in the Sztejn vs. Henry Schroeder Banking Corporation 14 case, where the court stated that: â€Å"It is well-established that a letter of credit is independent of the primary contract of sale between the buyer and the seller. The issuing bank agrees to pay upon presentation of documents, and not the goods. This rule is necessary to preserve the efficiency of the letter of credit as an instrument for the financing of trade.†15 Moreover, Act 4(a) the UCP 600 states that a credit is a separate transaction from any other underlying contract, and banks are not bound to such contracts. Therefore, the role of the bank is to honour, negotiate or fulfil obligations under the credit.16 However, the bank, as a plaintiff or defendant, in the case regarding the LC, does not have the right to plead its relationship with the other bank or with the buyer. This is true even in the case when the buyer does not pay for the LC.17 2.2 Case Laws under the Principle of Independence The sanctity of the LC and its separation from any contractual relations between the credit parties has been emphasized in many case laws18. This makes independency of the bank’s role related to the DC very clear. Thee role of a bank is related to the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Project management principles
Project management principles Introduction of project management Project management is a planned and structured effort to achieve an objective or is the process of managing, allocating, and timing available resources to achieve the desired goal of a project in an efficient and expedient manner, for example, creating a new system or constructing a project. Project management is widely recognized as a practical way of ensuring that projects meet objectives and products are delivered on time, within budget and to correct quality specification, while at the same time controlling or maintaining the scope of the project at the correct level. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, identifying tasks and how goals will be achieved, quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and timelines for completion. It also includes managing the implementation of the project plan, along with operating regular controls to ensure that there is accurate and objective information on performance relative to the plan, and the mechanisms to implement recovery actions where necessary. Projects usually follow major phases or stages (with various titles for these), including feasibility, definition, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance History Project management has been practiced since the early civilization. Until 1900 civil engineering projects were generally managed by creative architects and engineers by their selves, among those for example Christopher Wren (1632-1723) , Thomas Telford (1757-1834) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) It has been since the 1950s, that organizations started applying systemic project management tools and techniques to complex projects. Henry Gantt (1861-1919), the father of planning and control techniques. As a discipline, Project Management developed from diverse fields of application including construction, engineering and defense. In the United States, the two forefathers of project management are Henry Gantt, called the father of planning and control techniques, who is famously acknowledged for his use of the Gantt chart as a project management tool, and Henri Fayol for his creation of the 5 management functions, which form the basis for the body of knowledge related with project and program management. Both Gantt and Fayol were known as being students of Frederick Winslow Taylors theories of scientific management. His work is the forerunner to modern project management tools including work breakdown structure (WBS) and resource allocation. Principles of project management The Success Principle The main goal of project management is to create a successful product. Without making a successful product there is no good point in incurring the project Management overhead cost. opposing to conventional wisdom, there have been many Projects that have been â€Å"On time and within budget†but the product has not been successful, and similarly many that have not been â€Å"On time and within budget†yet the product has been very successful. The Commitment Principle A mutually acceptable assurance between a project sponsor and a project team must exist before a viable project exists. A project sponsor is a knowledgeable person in place of the eventual owner of the product of the project and who is responsible for providing the necessary resources (money, goods, services, and general direction, as appropriate.) A project team is a knowledgeable and qualified group capable and willing to undertake the work of the project. A mutually acceptable assurance is one in which there is agreement on the goals and objectives of the project in terms of the products scope, quality grade, time to completion and final cost. The Tetrad-Tradeoff Principle The core variables of the project management process, namely: product scope, quality grade, time-to-produce and cost-to-complete must all be mutually consistent. The core variables of scope, quality, time and cost are interrelated rather similar to a four-cornered frame with flexible joints. One corner can be anchored and another moved, but not without affecting the other two. The Primary Communication Channel (or Unity-of-Command) Principle A single channel of communication must exist between the project sponsor and the project team leader for all decisions affecting the result of the project. This principle is essential for the effective and efficient administration of the project Commitment. The owner of the eventual product, if represented by more than one Person, must nevertheless speak with one voice. Similarly, at any given time, the projects team must have a single point of responsibility, a project manager, for the work of the project. Such person must have the skills, experience, dedication, commitment, authority and tenacity to lead the project to success. The Cultural Environment (or Suitability) Principle An informed management must provide a helpful cultural environment to enable the Project team to produce its best work. An informed management is one which understands the project management process. A supportive cultural environment is one in which the project is clearly backed by management, and plan team members are enabled to produce their best work without unnecessary bureaucratic hindrance. This rule includes the need for management to ensure that the leadership profile and management style are suited to both the type of project and its phase in the project life-cycle. The Process Principle Effective and efficient policies and procedures must be in place for the conduct of the project commitment. Such policies and procedures must cover, at a minimum, clear roles and responsibilities, delegation of authority, and processes for managing the scope of work, including changes, maintenance of quality, and schedule and cost control. The Life-Cycle Principle Plan first, then do. A successful project management process relies on two activities planning first, and then doing. These two sequential activities form the basis of every project life-cycle, and can be expanded to suit the control requirements of every type of project in every area of project management application. The project life-cycle, characterized by a series of ‘milestones determines when the project starts, the ‘control gates through which it must pass, and when the project is finished. Appraise the viability of projects and develop success/failure criteria Introduction There are a few factors to consider before any actual projects begin. The project developers must contain steps or project phases, most importantly, the original concept must be determined, and so as feasibility study, business plan, risk assessment, public enquiry, permission, organization, planning, design, procurement, fulfillment, test, handover, economic life. Project managers has the task of monitoring projects to be guided into a success, unfortunately, there are some projects that were not completed on time, over budget or being canceled in the process of building it. In general, there are common reasons that are usually found for project failures, these are a few reasons: lack of user involvement, incorrect planning or lack of planning, incomplete requirements, lack of resources, incorrect estimations. According to the 1994 Standish CHAOS statement there are top 10 factors found in successful projects. These factors are listed in Table below Project success factors Project Success Factors % of Responses User Involvement 15.9% Executive Management Support 13.9% Clear Statement of Requirements 13.0% Proper Planning 9.6% Realistic Expectations 8.2% Smaller Project Milestones 7.7% Competent Staff 7.2% Ownership 5.3% Clear Vision and Objectives 2.9% Hard-Working, Focused Staff 2.4% Some factors that contributed to project will be discussed below: User Involvement †¢ One of the key to success in a project is user involvement, without the users involvement, it may cause of failure to the entire project. Even if the project was delivered on time, and on budget, a project has a high rate of failing if the project does not meet users needs. -Executive Management Support †¢ This influences the process and progress of a Project and lack of executive input can put a project at a severe disadvantage. -Clear Statement of Requirements -Proper Planning †¢ Proper planning is one of the most important parts of developing a project, having improper planning of the project may cause a severe disadvantage to the project and result to a failure. -Realistic Expectations †¢ Expectations of the project development outcome must be rational. If expectations in developing a project are not accurate, it may cause to a failure in building the project itself. -Smaller Project Milestones †¢ One of the things to be needed for a complete success of a project is completing smaller project millstones, the small details of a project should not be disregarded for it may result to a minor failure. If these smaller milestones are not being achieved, it may cause a major problem in the completion of the project. -Competent Staff †¢ Staff members play the biggest role in a project development, without the proper knowledge or skill of a staff member may cause a poor outcome to a development of a project. Staff members should be proper trained and have the proper experience before getting involved with the task that they will be handling during the project development. -Ownership -Clear Vision and Objectives -Hard working †¢ Every staff of person that is involved in a project development must be passionate and responsible in achieving objectives. Uncommitted staff members may cause a improper outcome in the building process First of all Figure out what business you are in, and then mind your own business. Figure out what business you are in. Make sure your business is viable. Select projects that are good for your business. Understand the business value in your project and watch for changes. Be diligent in your chosen business, learning and applying best practices. Define what is inside and outside your area of responsibility. 50% of project management is simply paying attention. Understand the customers requirements and put them under version control. Thoroughly understand and document the customers requirements, obtain customer agreement in writing, and put requirements documents under version identification and change control. Requirements management is the leading success factor for systems development projects. Prepare a reasonable plan. Prepare a plan that defines the scope, schedule, cost, and approach for a reasonable project. Involve task owners in developing plans and estimates, to ensure feasibility and buy-in. If your plan is just barely possible at the outset, you do not have a reasonable plan. Use a work breakdown structure to provide coherence and completeness to minimize unplanned work. Build a good team with clear ownership. Get good people and trust them. Establish clear ownership of well-defined tasks; ensure they have tools and training needed; and provide timely feedback. Track against a staffing plan. Emphasize open communications. Create an environment in which team dynamics can gel. Move misfits out. Lead the team. Track project status and give it wide visibility. Track progress and conduct frequent reviews. Provide wide visibility and communications of team progress, assumptions, and issues. Conduct methodical reviews of management and technical topics to help manage customer expectations, improve quality, and identify problems before they get out of hand. Trust your indicators. This is part of paying attention. Use Baseline Controls. Establish baselines for the product using configuration management and for the project using cost and schedule baseline tracking. Manage changes deliberately. Use measurements to baseline problem areas and then track progress quantitatively towards solutions. Write Important Stuff Down, Share it, and Save it. If it hasnt been written down, it didnt happen. Document requirements, plans, procedures, and evolving designs. Documenting thoughts allows them to evolve and improve. Without documentation it is impossible to have baseline controls, reliable communications, or a repeatable process. Record all important agreements and decisions, along with supporting rationale, as they may resurface later. If it hasnt been tested, it doesnt work. If this isnt absolutely true, it is certainly a good working assumption for project work. Develop test cases early to help with understanding and verification of the requirements. Use early testing to verify critical items and reduce technical risks. Testing is a profession; take it seriously. Ensure Customer Satisfaction. Keep the customers real needs and requirements continuously in view. Undetected changes in customer requirements or not focusing the project on the customers business needs are sure paths to project failure. Plan early for adequate customer support products. Be relentlessly pro-active. Take initiative and be relentlessly proactive in applying these principles and identifying and solving problems as they arise. Project problems usually get worse over time. Periodically address project risks and confront them openly. Attack problems, and leave no stone unturned. Fight any tendency to freeze into day-to-day tasks, like a deer caught in the headlights.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Competitive Strategy and Competitive Advantages Essay
1- Innovation is important because it allows differentiation from competitors, manufacturing is easier and more flexible, the bar for competition is raised, and there is greater market segmentation. 2- Some advantages of technological innovation are: a wider range of products and services can be delivered to people, GDP has increased, people can communicate in every part of the world, the production of food has become more efficient, and it has yield medical treatments to improve medical conditions. The quality of life has improved. It has created new knowledge to solve practical problems. Disadvantages include: harmful pollution to surrounding communities, erosion from fishing and agricultural technologies, elimination of natural habitats, genetic modification, and antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. 3- Many innovations projects fail to generate an economic return because it takes a long time to research and develop the innovation. Once this product comes out on the market, it has already become obsolete because a new technology is already being researched as technology is constantly changing. Also, clear strategies are not developed by a firm and poor management of the innovation occurs. Chpt 2 – Sources of Innovation 1(a) Advantages of individuals as innovators: deep understanding of their unmet needs and the incentive to find ways to fulfill them, users have no initial intention to profit from their inventions, new industries can be created. A disadvantage include lack of entrepreneurial traits. 1(b) Advantages of firms as innovators include alliances with stakeholders, absorptive capacity is built via the firm’s in-house R&D. A disadvantage is when firms collaborate with complementors, the firms produce a range of goods and the line between the firm and the complementors becomes blurred. 1(c) Advantages of universities: staff is encouraged to engage in research that may lead to innovations. If an invention is commercialized, the income is shared with the individual inventor. The disadvantage to this is the university has the sole discretion to commercialize the invention and not the inventor. 1(d) Advantages of government institutions as innovators include: the government grants innovative small businesses funding, it develops science parks and incubators. The disadvantage to this is, since the government support so much R&D and funds firms, the government spends less money on R&D as the years passes. 1(e) Non profit organizations perform their own research and development activities and also fund the development efforts of others. 2- Traits include: unconventional thinking, analytic skills, articulation of ideas, self- efficacy, tolerance for ambiguity, and a willingness to to overcome obstacles and take reasonable risks. These traits do not necessarily lead to successful inventions because the inventor may know too little or too much about the field. Also, at times the inventor may not have enough support to think creatively. 3- Firms can look at where individuals have worked before and what they have invented/created. Their past background can indicate they have potential to be more creative. 4- If a firm’s culture, structure, routines, etc supports creativity, then it can perhaps encourage creativity in individuals. These things can inspire an individual to be creative because they are being supported by their employer. Google supports creativity; the firm allows employees to have their own creative workspaces and also gives them the employees great independence. This inspires creativity. 5- Collaborative research develops relationships and networks where people can share information, resources, and ideas to develop something that is innovative. Results can be achieved better this way rather than individually. Chpt 3- Types and Patterns of Innovation 1- Some reasons are: R&D costs can be very high, the innovation can probably take years to develop, technology performance can decrease fast depending on how much effort was put into it, the new technology is threatened by discontinuous technologies, the market for the technology is not large enough, people are unwilling to adopt to the new technology, the technology does not fit in with the firm’s current abilities, and products and services relating to the new technology may be unreliable and/or expensive. 2- Well developed firms are likely to adopt to new technologies instead of developing them because new technologies does not have a dominant design. Established firms are very familiar with the dominant design and do not experiment with new technologies. Instead, the established firms focuses on new knowledge/understanding of existing technologies. It tries to improve products and make production more efficient. New entrants are eager to experiment with new technologies because they are introducing something new into the market; they can perhaps build on that to develop market share. 3- The invention of a laptop with Internet is a radical innovation. It is portable, users can access internet on the go without wires, and work can be done from anywhere. The laptop is competence enhancing as it has built the way for other technologies (e.g. tablets). 4- S-Curve technology improvement: in the early stages, the technology is not understood and effort is put into understanding the technology, when the understanding of the technology is better, improvements are accelerated. The technology begins to gain legitimacy, more improvements are made and the performance begins to increase rapidly. When the limits if the technology is reached, diminishing returns is seen. S-Curve technology diffusion: the adoption of a new technology is slow initially because people are unfamiliar with it. As the technology is better understood, it is utilized by the mass market. When the market has become saturated, the rate if new adoptions declines. 5- Customers are slow to adopt new technologies if there is no trend or demand in the market; technology changes everyday, thus improvements are faster and customers may or may no know about technological trends. If a firm develops a technology beyond the current state of the market need, it has a high competitive advantage, considered innovative ( the firm can build on this) and profit can be made. However, if there is no demand for this technology and the firm cannot penetrate the market, the firm’s costs can become very high and it will lose profit. 6- Short technology cycles: IT, software, social networking, engineering, food, music Long technology cycles: medical, auto, energy, finance, Factors: customer needs, demand, competition, markets, R&D, government, laws Chpt 4- Standards Battles and Design Dominance 1- Sources: learning effects- the more a technology is used, the better it is understood and the more efficient and effective it becomes. Performance is increased and costs are reduced because of these factors. Network externalities- the value/benefit of a good increases because other users in large numbers utilize this particular good. 2- Industries with increasing returns to adoption: Internet software/services, e-commerce, banking, security systems, social networking 3- Increase R&D research, patents, market the properly, hire the best and the brightest from all over the world, increase the industry standard and absorptive capacity, develop more complementary technologies. 4- Network externalities and the stand alone functionality 5- Consumers: yes; they can rely on one firm for the technology because the standard is high and the product is good Competitor: no; they do not have the market share, customers, or profit Complementors: yes; more profit and customers
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Values and Interest
Step 1: Values, Interests and Skills Review the following information related to the importance of Career Self-Assessment. http://www. job-hunt. org/career-change/self-assessment. shtml Write one paragraph reflecting on your values. I value life and life itself and the lives of my family and the people who are close to me. I also value religion and the guidance that it portrays. I value my education and professional career because it has helped to make me what I am today. I work because I not only have to, but because I want the experience and the knowledge that I will gain from a life of work.I want to be able to use this knowledge to not only help myself and my family, but to also help and teach others, and to also make a different so that I can leave and everlasting impression on whoever I may come in contact with. I also value the ability to speak and to speak freely. I value my ability to be self motivated in whatever task that I may be given. Write one paragraph reflecting on y our interests. I am interested in having a career in the heath care administrative field, may it be information, quality control, managed care, finance, marketing etc.This has always been a passion of mine to work in this type of environment because I feel as though these are the areas in health care that are really being overlooked and neglected, and I really want to make a different in organizing and using my knowledge and skills to improve upon these various areas. I enjoy working with people and I don’t have a problem working alone. I love to work in environments that are outgoing and organized and process the ability to grow and be exposed to different things. Write one paragraph reflecting on your favorite skills.My favorite skills are the ability to analyze and research along with effective communication. I also apply information creatively to specific problems or tasks that I may be faced with or assigned to along with sort data and objects, compile and rank informati on, identify alternative courses of action, set realistic goals and follow through with a plan or decision, manage time effectively, predict future trends and patterns, and accommodate multiple demands for commitment of time, energy and lastly set priorities. Step 2: Personality Assessment Review the information at http://www. myersbriggs. org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/Include each of the four letters of your code below. Use one line for each letter. After reviewing the meaning of each letter, include your interpretation of this information and what this means to you. (Your response should be a minimum of two sentences. ) I I prefer to keep to myself and not let matters or issues in the outside world effect how I live my life. NI love to interpret reason and analyze things. I tend to use these skills when I am learning something new and researching TI am a thinker. I prefer to think about things logically before I go ahead and make any major decisions on anything.P or JI use both perceiving and judging because I like to make decisions but I am also open to new ideas. Step 3: Reflection Now that you have completed a reflection of your values, personality, skills and interests write one to two paragraphs indicating how this information ties to your career. Be sure to consider all four elements you reflected upon. The purpose of this assessment was to reflect on finding out who you as a person, what are your interest, values and the skills that you possess. All of these are factors that will be needed in order to build a successful personal and professional life.The assessment also helps you to figure out your likes and dislikes that you may have regarding various activities. The personality assessment also helps you to find out what type of person you are, and this may also consider what type of people you or what type environment you may work best in. Such as being in tuned with yourself or the outside world, being a thinker or follower, a self start er or person who likes to told what to do. The purpose of the self assessment tool is that people who share similar interests will also enjoy the same type of work and how important different values are to you.Examples of these values, which play an important role in one's job satisfaction, include autonomy, prestige, security, interpersonal relations, helping others, flexible work schedule, outdoor work, leisure time, and high salary. In addition to determining what you're good at, the skills assessment also helps you figure out what you enjoy doing. The skills you use in your career should combine both characteristics. You can use the results of the skills assessment to make some changes by acquiring the skills you need for a particular career.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Temperature and Betula disribution on the Holy range Massachusetts essays
Temperature and Betula disribution on the Holy range Massachusetts essays Temperature and Betula distribution on the Holyoke Range, Massachusetts In this study, it will be tested whether temperature affects tree densities in the genus Betula on different slopes of the Holyoke Range, specifically the north and south faces of the mountain range. My prediction is that the north face of the mountain will have a higher density of these trees than the south face of the range because of the temperature differences of the north slope being warmer than south slope for the range of growth for these trees. This experiment can be used to predict patterns of vegetation in other similar latitudes and slopes around the world. On September 20, 2000, the birch tree genus, Betula, density was measured on the north face of the Holyoke Range and on September 27, 2000, Betula ¡s density was also measured, but on the south face of the Holyoke Range. There were eight sites laid across a 150m transect line running across the slope starting from a subjectively chosen point. Based on the data collected on the Holyoke Range, the birch trees densi ties were not significantly higher on the north face than on the south face of the mountain range. Eight separate t-tests were performed, four on the density of the adult birch trees, and another four on the basal density of adult birch trees. From this data analysis it was possible to determine that the results were due to chance, not congruent with my prediction. From the results of my data, it can be concluded that temperature is not a factor in the tree density of Betula. In fact, temperature is not the only factor that can determine the growth of Betula, or other species of trees. Certain biotic and abiotic factors that can explain vegetation patterns of similar areas compared to this study. In this study, it will be tested whether temperature is one of the factors that affect tree densities in the genus Betula on different slopes of the Holyoke Range, specifically the north and ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Greek Theatre
Both had their beginnings in the Greek theater thousands of years ago. Tragedy began about 535 B.C. to be followed by comedy around fifty years later. The Greeks somehow thought that laughter is not our first impluse, but obviously needed some relief from tragedy. Tragic figures began as unique, idalized, almost God-llike characters. They appeared to have everything going for them. Through no fault of their own they became victims of fate, an external enemy, or incredibly bad timing. What began as a seemingly happy life ended tragically. Ironically in tragedy there is always hope, that somehow the tragic hero will prevail; but of course he/she never does. In comedy, on the other hand, the protagonist is an ordinary figure who experiences trouble early on in the narrative. The comic hero is much more flawed than the tragic hero. Comedy depends on tragedy, otherwise there would be no means to comment on the comic situation within the narrative. Like tragedy, â€Å"the best laid plans†go awry in comedy. In comedy these situations are usually of the protagonist’s own making, while in tragedy, it’s always someone else’s fault. In comedy, predicaments are portrayed as having no way out. But things change just in the â€Å"nick†of time- often due to the flexibility of the hero’s character.... Free Essays on Greek Theatre Free Essays on Greek Theatre Both had their beginnings in the Greek theater thousands of years ago. Tragedy began about 535 B.C. to be followed by comedy around fifty years later. The Greeks somehow thought that laughter is not our first impluse, but obviously needed some relief from tragedy. Tragic figures began as unique, idalized, almost God-llike characters. They appeared to have everything going for them. Through no fault of their own they became victims of fate, an external enemy, or incredibly bad timing. What began as a seemingly happy life ended tragically. Ironically in tragedy there is always hope, that somehow the tragic hero will prevail; but of course he/she never does. In comedy, on the other hand, the protagonist is an ordinary figure who experiences trouble early on in the narrative. The comic hero is much more flawed than the tragic hero. Comedy depends on tragedy, otherwise there would be no means to comment on the comic situation within the narrative. Like tragedy, â€Å"the best laid plans†go awry in comedy. In comedy these situations are usually of the protagonist’s own making, while in tragedy, it’s always someone else’s fault. In comedy, predicaments are portrayed as having no way out. But things change just in the â€Å"nick†of time- often due to the flexibility of the hero’s character....
Sunday, November 3, 2019
What issues were resolved by the Compromise of 1850 Who benefited more Research Paper
What issues were resolved by the Compromise of 1850 Who benefited more from its terms, the North or the South Why - Research Paper Example By 1847, however, the Courts of the United States were declaring that the Constitution was ultimate, and that slavery was a political, not a legal issue (Jones v. Van Zandt, 1847: General History of the United Sates Supreme Court, 2011)). The Missouri Compromise – which declared that Congress could exclude slavery from Missouri Territory north of the 36-degree, 30-minute line – meant that the political, rather than the legal battle about slavery had started. The Southern States, represented in the feelings of John Calhoun, felt as if they had been disadvantaged: â€Å"†¦ the fact that the equilibrium between the two sections in the government as it stood when the Constitution was ratified and the government put in action has been destroyed.†(Calhoun speech, 1850). He continued: the Southern States of the Union were extremely dissatisfied with conditions as they were and that this dissatisfaction had been growing since the question of slavery had arisen. The point had been reached at which the Southern States could not remain in the Union with â€Å"honor and safety†(Calhoun speech, 1850) if things remained as they were. Slavery was, of course not the only source of the dissatisfaction: the imbalance of power between North and South was also unacceptable. According to Calhoun, the North exercised far more political power than the South. In addition, racial attitudes in the North and South differed so widely as to be irreconcilable. For these reasons, the South was left with few choices. These States would have to agree to the abolition of slavery, or secede from the Union. Calhoun proposed that the North would have to hold the Union together by force and its superior numbers and wealth. The Northern States had more voting power, and Southern States had become increasingly geographically isolated from the rest of the Union. The Southern States with direct access to ports, for example, could afford to secede, in the hope that they
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cybersecurity Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Cybersecurity - Coursework Example Such attacks would only be avoided by training staff on computer security and importance of keeping information confidential (Granger, 2002; Pietre-Cambacedes, 2011). Being an industrial spy, I would send emails to staff of Glassy Chemicals, a chemical company. These emails would be sent to plant software, such as Poisonlvy, used to attack 48 companies in China and Stuxnet targeted on Iran’s nuclear centrifuges as documented by Neef (2011). The message would entail psychologically tricking the recipient to install the software unknowingly, cited by Granger (2002) as a common way through which hackers accomplish their objectives. This software would tap trade secrets from the company and would be accessed by the cyber attacker. This could be avoided by installing firewalls and active antivirus software that would scan all attachments before opening (Knapp, 2009). In addition, the company should ensure that its security control limits software installation powers to system administrators
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty Research Proposal
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty - Research Proposal Example Ironically, it has come at a time when the president of the country is an African-American who was thought to have been elected without the intervention of color, race or ethnic origin. This is somewhat manifest in two households in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The white Bolen family has antique wooden clocks on the wall. Coca-cola memorabilia decorate the house. They did not watch when President Obama delivered his health-care speech on television because they believe he is a liar. The congressman representing them is Joe Wilson, the Obama heckler. Some blocks away is the Elmore home where a portrait of civil rights movement activist Martin Luther King, Jr. is prominent. Obama campaign keepsakes are all around one of which says "Yes, We Did." The Elmore family is black; so is their representative in congress, James E. Clyburn, a top ranking Democrat who initiated the moves to punish Wilson for the heckling. Orangeburg appears to be booming and is attractive to investors. In one fundr aiser for a local technical school, people were talking about race. One state senator opined that Joe Wilson's inappropriate misdeed had nothing to do with race. This local legislator who made the comment about Wilson is a white but is supported by both black and white voters. (Tucker, Philip. In S.C., One Road Divides Two Ways of Thinking. September 22, 2009. The Washington Post. [internet]. With the above-cited circumstances, it is not easy to answer any question pertaining to whether or not there is a racist divide in the south or whether or not there is bias against the blacks in that part of the United States. This can be a more particular concern if the subject of analysis is capital punishment which involves the fate of human life. Capital punishment is not imposable in all the states of America. Even in those jurisdictions where there is a statutory provision for the death penalty, carrying it out is rare. A look at the number of executions will give a preliminary guide. Thirty seven convicts were executed in 2008 in nine states broken down according to location as follows - Texas 18 Virginia 4 Georgia 3 South Carolina 3 Florida 2 Mississippi 2 Ohio 2 Oklahoma 2 Kentucky 1 Of the aforementioned thirty seven, twenty (20) or fifty four per cent (54%) were white and seventeen (17) or forty six per cent (46%) were black. All of them were men. All of the nine states included above except for Ohio are situated in the south or in the nearest south. As of the end of the year 2006, there were 3,233 prisoners with pending death sentences in thirty five (35) states and the federal prison system while there were only 3,220 such prisoners as of the end of 2007. That is a reduction of thirteen (13) prisoners under sentence of death. The United States Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. On record from that time until date, more than
Monday, October 28, 2019
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay Example for Free
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay Aron Ralston’s physiological need was to satisfy his hunger, thirst, and a need to love and be loved. His desire was to be a father. This gave him a purpose to live. His will to live became greater than dying. But thirst and hunger overcame him to a point where he was saving and sipping his own urine to stay alive. I also believe that he had a divine appointment as he was shown insight into his reproductive future by the vision he had of a son. He was also shown that he was going to lose his arm when he saw the preschool boy being scooped up by a one armed man. I do not know if Aron believed in God or if he even had a relationship with my Lord and Savior or not, but I do think that his spiritual development should have grown through his journey. Hunger can put us in a life or death situation. After hours of driving alone in an unfamiliar city, you finally see a diner where you can eat. Even though it looks deserted and a little creepy, you end up stopping because you are really hungry. According to Maslow (pg 407) our need to meet the physiological need of hunger and thirst takes priority over our safety needs prompting us to take risk at times in order to eat. See more: Masters of Satire: John Dryden and Jonathan Swift Essay References Myers, David G. Psychology. New York: Worth, 1998. Print.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Joy Luck Club Character Analysis :: essays research papers
Lindo Jong is a member of the Joy Luck Club along with Suyuan Woo, An-mei Hsu, and Ying-ying St. Clair. Lindo Jong is a mother to three children, a divorcee, and a wife to a second husband. She grew up in China, and even though her children are American, she wants them to have some Chinese character also. Lindo’s character encompasses three major traits including cleverness, being controlling, and loving.      When Lindo turned the age of two, she was engaged to marry Tyan-yu who was one year old at the time. When her family's house was destroyed by a flood, Lindo left her mother to live with Tyan-yu and his family while her’s lived with other relatives. Over a time period of about 4 years, Lindo began to forget who she was and where she came from partly because of Huang Taitai’s supervision. Since she didn’t want to be in the marriage, she cleverly devised a plot to escape from her awful commitment with Tyan-yu. She told Huang Taitai that their ancestor is going to give their family three forewarnings that Lindo and Tyan-yu should not be married. First, a black. finger-print sized mark on Tyan-yu’s back will start to eat away at his flesh. Lindo saw this mark ever since she had been sleeping with him as if they were brother and sister. Secondly, the tooth in Lindo’s mouth, which had rotted and fallen out four years ago, had disappeare d. She said â€Å"He said my teeth would start to fall out one by one, until I could no longer protest leaving this marriage.†(Tan 61) Lastly, Lindo proclaimed that the servant girl has already been chosen to be Tyan-yu’s true wife, and that a seed has already been planted into her. Unknowingly to Huang Taitai, Lindo had seen the servant girl speaking to a delivery man who had actually impregnated her. After receiving a ticket to Peking, she married Tin Jong and had three children, Winston, Vincent, and Waverly.      Waverly, her only daughter, became a national chess champion by the time she was nine years old. After she and Lindo got into an argument over chess, Waverly decided she would stop playing. After Waverly and Lindo have a chance to think about their argument, Waverly decides to play chess again. Her mother remarks with â€Å"You think it is so easy. One day quit. Next day play. Everything for you is this way.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Government Decisions Are Made? Essay
Government raises money and spends it; it organizes itself to govern and recruits the people to implement its decisions. But how are decisions made? This section will lead you to information on the legislative process, budgetary process, and Cabinet decision-making process, all of which are described in other sections of this program. It will also provide some insights on federal-provincial decision making and citizen engagement. There is no single decision-making process in government. Decisions can be made in a variety of ways at a variety of levels. For simplicity, the following graphic outlines the process at a very general level. The process involves a number of elements including public consultation, interdepartmental discussion, Cabinet and Parliament. Very often things start in the public domain. Citizens seek a new service or program or are dissatisfied with the existing one. The media can play a role in bringing it to the attention of government, or an MP might be advised of an issue by a constituent. There may be a change in the economy or an international event might require a response. (e.g. Famine in Ethiopia, need for a fixed link to PEI, high unemployment figures, highway safety). The next steps mostly occur inside a department or if the issue is â€Å"horizontal†, within a cluster of departments. More and more often, issues are arising that are considered horizontal. This is precipitating a move within the public service toward greater collaboration between departments, pooling of resources, and establishment of coordinating committees. Examples of horizontal issues are water quality (involving departments such as Environment, Industry, Agriculture, Intergovernmental Affairs, Fisheries & Oceans, Health, DFAIT, and others) or international trade (involving 23 departments and all the provinces). Once the responsible departments are identified, the problem will be defined and analyzed. Further analysis of the issue leads to the engagement of several new players such as other departments who have interest in the outcome, provincial players, and citizen groups. Inside the lead department, many players (communications division, regional offices, operations staff, etc.) are involved in policy development. A proposed solution, including suggested program recommendations, is prepared and forwarded up the line to the appropriate decision level â€Å"†i.e.: to seek a decision from the Director General, Assistant Deputy Minister, Deputy Minister or Minister. Few decisions require Cabinet discussion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Iraq war Essay
Fast food became one of the most danger issues all over the world , people are used to eat fast food almost everyday as they see it quicker and more delicious than any other healthy food. People do not know how much they are harming themselves by eating junk food , it leads to a lot of diseases and illness because bodies will be deprived from the healthy food but by eating healthy food people will strength their health. Fast food has unhealthy impact on people’s body but it also remains extremely popular. Government should ban fast food to protect people’s health . there are many reasons why fast food should be banned. This paper will discuss the main reason that leads to overuse fast food and the reasons why fast food should be banned . The main reason that leads to overuse fast food is the frequent advertisements on televisions (2013,04. should fast food advertisement be banned. Retrieved 04,2013) The more they will talk about fast food on television , the more people and children will be forced to buy junk food and this will cause a lot of diseases like the increase of cholesterol , obesity , hypertension, and cancer , those advertisements help parents to consume more fast food and this will apply to children as they spend a lot of time watching the television and learning new behaviors (2012.06 fast food marketing to children. Retrieved 06,2012) the power of advertisements gives children the impression that they can have all they want and it influence parent’s decisions too.(2010,11 fast food advertisement. Retrieved 11,2010) Several advertisements of fast food will cause financial problems almost at all houses as when children, teenagers and adults get used to eat fast food this will cost them a lot of mo ney when they eat it everyday so people will waste their income on buying fast food as they see it easier and quicker . The banning of fast food advertisements will help to ban fast food all over the world as it will have a positive effect towards financial and health problems. The first reason why fast food should be banned is that leads to social problems while eating away from their homes almost everyday because they Getused to eat fast food sothey became not boned enough with their family and siblings, teenagers see that it is very smart when they go to fast food restaurant with their friends but sadly they do not know how they harm themselves every lunch (2011,01 fastfood. Retrieved from 01.2011) fast food get to distance children and teenagers from their parents and this leads to a lot of social problems , that is why fast food should be banned. The second reason why fast food should be banned is that leads to health problems like obesity.billions of dollars are spent on buying fast food , so parents became lazy to provide their children essential and important nutrients they need (2011,02 how fast food affects child obesity. Retrieved from 02,2011) children became more overweight because fast food contains a high rate of sugar , salts and fats. (his children are not only affected physically but emotionally and mentally as it also leads to psychological problems like depression and may lead to other dangerous actions. Parents should realize the amount of damage they are causing their children by letting them eating a high rate of fast food to support and protect their kids. Fast food became the most dangerous issue all over the world as it has several problems like the social , health ,financial and psychological problems and the main cause of spreading fast food and encourage people to over use junk food is the high percentage of advertisements that leads to death. That is why fast food should be totally and completely banned .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on TommyKnockers
Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i... Free Essays on TommyKnockers Free Essays on TommyKnockers Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The History Behind Sociology
The History Behind Sociology Although sociology has its roots in the works of philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius, it is a relatively new academic discipline. It emerged in the early 19th century in response to the challenges of modernity. Increasing mobility and technological advances resulted in the increasing exposure of people to cultures and societies different from their own. The impact of this exposure was varied, but for some people, it included the breakdown of traditional norms and customs and warranted a revised understanding of how the world works. Sociologists responded to these changes by trying to understand what holds social groups together and also to explore possible solutions to the breakdown of social solidarity. Thinkers of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century also helped set the stage for the sociologists who would follow. This period was the first time in history that thinkers tried to provide general explanations of the social world. They were able to detach themselves, at least in principle, from expounding some existing ideology and to attempt to lay down general principles that explained social life. The Birth of Sociology as a Discipline The term sociology was coined by French philosopher Auguste Comte in 1838, who for this reason is known as the â€Å"Father of Sociology.†Comte felt that science could be used to study the social world. Just as there are testable facts regarding gravity and other natural laws, Comte thought that scientific analyses could also discover the laws governing our social lives. It was in this context that Comte introduced the concept of positivism to sociology - a way to understand the social world based on scientific facts. He believed that, with this new understanding, people could build a better future. He envisioned a process of social change in which sociologists played crucial roles in guiding society. Other events of that time period also influenced the development of sociology. The 19th and 20th centuries were times of many social upheavals and changes in the social order that interested the early sociologists. The political revolutions sweeping Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries led to a focus on social change and the establishment of social order that still concerns sociologists today. Many early sociologists were also concerned with the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism and socialism. Additionally, the growth of cities and religious transformations were causing many changes in people’s lives. Other classical theorists of sociology from the late 19th and early 20th centuries include Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, W.E.B. DuBois, and Harriet Martineau. As pioneers in sociology, most of the early sociological thinkers were trained in other academic disciplines, including history, philosophy, and economics. The diversity of their training is reflected in the topics they researched, including religion, education, economics, inequality, psychology, ethics, philosophy, and theology. These pioneers of sociology all had a vision of using sociology to call attention to social concerns and bring about social change. In Europe, for example, Karl Marx teamed with wealthy industrialist Friedrich Engels to address class inequality. Writing during the Industrial Revolution, when many factory owners were lavishly wealthy and many factory workers despairingly poor, they attacked the rampant inequalities of the day and focused on the role of capitalist economic structures in perpetuating these inequalities. In Germany, Max Weber was active in politics while in France, Emile Durkheim advocated for educational reform. In Britain, Harriet Martineau advocated for the rights of girls and women, and in the U.S., W.E.B. DuBois focused on the problem of racism. The Modern History of Sociology The growth of sociology as an academic discipline in the United States coincided with the establishment and upgrading of many universities that were including a new focus on graduate departments and curricula on â€Å"modern subjects.†In 1876, Yale University’s William Graham Sumner taught the first course identified as â€Å"sociology†in the United States. The University of Chicago established the first graduate department of sociology in the United States in 1892 and by 1910, most colleges and universities were offering sociology courses. Thirty years later, most of these schools had established sociology departments. Sociology was first taught in high schools in 1911. Sociology was also growing in Germany and France during this period. However, in Europe, the discipline suffered great setbacks as a result of World Wars I and II. Many sociologists were killed or fled Germany and France between 1933 and the end of World War II. After World War II, sociologists returned to Germany influenced by their studies in America. The result was that American sociologists became the world leaders in theory and research for many years. Sociology has grown into a diverse and dynamic discipline, experiencing a proliferation of specialty areas. The American Sociological Association (ASA) was formed in 1905 with 115 members. By the end of 2004, it had grown to almost 14,000 members and more than 40 â€Å"sections†covering specific areas of interest. Many other countries also have large national sociology organizations. The International Sociological Association (ISA) boasted more than 3,300 members in 2004 from 91 different countries. The ISA sponsored research committees covering more than 50 different areas of interest, covering topics as diverse as children, aging, families, law, emotions, sexuality, religion, mental health, peace and war, and work. Sources About ASA. American Sociological Association, 2019. Statutes of the International Sociological Association. International Sociological Association.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ice on Fire Chemistry Demonstration
Ice on Fire Chemistry Demonstration Set real water ice on fire using a simple chemical reaction. This easy chemistry demonstration is sure to please! Ice on Fire Project Materials calcium carbide chips or granulesice2-liter beaker Set Ice on Fire Pour about a teaspoon of calcium carbide in the bottom of the beaker.Fill the beaker with ice.Use a long handled lighter to ignite the ice. Alternately, you could secretly place a bit of calcium carbide in a large bowl, fill it with ice, and toss a burning match onto the bowl of ice. How It Works As the ice melts, the water reacts with calcium carbide to produce acetylene gas, which is flammable, and calcium hydroxide. The reaction proceeds according to this chemical equation: CaC2(s) 2 H2O(l) → C2H2(g) Ca(OH)2(s) The acetylene produces a burst of flame when it is ignited. More acetylene is produced as the ice melts and reacts with the remaining calcium carbide. Safety Dont add the ice or expose the calcium carbide to water/humidity until you are ready to perform the demonstration. You dont need a build-up of acetylene.Its fire this demonstration should only be performed by an adult.Its advisable to place a plexiglass blast shield between the container and the audience, in case the beaker shatters from thermal stress or the fire expands outward too much. These are not expected to occur, but are reasonable safety precautions.As always, its good to wear safety goggles, gloves and protective clothing, plus it looks cool for the demonstration.Perform this demonstration away from other sources of flame or from flammable materials. Related Chemistry Demonstrations Fire and Flames Chem DemosSelf-Carving Jack-o-LanternColored Fire Spray Bottles
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