Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty Research Proposal
Capital Punishment Why The South Is So Dirty - Research Proposal Example Ironically, it has come at a time when the president of the country is an African-American who was thought to have been elected without the intervention of color, race or ethnic origin. This is somewhat manifest in two households in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The white Bolen family has antique wooden clocks on the wall. Coca-cola memorabilia decorate the house. They did not watch when President Obama delivered his health-care speech on television because they believe he is a liar. The congressman representing them is Joe Wilson, the Obama heckler. Some blocks away is the Elmore home where a portrait of civil rights movement activist Martin Luther King, Jr. is prominent. Obama campaign keepsakes are all around one of which says "Yes, We Did." The Elmore family is black; so is their representative in congress, James E. Clyburn, a top ranking Democrat who initiated the moves to punish Wilson for the heckling. Orangeburg appears to be booming and is attractive to investors. In one fundr aiser for a local technical school, people were talking about race. One state senator opined that Joe Wilson's inappropriate misdeed had nothing to do with race. This local legislator who made the comment about Wilson is a white but is supported by both black and white voters. (Tucker, Philip. In S.C., One Road Divides Two Ways of Thinking. September 22, 2009. The Washington Post. [internet]. With the above-cited circumstances, it is not easy to answer any question pertaining to whether or not there is a racist divide in the south or whether or not there is bias against the blacks in that part of the United States. This can be a more particular concern if the subject of analysis is capital punishment which involves the fate of human life. Capital punishment is not imposable in all the states of America. Even in those jurisdictions where there is a statutory provision for the death penalty, carrying it out is rare. A look at the number of executions will give a preliminary guide. Thirty seven convicts were executed in 2008 in nine states broken down according to location as follows - Texas 18 Virginia 4 Georgia 3 South Carolina 3 Florida 2 Mississippi 2 Ohio 2 Oklahoma 2 Kentucky 1 Of the aforementioned thirty seven, twenty (20) or fifty four per cent (54%) were white and seventeen (17) or forty six per cent (46%) were black. All of them were men. All of the nine states included above except for Ohio are situated in the south or in the nearest south. As of the end of the year 2006, there were 3,233 prisoners with pending death sentences in thirty five (35) states and the federal prison system while there were only 3,220 such prisoners as of the end of 2007. That is a reduction of thirteen (13) prisoners under sentence of death. The United States Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. On record from that time until date, more than
Monday, October 28, 2019
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay Example for Free
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay Aron Ralston’s physiological need was to satisfy his hunger, thirst, and a need to love and be loved. His desire was to be a father. This gave him a purpose to live. His will to live became greater than dying. But thirst and hunger overcame him to a point where he was saving and sipping his own urine to stay alive. I also believe that he had a divine appointment as he was shown insight into his reproductive future by the vision he had of a son. He was also shown that he was going to lose his arm when he saw the preschool boy being scooped up by a one armed man. I do not know if Aron believed in God or if he even had a relationship with my Lord and Savior or not, but I do think that his spiritual development should have grown through his journey. Hunger can put us in a life or death situation. After hours of driving alone in an unfamiliar city, you finally see a diner where you can eat. Even though it looks deserted and a little creepy, you end up stopping because you are really hungry. According to Maslow (pg 407) our need to meet the physiological need of hunger and thirst takes priority over our safety needs prompting us to take risk at times in order to eat. See more: Masters of Satire: John Dryden and Jonathan Swift Essay References Myers, David G. Psychology. New York: Worth, 1998. Print.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Joy Luck Club Character Analysis :: essays research papers
Lindo Jong is a member of the Joy Luck Club along with Suyuan Woo, An-mei Hsu, and Ying-ying St. Clair. Lindo Jong is a mother to three children, a divorcee, and a wife to a second husband. She grew up in China, and even though her children are American, she wants them to have some Chinese character also. Lindo’s character encompasses three major traits including cleverness, being controlling, and loving.      When Lindo turned the age of two, she was engaged to marry Tyan-yu who was one year old at the time. When her family's house was destroyed by a flood, Lindo left her mother to live with Tyan-yu and his family while her’s lived with other relatives. Over a time period of about 4 years, Lindo began to forget who she was and where she came from partly because of Huang Taitai’s supervision. Since she didn’t want to be in the marriage, she cleverly devised a plot to escape from her awful commitment with Tyan-yu. She told Huang Taitai that their ancestor is going to give their family three forewarnings that Lindo and Tyan-yu should not be married. First, a black. finger-print sized mark on Tyan-yu’s back will start to eat away at his flesh. Lindo saw this mark ever since she had been sleeping with him as if they were brother and sister. Secondly, the tooth in Lindo’s mouth, which had rotted and fallen out four years ago, had disappeare d. She said â€Å"He said my teeth would start to fall out one by one, until I could no longer protest leaving this marriage.†(Tan 61) Lastly, Lindo proclaimed that the servant girl has already been chosen to be Tyan-yu’s true wife, and that a seed has already been planted into her. Unknowingly to Huang Taitai, Lindo had seen the servant girl speaking to a delivery man who had actually impregnated her. After receiving a ticket to Peking, she married Tin Jong and had three children, Winston, Vincent, and Waverly.      Waverly, her only daughter, became a national chess champion by the time she was nine years old. After she and Lindo got into an argument over chess, Waverly decided she would stop playing. After Waverly and Lindo have a chance to think about their argument, Waverly decides to play chess again. Her mother remarks with â€Å"You think it is so easy. One day quit. Next day play. Everything for you is this way.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Government Decisions Are Made? Essay
Government raises money and spends it; it organizes itself to govern and recruits the people to implement its decisions. But how are decisions made? This section will lead you to information on the legislative process, budgetary process, and Cabinet decision-making process, all of which are described in other sections of this program. It will also provide some insights on federal-provincial decision making and citizen engagement. There is no single decision-making process in government. Decisions can be made in a variety of ways at a variety of levels. For simplicity, the following graphic outlines the process at a very general level. The process involves a number of elements including public consultation, interdepartmental discussion, Cabinet and Parliament. Very often things start in the public domain. Citizens seek a new service or program or are dissatisfied with the existing one. The media can play a role in bringing it to the attention of government, or an MP might be advised of an issue by a constituent. There may be a change in the economy or an international event might require a response. (e.g. Famine in Ethiopia, need for a fixed link to PEI, high unemployment figures, highway safety). The next steps mostly occur inside a department or if the issue is â€Å"horizontal†, within a cluster of departments. More and more often, issues are arising that are considered horizontal. This is precipitating a move within the public service toward greater collaboration between departments, pooling of resources, and establishment of coordinating committees. Examples of horizontal issues are water quality (involving departments such as Environment, Industry, Agriculture, Intergovernmental Affairs, Fisheries & Oceans, Health, DFAIT, and others) or international trade (involving 23 departments and all the provinces). Once the responsible departments are identified, the problem will be defined and analyzed. Further analysis of the issue leads to the engagement of several new players such as other departments who have interest in the outcome, provincial players, and citizen groups. Inside the lead department, many players (communications division, regional offices, operations staff, etc.) are involved in policy development. A proposed solution, including suggested program recommendations, is prepared and forwarded up the line to the appropriate decision level â€Å"†i.e.: to seek a decision from the Director General, Assistant Deputy Minister, Deputy Minister or Minister. Few decisions require Cabinet discussion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Iraq war Essay
Fast food became one of the most danger issues all over the world , people are used to eat fast food almost everyday as they see it quicker and more delicious than any other healthy food. People do not know how much they are harming themselves by eating junk food , it leads to a lot of diseases and illness because bodies will be deprived from the healthy food but by eating healthy food people will strength their health. Fast food has unhealthy impact on people’s body but it also remains extremely popular. Government should ban fast food to protect people’s health . there are many reasons why fast food should be banned. This paper will discuss the main reason that leads to overuse fast food and the reasons why fast food should be banned . The main reason that leads to overuse fast food is the frequent advertisements on televisions (2013,04. should fast food advertisement be banned. Retrieved 04,2013) The more they will talk about fast food on television , the more people and children will be forced to buy junk food and this will cause a lot of diseases like the increase of cholesterol , obesity , hypertension, and cancer , those advertisements help parents to consume more fast food and this will apply to children as they spend a lot of time watching the television and learning new behaviors (2012.06 fast food marketing to children. Retrieved 06,2012) the power of advertisements gives children the impression that they can have all they want and it influence parent’s decisions too.(2010,11 fast food advertisement. Retrieved 11,2010) Several advertisements of fast food will cause financial problems almost at all houses as when children, teenagers and adults get used to eat fast food this will cost them a lot of mo ney when they eat it everyday so people will waste their income on buying fast food as they see it easier and quicker . The banning of fast food advertisements will help to ban fast food all over the world as it will have a positive effect towards financial and health problems. The first reason why fast food should be banned is that leads to social problems while eating away from their homes almost everyday because they Getused to eat fast food sothey became not boned enough with their family and siblings, teenagers see that it is very smart when they go to fast food restaurant with their friends but sadly they do not know how they harm themselves every lunch (2011,01 fastfood. Retrieved from 01.2011) fast food get to distance children and teenagers from their parents and this leads to a lot of social problems , that is why fast food should be banned. The second reason why fast food should be banned is that leads to health problems like obesity.billions of dollars are spent on buying fast food , so parents became lazy to provide their children essential and important nutrients they need (2011,02 how fast food affects child obesity. Retrieved from 02,2011) children became more overweight because fast food contains a high rate of sugar , salts and fats. (his children are not only affected physically but emotionally and mentally as it also leads to psychological problems like depression and may lead to other dangerous actions. Parents should realize the amount of damage they are causing their children by letting them eating a high rate of fast food to support and protect their kids. Fast food became the most dangerous issue all over the world as it has several problems like the social , health ,financial and psychological problems and the main cause of spreading fast food and encourage people to over use junk food is the high percentage of advertisements that leads to death. That is why fast food should be totally and completely banned .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on TommyKnockers
Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i... Free Essays on TommyKnockers Free Essays on TommyKnockers Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The History Behind Sociology
The History Behind Sociology Although sociology has its roots in the works of philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius, it is a relatively new academic discipline. It emerged in the early 19th century in response to the challenges of modernity. Increasing mobility and technological advances resulted in the increasing exposure of people to cultures and societies different from their own. The impact of this exposure was varied, but for some people, it included the breakdown of traditional norms and customs and warranted a revised understanding of how the world works. Sociologists responded to these changes by trying to understand what holds social groups together and also to explore possible solutions to the breakdown of social solidarity. Thinkers of the Enlightenment period in the 18th century also helped set the stage for the sociologists who would follow. This period was the first time in history that thinkers tried to provide general explanations of the social world. They were able to detach themselves, at least in principle, from expounding some existing ideology and to attempt to lay down general principles that explained social life. The Birth of Sociology as a Discipline The term sociology was coined by French philosopher Auguste Comte in 1838, who for this reason is known as the â€Å"Father of Sociology.†Comte felt that science could be used to study the social world. Just as there are testable facts regarding gravity and other natural laws, Comte thought that scientific analyses could also discover the laws governing our social lives. It was in this context that Comte introduced the concept of positivism to sociology - a way to understand the social world based on scientific facts. He believed that, with this new understanding, people could build a better future. He envisioned a process of social change in which sociologists played crucial roles in guiding society. Other events of that time period also influenced the development of sociology. The 19th and 20th centuries were times of many social upheavals and changes in the social order that interested the early sociologists. The political revolutions sweeping Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries led to a focus on social change and the establishment of social order that still concerns sociologists today. Many early sociologists were also concerned with the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism and socialism. Additionally, the growth of cities and religious transformations were causing many changes in people’s lives. Other classical theorists of sociology from the late 19th and early 20th centuries include Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, W.E.B. DuBois, and Harriet Martineau. As pioneers in sociology, most of the early sociological thinkers were trained in other academic disciplines, including history, philosophy, and economics. The diversity of their training is reflected in the topics they researched, including religion, education, economics, inequality, psychology, ethics, philosophy, and theology. These pioneers of sociology all had a vision of using sociology to call attention to social concerns and bring about social change. In Europe, for example, Karl Marx teamed with wealthy industrialist Friedrich Engels to address class inequality. Writing during the Industrial Revolution, when many factory owners were lavishly wealthy and many factory workers despairingly poor, they attacked the rampant inequalities of the day and focused on the role of capitalist economic structures in perpetuating these inequalities. In Germany, Max Weber was active in politics while in France, Emile Durkheim advocated for educational reform. In Britain, Harriet Martineau advocated for the rights of girls and women, and in the U.S., W.E.B. DuBois focused on the problem of racism. The Modern History of Sociology The growth of sociology as an academic discipline in the United States coincided with the establishment and upgrading of many universities that were including a new focus on graduate departments and curricula on â€Å"modern subjects.†In 1876, Yale University’s William Graham Sumner taught the first course identified as â€Å"sociology†in the United States. The University of Chicago established the first graduate department of sociology in the United States in 1892 and by 1910, most colleges and universities were offering sociology courses. Thirty years later, most of these schools had established sociology departments. Sociology was first taught in high schools in 1911. Sociology was also growing in Germany and France during this period. However, in Europe, the discipline suffered great setbacks as a result of World Wars I and II. Many sociologists were killed or fled Germany and France between 1933 and the end of World War II. After World War II, sociologists returned to Germany influenced by their studies in America. The result was that American sociologists became the world leaders in theory and research for many years. Sociology has grown into a diverse and dynamic discipline, experiencing a proliferation of specialty areas. The American Sociological Association (ASA) was formed in 1905 with 115 members. By the end of 2004, it had grown to almost 14,000 members and more than 40 â€Å"sections†covering specific areas of interest. Many other countries also have large national sociology organizations. The International Sociological Association (ISA) boasted more than 3,300 members in 2004 from 91 different countries. The ISA sponsored research committees covering more than 50 different areas of interest, covering topics as diverse as children, aging, families, law, emotions, sexuality, religion, mental health, peace and war, and work. Sources About ASA. American Sociological Association, 2019. Statutes of the International Sociological Association. International Sociological Association.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ice on Fire Chemistry Demonstration
Ice on Fire Chemistry Demonstration Set real water ice on fire using a simple chemical reaction. This easy chemistry demonstration is sure to please! Ice on Fire Project Materials calcium carbide chips or granulesice2-liter beaker Set Ice on Fire Pour about a teaspoon of calcium carbide in the bottom of the beaker.Fill the beaker with ice.Use a long handled lighter to ignite the ice. Alternately, you could secretly place a bit of calcium carbide in a large bowl, fill it with ice, and toss a burning match onto the bowl of ice. How It Works As the ice melts, the water reacts with calcium carbide to produce acetylene gas, which is flammable, and calcium hydroxide. The reaction proceeds according to this chemical equation: CaC2(s) 2 H2O(l) → C2H2(g) Ca(OH)2(s) The acetylene produces a burst of flame when it is ignited. More acetylene is produced as the ice melts and reacts with the remaining calcium carbide. Safety Dont add the ice or expose the calcium carbide to water/humidity until you are ready to perform the demonstration. You dont need a build-up of acetylene.Its fire this demonstration should only be performed by an adult.Its advisable to place a plexiglass blast shield between the container and the audience, in case the beaker shatters from thermal stress or the fire expands outward too much. These are not expected to occur, but are reasonable safety precautions.As always, its good to wear safety goggles, gloves and protective clothing, plus it looks cool for the demonstration.Perform this demonstration away from other sources of flame or from flammable materials. Related Chemistry Demonstrations Fire and Flames Chem DemosSelf-Carving Jack-o-LanternColored Fire Spray Bottles
Saturday, October 19, 2019
IRAC Brief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IRAC Brief - Assignment Example However, the company, through its subsidiaries conducts business in the USA, the Latin America and different other parts of the world. The business activities of Bridgestone Corporation included the shipment and sale of automobile anti-vibration rubber parts (AVP) to different car manufacturers, suppliers, subsidiaries and affiliates in the USA and elsewhere (Department of Justice, 2014). Rule: The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio ruled that Bridgestone Corporation engaged in a conspiracy to allocate sales, rig bids and assign and maintain prices for AVP contrary to the provisions of both the Sherman Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (Department of Justice, 2014). Consequently, the court ruled that Bridgestone Corporation pays $425 million criminal fine (Bridgestone Corporation, 2014). Analysis: The provisions of section 1 of Sherman Act of 1890 offers that any practice, conspiracy or restraint to fair trade competition among different states in the USA or within foreign nations is illegal (Muchmore, 2012). Thus, the USA department of Justice (USDOJ) alleged that the company’s practices of converging and discussing issues of price fixation and sharing of market shares between the affiliates, subsidiaries and supplier amounted to the violation of this provision of the law. Further, the USDOJ alleged that through rigging for bids and tenders for supply of AVP, Bridgestone Corporation violated the provisions of 15 U.S. Code  § 78dd The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, which prohibits influencing or inducing officials to do, or omit doing any act that is their rightful duty (Department of Justice, 2014). In this respect, since Bridgestone Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates and suppliers engaged in rigging bids for winning tenders for supply of AV P to different states in the USA, its activities amounted to the violation of this provisions of the
Negation in Arabic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Negation in Arabic - Essay Example A comparison and contrasts of Arabic with the English language provides for several interesting as well as challenging issues. The Arabic calendar, although based on the lunar year, has the same number of months as the English calendar and there is also similarity in the names of the months (Online Arabic Tutorial). But the similarity ends here. Then the language becomes complex with its own set of rules and applications (Edwards, Malcolm). The Arabic grammar reflects the rule of its alphabets and vowels on the correct arrangement of words in a sentence. It makes good use of prefixes and suffixes for various purposes such as negation and also for indicating the future. The use of the alphabet depends on where it is placed in the word (Online Arabic Tutorial). For instance, the letter t (pronounced ta in Arabic) has five variations on the way it is used, depending on its position in the word. The same rule applies for all the other alphabets. The Arabic language is written right to left. However, its numbers are written left to right, just as is done in English and most other languages. The Arabic numerals are based on the Indian numeral system (Online Arabic Tutorial). The ways texts are written influence various other aspects in written and oral expressions. For instance, if an Arabic student were to make graphs indicating statistics of increasing data, the student will show the data increase from right to left. On the other hand, if the same graph were to be made by an English student, the data will show the increase from left to right (Tversky, Barbara). There is the use of a suffix to address adjectives, masculine and feminine genders. The possessive pronoun 'its' does not exist in Arabic. Depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine, the possessive pronoun is spoken of as male or female. The verb 'to be' is understood but not expressed in Arabic. The comparative degree is indicated through the use of adjectives. It does not agree in gender with its noun, but remains fixed in form. Negation in the past tense is done by using a prefix at the beginning of the sentence. Also, future is formed through the use of a prefix in a sentence. The Arabic language does not have neutral gender. Every noun is either masculine or feminine gender (Online Arabic Tutorial). Semantics The Arabic language has its own repertoire of folk tales and idioms to buttress the language. The language is dimensionally set with its own culture and intonations. Direct expressions, proverbs, idioms, graphics, etc enrich the language. There is no neutral gender and the gender of every noun must be learned. It is important to pay attention to the gender of the nouns because the gender of adjectives, pronouns and verbs that refers to them must agree. Even cities have gender (Online Arabic Tutorial). The language is set with rules that require the crossing of dotting of every t's and i's. Names are replete with use of the name of the Prophet and his relations. Muhammad, Abdullah, Fatima, Jamila are some of the common names bearing divine attributes. The names and expressions
Friday, October 18, 2019
Argumentative research paper Mandatory Military Service for all Males Essay
Argumentative research paper Mandatory Military Service for all Males 18+ in the US - Essay Example Nick Tallant, a Second Lieutenant who is currently the Battalion Operations Officer of the 2nd Infantry Division of the US Army strongly believes that mandatory military service be carried out by eighteen year old males (18) and above. In an interview with Officer Tallant said that he joined the military for its intensive training leadership aspect and his desire to serve the country. He further said that he believed in the conflict and that he could do a good job. He also expounded on the importance of the fact that the choice to serve is "free" and this brings out the best men in those who want to serve the country. He explained that military service shows the beauty of democracy. The Military also provides the opportunity to make people feel free and secure; hence, they do not have to worry about people hurting them. Officer Tallant wants to serve in an elite unit. For instance, the Infantry Division to which he is currently assigned has many elite forces in it. He also likes to b e deployed in the near future. Officer Tallant identified the positive influences of military service to his professional and personal life as follows: a.) it creates in him a dedication to discipline; b.) it gives him an attitude of service; and c.) it helps him assume a great responsibility. Finally, he points out that his military service shapes his future leadership role in American society by making him to always known for serving. As an officer, the people will have different expectations of him and that his ability to serve will never be questioned. He is also confident that his military experience will ultimately provide him with many opportunities down the road to have a leadership role in the near future. James Burk (2001) tackled the military obligation of citizens since Vietnam. He stated that there were changes in political culture regarding the obligation to perform military service. First, widespread doubt about the legitimacy of
Chapter 6 class activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chapter 6 class activity - Essay Example The main stages in the stages of change model include precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. If I am in the stage of the precontemplation, more information on the risks associated with unhealthy behavior will help me move to the next stage. Additional information would open my eyes to the benefits of healthy behavior and risks of unhealthy behavior that I possess. In the contemplation stage, I would need to think deeply about the kind of a person I can become if I adopt healthy behavior. Therefore, relating with people practicing healthy behavior would help me reducing the disadvantages I associate with changing to healthy behavior. At the preparation stage, I need encouragement from trusted friends that I will succeed if I start the action stage. This will help me handle my biggest fears. In the action stage, I would need to learn how to substitute unhealthy behavior with healthy behavior. In the maintenance stage, I would need to learn how to deal with stress and avoid relapsing to unhealthy behavior (Hjemdahl, Rosengren & Steptoe
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Islamic Insurance Law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15750 words
Islamic Insurance Law - Dissertation Example Conventional insurance has been a taboo for the Muslim world as the premium insurance companies offer, lack of correct knowledge by their customers and the way cost of damages has to be borne by some unconnected persons had hitherto been debated. Scholars have argued that the prevalent insurance system is not Shariah compliant as it involves uncertainty, gambling and riba (interest). Insurance companies take people's money and promise to give them back if a certain loss happens which involves a delay in the money dealing which makes it non-Islamic transaction. This means that 23% population of the world does not gel in the global finance system and gets no security in the case of any unforeseen damage. The growing socio-economic situation of the world has made it inevitable to drive a system which minimizes the risks but current interest-based insurance system is conflicting to the teachings of Shariah- the Islamic law. Takaful is the Islamic insurance system which has now taken its roots for more than two decades. It integrates the principles of Shariah with modern economics by mitigating the risks attached. Takaful industry is vibrant and growing on an enormous pace with a growth rate of 20%2. In the following dissertation, I have presented my research about Islamic insurance, how it works, its growing popularity and the need of its development Islamic as-well- as in non Islamic countries such as UK and Saudi Arabia. I have
Polsky's "Presidency at War" Essay
Polsky's "Presidency at War" - Essay Example Through case studies of inhabitants of the White House, Polsky confirms that no result of a war has satisfied a wartime presidents ambitions. Another important point that Polsky puts across is that the constitution is unclear concerning such clauses as Article IV, which does not specify which branch is responsible to repel invasions. In lieu to this, the constitution fails to provide a coherent definition of concepts such as ‘invasion’, and hence one cannot know whether it means armed conflict and a formal state of war (Polsky 559). Polsky evidences President Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War era who famously asserted that events controlled his actions, rather than his actions controlling events. In addition, he exemplifies Barrack Obama, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson and their overestimation of power as commander-in-chief. Polsky points out that presidential leadership during times of war requires guidance from varied policymakers, failure of which they put Americans at risk of the associated disadvantages of war. This calls for a change in strategy and an integration of congressional, judicial, and public opinion in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Islamic Insurance Law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15750 words
Islamic Insurance Law - Dissertation Example Conventional insurance has been a taboo for the Muslim world as the premium insurance companies offer, lack of correct knowledge by their customers and the way cost of damages has to be borne by some unconnected persons had hitherto been debated. Scholars have argued that the prevalent insurance system is not Shariah compliant as it involves uncertainty, gambling and riba (interest). Insurance companies take people's money and promise to give them back if a certain loss happens which involves a delay in the money dealing which makes it non-Islamic transaction. This means that 23% population of the world does not gel in the global finance system and gets no security in the case of any unforeseen damage. The growing socio-economic situation of the world has made it inevitable to drive a system which minimizes the risks but current interest-based insurance system is conflicting to the teachings of Shariah- the Islamic law. Takaful is the Islamic insurance system which has now taken its roots for more than two decades. It integrates the principles of Shariah with modern economics by mitigating the risks attached. Takaful industry is vibrant and growing on an enormous pace with a growth rate of 20%2. In the following dissertation, I have presented my research about Islamic insurance, how it works, its growing popularity and the need of its development Islamic as-well- as in non Islamic countries such as UK and Saudi Arabia. I have
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environment- Topics in Asian Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Environment- Topics in Asian Studies - Essay Example The discussion of the articles will provide a picture of how Asia has emerged as a strong player on the international market, as well as its role in the mitigation of pollution in each country. Outlook on Asian Environmental Status: An Anthropological View The current global trend is leaning towards the reduction of greenhouse gases and the alleviation of global warming. Several countries have already invested millions of dollars to develop technologies that will address these issues, mostly first world countries that have highly advanced industries, such as the US, Japan, and some European countries. However, several developing countries and third-world countries are still at risk of experiencing the adverse effects of pollution; either from land, air, water pollution, or from all of those. To further understand the environmental status of Asian countries, an in-depth look at each country will be discussed, as well as the legislations and government efforts that take place in these countries. One of the many Asian countries that experiences great environmental risks is South Korea. According to Kim Jung-Wk (2004), the stature of the country during the 1960s was focused on a proactive approach of improving the economy by increasing the density of industries, which undermines its traditional strict ethics of preserving the environment. South Korea was once a country that had high regard for nature. In the past generations, environmental crimes were mostly avoided by people due to the severe punishments that went along with it. Locals were keen on reducing wastes and pollution, certain practices were strictly observed on every possible aspect to minimize the use of natural resources, especially wood. Common practices include the design of houses and its strategic positioning making use of exhaust gas from cooking furnaces to provide heat for rooms, utilizing vegetable gardens and animals to recycle waste foods, and using ash and animal wastes as soil compost. In addition, government efforts in protecting the environment were strong during the time, considering the management of the mountains and forests as their number one priority (Jung-Wk, 2004). The Japanese invasion has resulted in turmoil in South Korea being the main reason for the destruction of the environment and destabilizing the strong environmental ethics of this once nature-loving nation. In 1910, reports indicate that a huge portion of the forest have already been reduced due to massive logging (Jung-Wk, 2004). Large shipments of timber were sent to Japan on a regular basis in order to fuel Japan’s war pursuits. Deforestation worsened during the period of the Pacific War which led to the inability of the soil to control flood and drought. This, in turn, resulted in the construction of several large-scale dams all over the country. The effects of deforestation also damaged the river systems and coastal areas. Large deposits of soil in the rivers made it shallow and coast s have been filled with clay deposits, this allowed land reclamation possible that even magnified the negative environment effects. In addition, the abrupt change in cultivated crops from mixed-culture and crop rotation to rice as well as the excessive addition of fertilizers and pesticides caused the fast degradation of the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Elie Wiesel- Night Essay Example for Free
Elie Wiesel- Night Essay In one scene taken from the novel Night, Elie Wiesel conveys a powerful experience based on his first arrival at Auschwitz. The beginning of this scene starts off with dialog and this technique is also used much throughout the rest of the scene. The use of this literary technique allows the reader to become submerged within the moment Wiesel is describing. The reader experiences the moment just as Wiesel himself might have experienced it at the time which creates a more suspenseful feeling in the scene. Each sentence of dialog allows the reader to be in the moment because we are gathering pieces of the story just as the character is. The reader has become the character in their mind and this allows the situations and emotions that the actual character experiences to affect the reader on a much deeper and personal level. The author does not use a great deal of descriptive imagery either. We are shown more of the characters inner conflict rather than a detailed depiction of the setting itself. This further reinforces the fact that the reader is in a sense going through these conflicts with the character. It is much more effective to convey the horrors of the concentration camp through the emotions of the character rather than actually give a descriptive setting. For example, when Wiesel writes, Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch . . . I saw it with my own eyes . . . those children in the flames. (P30) You would think that the author would describe more in depth, the horror being witnessed, but instead he uses the characters reaction to this scene to portray the nightmare. I pinched my face. Was I still alive? Was I awake? I could not believe it. How could it be possible for them to burn people, children and for the world to keep silent? No, none of this could be true. It was a nightmare.(P30) We experience the characters feelings as if they were our own, because the author has already established a base from the dialog that connects us more deeply to the story. The inner conflict of the character toward the end of the scene though, when he seems certain he is going to be burned in the crematory, holds the greatest preponderance of any other part of the scene. The character is waiting for his death, and as he draws nearer to his demise his inner thoughts are broken up by the systematic rhythm of his final steps. The author is using the repetition of his steps to build suspense. At each step, layer upon layer of tension is added. The reader leans further to the edge of their seat if you will, holding their breath as the moment of truth draws nearer and nearer until a mere two steps away from certain death, the character is pulled out of harms way and directed to the concentration camp barracks. Yes, the imminent danger of death has passed, but the reader has now come to realize the hopelessness of being captive in what William Styron referred to in his essay Hell reconsidered, as basically hell on earth, otherwise known as Auschwitz. At the conclusion of the scene Wiesel uses parallelism of the sentence structure, Never shall I . . . , and then continues on to list all of the atrocities that still haunt the character to this day. Each line stated is like another blow to the characters and the readers emotions. Again, the danger of certain death had passed, and we know that he survived the nightmare, but now all of these things are forever etched inside the characters being. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke . . . Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever . . . Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.(P32) He physically may have survived, but has his soul? The authors effective use of dialog, parallelism, and a detailed description of the characters inner conflict allows the reader to become so connected to the character themselves, that this ending point of the scene leaves us with such an utter sense of what the character actually experienced, that the power of the scene quite literally leaves one speechless. Through the use of all of these things the author clearly delivers a most compelling and powerful scene.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Decreased Demand
Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Decreased Demand Samsung Electronics is one of the Koreas top electronics company which was founded in 1938. It has grown from small business to be one of top leading electronics and Technology in the world. It makes many kinds of consumer devices, including DVD players, digital TVs, and digital still cameras; computers, color monitors, LCD panels, and printers; semiconductors such as DRAMs, static RAMs, flash memory, and display drivers; and communications devices ranging from wireless handsets and smartphones to networking gear. However, they are mostly popular for their Smartphones (Galaxy), which is considered as one of its mains products. Samsung Galaxy includes categories such as Galaxy Note series, Galaxy Tab Series and Galaxy S series. Samsung from several years are relaying mostly on its smartphones sale to maximizing its profit, as other products sales are showing decline such examples include home appliances and LCD TV. Unfortunately, currently Samsung are struggling to sustain their sales and profit from Galaxy smartphones. Samsung profits have been on declining demand since 2013. Despite the company being the greatest in the world when it comes to production of smart phones, the pressure that it continues to receive from the market can no longer be denied. In this year second quarter Samsung Galaxy smartphones have shown even huge profit and demand drop for its smartphones. As you can see below the chart clearly shows the Samsung profit have been going down from year 2013 and was worst in the second quarter of this year. There are various reasons for this downfall, Samsung has always used a huge marketing budget. Nevertheless, in the last quarter, its budget was far larger in ways that were not favored by the company. The company has been compelled to use huge amounts of money on promoting the older and lower-end gadgets that have been congesting its warehouses because of weak demand†. This fall in trade, together with the extra money spent on publicity has catalyzed the firm’s dwindling fortunes. Actually having, fewer shipments of high end phones, has also resulted in having and investing to market the old models has helped demand decreasing for Samsung’s. More importantly the market competition that Samsung is facing from its main rival Apple IPhone smartphones and other competitors has also contributed in weakening the demand. Decline in demand also can be attributed to their exorbitant price of smart phones. Because the Price elasticity of demand for Samsung is high, increased prices has result in less demand for its smartphones. Also, Samsung’s competitors, which are mostly based in china, are producing phones that have features that are essentially similar to those of Samsung. They are however, offering these phones at prices that are much cheaper and affordable. This has, therefore, beat the purpose of purchasing Samsung phones that are unnecessarily expensive and shifted people demand from its smartphones to their rivals’ cheaper smartphones. The decline of the sale and the demand of smart phones is caused by inability of Samsung to be more creative. For example, when it comes to the features that are contained in their many smart phones. Their S series smart phones are the typical. The cheaper ones have fewer features though. The difference in the ones that are more expensive is their size. Since the release of the S3, the subsequent ones S4 and the recently released S5 are similar in several ways. Consumers are starting to feel that these S phones are overrated and over advertised, which coincidentally has been said of the reasons Samsung is investing a lot in over advertising. This strategy is geared towards trying to get their products out of the warehouses and into the market to be purchased by the consumers. Unfortunately, this have resulted not only in having a negative impact on the sales, it’s also reduced their profit margin due to overspending and less demand. As an economic consultant observing Samsung Galaxy smartphone declining demand, I will try to recommend solutions to fix this economic problem by analyzing the root reasons. Searching and analyzing the market it was found out that there was a lot of factors that influenced Samsung smartphone sales which made it gone down in the third quarter of the year. First of all consumer taste and preference for better improved technology products. The fact of the new technology, and the willing to adapt new features and devises that made Samsung to be the second choice of its customers. In addition to that, the strong rival competition and all consumers being aware that there are other substitute smartphones that have similar even better featured, such as the IPhone, which gives negative impact on demand. For example, when Apple IPhone 6 has launched in the market, it has made major shift in demand from Galaxy to IPhone smartphones. How Samsung’s Demand could be increased In order for Samsung to recover from its decreasing demand, it should do several things such as offering prices that are competitive in the international market. Whereas the number of clients obtaining smartphones is still raising, it is growing harder for the company to tap new market for its high-end devices. This therefore suggests that the firm will have to minimize its prices in order to sell these gadgets. However, this will still reduce its profit margins. Samsung should focus its attention on shifting its product mix towards low and middle iced handsets. Under the prevailing situations, the company will have to wait and observe how it will uphold its profitability in the future. Additionally, Samsung needs to rollout new products that will stave off gains made by Apple on the larger-screen iPhones; especialty the Galaxy developer has dominated (Sakr, 2014). According to the firm, the rollout of fresh mobile models will embrace new technology that will assist to scale down production cost and comparatively that will assist to give cheaper price products. Moreover, the firm should utilize an assessment on the prices of the smartphones and come up with figures at which demand will rise for their smartphones (Sakr, 2014). By offering incentives such as headsets and phone covers, the company will be able to improve its sales. Finally, Samsung can increase its demand by offering competitive prices and embrace new technology that will assist to scale down production costs. Alternatively, if Samsung was not able to compete in market against it rival IPhone and will give up to invest any more in Smartphone. We highly recommend that it should invest more in developing and improving its tablets as it score to have a higher demand than the smart phones. Obviously by improving Samsung Smartphones quality and increasing its decreased demand, will help in raising the reduced turnover for its third quarter. Samsung makes about two third of its profit from its smartphones sales. Which means any drop in smartphones sales will have a huge impact on the company’s turnover. If Samsung was able cope with shifting market preferences that will help them stand out among competitors like Apple. Samsung deals mainly with Technology which is one of fast moving and updating things and to survive in the market, Samsung should be always ready to offer fast new technology features in their Smartphones. It mainly include keeping an eye on it main competitor â€Å"Apple IPhone†and try to offer features that are unique or at least which are offered by Apple IPhone to be able to compete in the market. This idea has been successful with IPhone when they have took over Samsung’s advantage of having big size screens which was one of reasons of people smartphone shifting demand to Samsung. IPhone has been successful to offer that feature in its IPhone 6 Plus by which it attacked Samsung’s main unique feature over IPhone.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Types of Work-Based Learning Activities :: Education School Educational Papers
Types of Work-Based Learning Activities Work-based learning programs come in many forms and sizes. They may be designed exclusively for students at the secondary or postsecondary level or for students at both levels. Work-based learning programs may be schoolwide, districtwide, regional, or statewide, or they may be based on a combination of local and statewide implementation and oversight. Michigan's school-to-work system, for example, is designed and implemented by state and local personnel who work collaboratively to establish partnerships of employers, schools, labor organizations, parents, students, and community members to meet their local community needs by offering one or more occupational learning and career exposure activities (Ingham Intermediate School District [ISD] 1995a). The following forms of work-based learning are part of the occupational learning component of Michigan's work-based learning system (Ingham ISD 1995a, 1995b): - Contracted Instruction--career and technical education instruction and support services provided to students by a business, industry, or private educational agency through formal written agreements with public education agencies - Cooperative Education--programs combining classroom instruction with employment (part- time jobs during the school year or periods of study and employment alternating on a full-year, semester, or parallel basis) - School-to-Apprenticeship--work-based programs in which employers, employer associations, or employers and unions establish programs allowing high school students to participate in registered apprenticeships while completing their high school graduation requirements - Registered Apprenticeship--conventional apprenticeship programs registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training - Career Exploration--programs involving job shadowing and/or worksite mentors); - Service Learning--programs combining meaningful community service with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility - Career Internships--programs in which students spend time in a business, industry, or other organization to gain insight and direct experience - Career Academies--schools typically organized around a single employer or consortium of employers in an industry, and designed to increase awareness of career opportunities within particular occupational areas and teach the basic, life, and employment skills required for jobs or further training - School-Based Enterprises--programs in which groups of students produce goods or services for sale Another possible form of work-based education is work-based tech prep, which Bragg (1995) distinguishes from traditional tech prep programs on the basis of the higher visibility of employers. In work-based tech prep models, employers help develop formal plans linking students' school-based and work-based learning directly to their career goals, they provide formal work-based experiences, and they sponsor mentors and coaches.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Brand Analysis †Louis Vuitton Essay
User Image Consumers are stylish, fashionable, aware of designer’s brands and look for quality and after sales services. Most of the users are mature (25+), female, working population with stable financial background. There is an increasing number of young LV users, who are fashionable trend-followers. LV users are usually less price-concerned. LV products are frequently used by the rich and famous, celebrities, models all over the world. Occasion Image LV produces series of leather goods for the business world, including briefcases, organizers, palm-cases†¦ all could be easily found in business meetings and offices. LV luggage could be found in Airport all over the world. Personal accessories like handbags, wallets, shoes, and clothing by LV are used by the celebrities in fashion shows, PR events, social gatherings†¦. Distinctive from Competitors The Competition In the challenging luxury market, LV faces quite a number of competitors. Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, Ferragamo and Prada are main competitors of LV. Just like LV, all of these international brands have their outlets around the world. Positioning We are living in an age of access to an incredible amount of product, consumers are no longer brand loyal to companies, and they want to know how the product will benefit them. To satisfy the potential customers, LV is promoting its image that provides consumers with added benefits on top of the practical use of its products. A person purchase a piece of the Louis Vuitton luggage, he is not only purchasing a piece of luggage, but prestige and style. Consumers buy LV luggage not just because they need luggage, but they want people to think that they are wealthy and stylish because this is the perception that Louis Vuitton sells with its luggage. It works because LV advertises its luggage as an exclusive line, not everyone can have it. To stand out from its competitors, LV positions itself as the leader for luxurious luggage. This could be seen in the advertising in magazines LV uses to communicate with their customers. And in the LV web page, a â€Å"Guide for the cosmopolitan traveler†is included, offering useful information to help prepare for international trips. Travelers can check out time differences, currency conversion tables, clothes sizes and measurement conversion charts, as well as useful addresses in the world’s major cities. Authenticity LV’s strength is the worldwide known good service to customer, its good quality for value and new designs. LV’s products safety exceed the requirements globally. Replicability A lot of the LV products are illegally replicated, but due to the unique canvas used for production; none of the fakes could achieve the quality and standard of the originals. Reassurance After using LV products, consumers are reassured of the good quality and value-for-money as promised by the advertising and promotions. Experience & Differentiation Consumers use and experience LV products, feel the difference between LV and other brands, lead to the differentiation of LV from the competitors. Consumer To the Louis Vuitton consumers, a LV handbag isn’t just a handbag, it’s a Louis Vuitton. Consumers will generally pay more for the LV name brand because it signifies some extra quality besides a handbag. LV products are appealed to people who would like themselves to be stylish, and want others to think that they are fashionable, they want to differentiate their tastes from others and try to do so by purchasing LV products. Consumers were not looking so much to buy the non-brand products as everyone else. Instead, they looked to brands to help make a clear statement about their own identities. Consumers buy LV products are not just looking for quality and after sales services, they want people to think that they are wealthy because they can afford a pair of luxurious Louis Vuitton shoes. Suggestions More Distinctive from the Competition Louis Vuitton was very successful with consumers. It benefited from strong local in Japan, Europe and the US. This continued demand is due to the new products created by designer Marc Jacobs and the sustained quality of all Louis Vuitton products. To be more distinctive from the competition, Louis Vuitton may consider concentrating its business model to production of leather goods only. As most of the competitors are doing many business other than only leather goods. If LV could concentrate on leather goods production alone, it could become not just the leader, but the specialist of producing different leather goods. More Appealing to Consumers Branding and Lifestyle advertising is becoming increasingly popular because advertisers are trying to revive the idea of brand loyalty. To make LV more appealing to the consumers, here is also the idea: to make some products of the brand available only in small quantities, by limiting its production of certain products from time to time, or producing special edition of the same handbag in different markets, LV products could become even more premium. This can satisfy the consumers who want to differentiate themselves from other LV users. LV could even create a trend for collection of limited edition LV products by the consumers.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Essay For Future Plan In Medicine
Respected Madam,I am an international medical graduate from WHO medical school directory listed institute –SMIMER (Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education & Research) during year 2013. During next 10 years, I dream to become Infectious Diseases specialist, as hospitalist as well as academician who serve all the time for better health of patient and society. I believe it is important to learn advanced practice and systemic approach in the field of Internal Medicine of developed country. In several under-developed and developing countries, in remote and suburban areas, population is increasing fast which will be in dire need of better and affordable health care.As academician, I want to share knowledge and train future generation clinician to follow best practices. I believe with graduation in Internal Medicine form United States of America will help me to serve them and realize my dream. I wish to enhance my knowledge and learn practice by being shadow of physicians and staff in the â€Å"INTERNAL MEDICINE†department at your esteemed institute. The experience will provide me opportunity to have close observation of health care system in USA. With participation global observership program, I can definitely advance step further in my future plan & also provide me institutional level experience for my Internal Medicine.Residency & post graduate program will fulfill my thrust in research field which is totally ignored area in home country. The opportunity will also boost my performance and prospect of getting a â€Å"INTERNAL MEDICINE†residency match when I apply next September. I will be obliged to become part of one world’s most advanced healthcare systems. I understand that the observership program does not involve direct patient interaction and it may not be remunerated. I am willing to follow any instructions and regulations you deem necessary. I will be very grateful if you can place me for a month of JULY-AUGUST 2014 ob servership rotation in the internal medicine department.Yours Sincerely, Jugal Chahwala
Dr. Gregory House Essay
Dr. Gregory House is the main character in the House television series. He is currently working as the Head of Diagnostic Medicine with a double specialty in infectious disease and nephrology at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. He is portrayed as narcissistic, sarcastic, and appears to dislike most people. He prefers superficial relationships with others, sometimes using prostitutes to satisfy his sexual needs. Descriptive Information: Gregory is a 52 year old Caucasian male. He prefers to be called House, as he views being called Greg as too personal. Dr. House has a permanent disability in his leg. Dead muscle tissue had to be removed and left a divot in the skin. He is also very sensitive about the appearance of his thigh, being badly scarred from multiple operations. He is very reluctant to talk about this disability and is easily offended if it is brought up. House has been in constant pain since the surgery and has become addicted to painkillers. He does not acknowledge his using as a drug problem; he reports it is a pain problem. He states that it does not interfere with his ability to work. At the present time he has been to npatient treatment for detoxification, however still struggles with his addiction. House is above average in his intelligence, having been accepted to John-Hopkins University for his pre-med studies. It is his disregard for ethics and protocol that has caused him problems. He lost an opportunity for an internship at the Mayo Clinic when he was caught cheating and expelled. His inability to work well with others has been a source of employment issues for him in the past. House’s father was a Marine pilot, and he spent most of his childhood moving to different countries. As a result he isolated, and concentrated on a variety of interests. He is fluent in several languages, and plays the piano and guitar. At the age of 12, discovering the timing of his conception did not correlate with a time his father was around, he confronted his parents on the paternity. It was revealed to him that his mother had an affair with the family minister. House feels this was the turning point in his relationship with his father, John. He feels he was mistreated by John for this reason. John was cold and controlling, showing House limited affection. House was rebellious and was often punished harshly both physically and emotionally. House and his mother had a loving relationship, however in his desire to avoid his father he does not have her in his life. Presenting Problems: House’s presenting problems at this time are: his addiction to painkillers, his fear of intimacy, and anti-social traits. He also displays a problem with impulse control. Dr. House states his main reason for using Vicodin was for pain management, however he has admitted to recreational drug use in his past. His dependence has caused him professional problems, getting him into trouble on several occasions. His addiction has also caused him problems with Lisa, the woman he has feelings for. Dr. Lisa Cuddy and House have had an ongoing attraction spanning 25 years. They were beginning to form a relationship when she had a scare with cancer. When House couldn’t face losing her, he turned again to the Vicodin. Lisa ended their relationship when she realized his inability to cope without the use of drugs. Dr. House has been afraid to experience any real closeness to others in his life. He has issues of trust due to his mother’s dishonesty and his father’s distance and hostility towards him. This is the primary source of his fear of intimacy and cynicism. He hides his fears with a narcissistic attitude, and pushes people away instead of exposing any vulnerability. House can be extremely defensive, and it is likely he uses his personality in a deliberate attempt to alienate anyone who tries to get close to him. He is conflicted when facing his feelings for Lisa, while trying to hold onto his belief he is entirely self-sufficient. House has acted on numerous occasions without regard to his health and safety. He also takes his behaviors to the extreme. When Dr. Cuddy starts dating after their reak-up, he reacts by driving his car through her front window. He states his reason as simply â€Å"returning her hairbrush. †He uses himself as a test subject for drugs and medical tests, sometimes just to satisfy his curiosity. He has taken experimental drugs in hopes of restoring his leg muscle, which eventually led to tumors. House has also injected himself with questionable blood received by an ill patient to see if a blood transfusion caused their symptoms. Model: I believe that person-centered therapy would be the model best suited for House. I would also incorporate some cognitive-behavioral techniques. House would not respond well to any theory that is confrontational, he needs to feel in control. I also recognize that although his past plays a big part in why he has relationship issues, he does not seem to want to revisit these occurrences. I believe very little time should be spent on the subject of his parents specifically, with more time spent on how he’s dealing with relationships now. House would be a difficult client to build a therapeutic relationship with; however I do feel it could be done over a period where he felt he was in a safe and non-judgmental environment. He is intelligent and lives to figure out the â€Å"pieces†in difficult medical diagnoses. House may have a little trouble in using this in regards to his own mental health, since he is so enveloped in denial, but he does have the capacity to do so. The person-centered model works on the premises that the client is the expert, and I believe it is one he would respond to best given his personality type. Treatment Goals: House’s primary issue is addiction, and a lack of having a recovery plan. He has been trying to deal with this on his own terms, and has had relapses. His untreated condition contributes to his anti-social personality, interferes with his relationships, and causes issues at work. I feel his other presenting problems can never be fully addressed until he can gain control over his addictive behaviors. Until he comes to terms with his addiction, he will remain isolated and continue to be self-destructive. Dr. House needs to address his difficulty with any type of relationship. It is apparent at times that he does have the capacity and this facet of him is not part of a personality disorder. He displays a need for people despite his not wanting to. He shows jealousy when Lisa dates others and does has a close friendship with Dr. James Wilson from the hospital. Dr. Wilson provides House with consultation about cases, and often personal issues. James is one of the few who can away with calling House out on behaviors. They sometimes have real moments on a deeper level, and at times they can let go and share laughs. House has displayed many instances of problematic impulse-control. He has experimented with Methadone, self-induced insulin shock, and tried deep brain stimulation with an electrical prod. The electrical current caused him seizures, brain leeding, and ultimately led to him being in a coma. He often shows no regard for his well-being. Once in an agitated state, he dove from a balcony into a pool. These behaviors horrify others around him. Techniques: The person-centered therapy is flexible enough to be adapted to most personalities. I feel a technique building a person profile would help House to address his addiction issues and in building a plan. This would begin with listing his attributes and strengths. Learning what is likable and worthy about himself, instead of focusing on negatives, will present to him a view of himself in wish he wants to be seen. Next he should verbalize what is important to him. Having clear, concrete thinking on what he wants in his life can help when addressing what his drug use will take away from him, and how it is a barrier in achieving his desired outcome. Finally House should look at what has been working and what is not working as support in his life. This includes relationships, both ones that may be unhealthy and those he needs to build. Recovery is greatly impacted by support systems. These can include relationships on a personal level, and outside support groups. House needs to consider what should be changed, what should stay the same, and what makes sense as far as being realistic. Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) could be beneficial to House in dealing with his fear of intimacy. The basic hypothesis is that people are not disturbed by events, but by the views in which they take on them. Therapy would dispute his irrational beliefs and engage him in activities that can counter them. Showing House the faulty belief system he imposes on everyone he meets, he can begin to work on seeing how his actions are self-sabotaging. If he can really grasp how his beliefs are blocking him, he can find ways to change and control them. It will help him to communicate more effectively with others. I believe social skill groups could help House with his impulse-control. Group therapies help with accountability of the behavior, and provide for feedback. This therapy is a powerful venue for growth and change. Participants receive tremendous understanding, support, and encouragement from others facing similar issues. House could also gain different perspectives, ideas, and viewpoints on those issues. I feel a variance outside of one-on-one would be beneficial for House. As narcissistic as he can be, I think too much attention to solely his issues at once would force him to become more defensive and less open to treatment. Assessment: House’s treatment goals will take some time to be actualized. Addiction is rooted not only in behaviors, but also his biology. He will need to have some strong support built in along with coping skills. Given the fact relationships with others need to exist for the support to be effective, these treatment goals are dependent on one another. His treatment with addiction will not show promise until a minimum of a year without use has been met, and regular involvement in a self-help group has been established. I do not expect House to develop newer relationships at this time; however I will gauge his success in fostering his existing ones. His changes should include learning how to express his feelings maturely, and learning to give of himself without the use of sarcasm to hide when it feels uncomfortable. There is also a strong correlation between addiction and impulse-control, by identifying coping skills for urges, House could utilize some of these with his behaviors. In addition, low self-esteem can be part of the problem in engaging in such dangerous and high risk activities. House needs to address both his physical condition that causes him embarrassment, and his abandonment issues with his family. I feel as time goes on, and he gives recovery and relationships with others a chance, he will begin to see himself as a person worth caring for. Once he begins to feel that he is valuable and deserving of love from others, he should be able to accept this within himself. It is my hope through those changes his disregard for his safety will dissipate.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Dq-6.2---Sheila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dq-6.2---Sheila - Essay Example It is done by ensuring that the value demanded by the consumers and the population is met appropriately. Apple products like mobile phones and laptops are a good example of products and services that meet the needs of its consumers (Goetsch, 2012). Through an orderly approach of organising the workflow of an organisation, organisations are able to move at a similar pace with the current needs of its products and services consumers. Organisations do so by keeping a reliable account of the consumer complaints of the flaws in other similar gadgets and services. Apple producer was able to manage well its business process which ensured that they have been able to meet the demands of its products consumer. By doing a good market research and reacting to various consumer feedbacks, they are the highest ranked mobile phone and laptop producers (Page, 2011). Ideology critics are the term used about the Frankfurt School of critical and social theory thinkers among them Habermas. The term helps one identify how unfair basic beliefs, favourably acknowledged are in everyday practices and situations rooted. Ideologies are so obvious, yet hard to challenge (Holliday, 2011). They are able to challenge the already existing ideologies among people and root oppositely different ideologies. They identify weaknesses and even flaws in a particular set of products and services. They can even influence a consumers preference by stating to them a different ideology (Page, 2011). They cannot completely change the ideologies practiced by people completely or even a very large number at the same time. It might even take them a very long time to convince their target group to change a single mind-set. They believe that they have powerful, convincing power that can transform an individual within a short period because they are aware of the needs of the target consumers. They can transform many, if they convince them
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Strategic Management report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic Management report - Essay Example It is this factor alone that has got it 70% of the US market in 2000 and about 50% share of the market outside the US. Over the last 3 years Gillette has been trying to recover its lost glory that it enjoyed for the decade up to 1997. In 1986 its sales were $ 2.8 billion and rose to $ 9.08 billion in 1987. Since then it has hovered around the $ 9 billion and this stagnation has eroded its stock value but fortunately not its market share. Due to its innovative approach to product development which Gillette has maintained for over a century, it retains market leadership in this segment. Gillette has unsuccessfully tried to add to its product portfolio for over 50 year. The redeeming feature has been the Safety Razor sections for men and women. A SWOT analysis of the product also suggests that this core product range is the company’s real strength. The weakness is the quarterly sales strategy of loading sales to retailers. The opportunity lies in improving its sales strategies. There are really no threats to the company from are competition. While the majority of shares is held in public but a sizable stakeholders are employees, both present and retired ones. The single largest share holder is Buffet Warren who holds about 10% of the company stock. They are worried over the declining stock prices especially since 1997 through 2001. The decline has been sharp from a valuation of $ 4.8 billion to $ 1.9 billion. They need a quick turnaround or they fear the company will be a takeover target once again. Historically Gillette has always scored over the competition primarily due to its customer loyalty which has come about due to its innovations in products. This is its main strength even today. It also has a wide distribution base worldwide and its products range from entry level to premium level catering across all segments of customers. It can therefore rely on its R & D to continue to offer strong product lines in this core sector. It
Monday, October 7, 2019
Catherine Mansfield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Catherine Mansfield - Essay Example As the report declares looking deeper in the human behavior and trying to see the important details, her short stories had a didactic particularity. This happens with the short story: â€Å"Sixpence†. The story is a didactic one, but not as we might think at the beginning. The writer portraits two types of parents behavior. A little boy, Dicky, does not behave properly one day, just when his mother has a guest. This was a very strange fact, because he usually was â€Å"good as gold as a rule, sensitive, affectionate, obedient and marvelously sensible for his age†. This paper stresses that the child makes a mistake and the guest, Mrs. Spears, gives his mother an advice: the only punishment is the whipping. This contradicts his mother’s opinions, because when she said punishment she was not referring to beating. And here comes the two types of behavior, or we could extend the two types of parents. Mrs. Spears sons were very quiet, permitting their mother to give credit to her theory about punishment. Dicky’ s mother does not agree to the beating, but she let herself convinced by her friend’ words. The children themselves were very different and Dicky was the one that had a normal behavior for his age. He was gentle and sensitive, but sometimes he was acting foolishly, maybe because a child’s energy is too big and cannot be hold in. Mrs. Spears sons were not acting right for some children, they were too calm and quite.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Return on Financial Assets Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Return on Financial Assets - Math Problem Example tainty (low risk). In other words, invested money can earn higher profits only if there is a possibility of it being lost. Likewise, a corporate bond has several risks attached to it such as term to maturity risk, degree of liquidity risk and its credit rating. Each bond is discussed below with regard to the risk attached to it. I. Bond X will earn the highest return because of low credit rating which means that agencies regard this firm as highly risky. Moreover, it also involves maturity risk and degree of liquidity risk which is assumed as it is not stated. II. Bond W will earn a lower return in comparison to X but higher than Y and Z, as it is rated better by the rating agency which denotes low risk in terms of business operation. However maturity and liquidity risk exists which makes investor hesitant to take it unless it offers required return for it. III. Bond Y will yield more than Z but less than W and X because of its high credit rating, low term to maturity risk which is e vident from the fact that investor will get his principal amount back before investor of bond W and X. But still it contains liquidity risk which will result in paying a higher return than bond Z. IV. Lastly, bond Z will yield the least amount of return as it does not have liquidity risk, maturity risk and neither low credit rating. Investors won’t demand high return as their investment is relatively safe. 2. Explain how an economist could use the slope of the yield curve to analyze the probability that a recession will occur and why the spread may matter. Answer: Yield curve shows a relationship between yield and maturity of a debt instrument. Its slope has always been a good indicator of economic movements, as it can indicate where investor sentiments are heading. It indicates investors’ expectation of economy and interest rate. A sharply upward sloping, or steep yield curve, has often been an indication of an economic shift. Yield curve can indicate upcoming rec ession when it starts to invert. It occurs when long-term yields fall below short-term yields (Besley and Brigham, 2000). Under anomalies, if investors think that economy will slow down or decline in the future they will be satisfied with lower yield. Inverted yield curves also suggest that the market is expecting inflation to remain low. This is because, even if there is a recession, a low bond yield will still be offset by low inflation. 3. One year ago, you bought a bond for $10,000. You received interest of $400 at the end of the year, as well as your $10,000 principal. If the inflation rate over the last year was five percent, calculate the real return. Show your work. Answer: Real return of a security is calculated by discounting the interest earned and principal invested to (t=0) i.e. today and then finding percentage return of the investment. For the above given question, firstly, principal amount and interest earned is added to get $10,400 and then discounted at a rate of 5%
Friday, October 4, 2019
The Ways In Which Communication Fails In Accident And Emergency Essay
The Ways In Which Communication Fails In Accident And Emergency Between Radiographers - Essay Example to be the leading cause of unnecessary delays in patient care and treatment, insufficient radiation exposure to the patients, improper use of imaging technology facilities, prenatal deaths and injuries, and is the second leading cause for patient falls (JCAHO, 2006). A very important fact is mentioned in a report that is about how medication errors can be reduced in the hospitals according to which, â€Å"between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year as a result of all types of medical errors.†(Patel, 2004). The ultimate importance of communication is suggested by almost every person, because it lays the foundation for good results unequivocally. Actually, the basic characteristics of good inter-professional communication need to be understood but, despite many efforts to develop healthy and bias-free relationships in the hospital setups, no research regarding the ways to develop beneficial inter-professional communication exists in the present. It is mentioned by (Wear, 199 7) that the medical students are not deeply taught about ways to handle relationships with other health care professionals like technologists, radiographers etc. in their medical schools. (Zwarenstein M, Goldman J, and Reeves S, 2009) suggest that inter-professional communication (IPC) skills need to be properly taught to both doctors and radiographers, so that they may know how to practically use those skills when needed in emergency situations where immediately many x-rays one after another are required and for good x-rays, doctors must collaborate vigorously with radiographers. (Pearson, 2011) suggests that lack of verbal communication between doctors and radiographers can lead to the professionals simply forgetting some patients, which leads to chances that those patients might be left... The purpose of this is to establish new and better lines of communication between doctors and radiographers. Critical discussion is also presented in the report which underlines the major reasons why doctors and radiographers find it difficult or impossible to communicate with each other in emergency situation especially. Some recommendations are also included which may help in improving the patient care and removing the deficiencies resulting primarily from bad management and poor inter-professional relationships. Rationale: The main purpose of this report is to identify the major reasons that prove to be hurdles in the path of effective communication. From the discussion above and the results of the survey analysis, this much becomes clear that the heavily strained communication between doctors and radiographers in situations of emergency proves to be markedly hazardous for the patients. There is also lack of understanding about the significance and importance of inter-personal communication and good managerial skills, due to which occupational stress results and chaos is produced in the hospitals. There do exist some strategies like â€Å"VoIP Telephony and wireless communications†for modernizing the communication capability between the health care professionals. For proper and person-to-person communication between doctors and radiographers, wireless communication must be ensured in all the hospitals. Moreover, both doctors and radiographers should be especially educated about the ways to handle the important burden of patients in A&E departments and OTs for improving the patient care.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Importance of Xylem and Phloem Tissues Essay Example for Free
Importance of Xylem and Phloem Tissues Essay The primary xylem and primary phloem tissues are pushed inward into the] pith and outwards respectively by the continuous production of secondary tissues cut I off by the cambium ring. The primary xylem is gradually pushed inward and is found at the centre of the axis; whereas, the primary phloem, being soft in nature, gets completely crushed. These activities in the stelar region exert a great pressure outwardly. The cortex cells, the pericycle and the epidermis divide anticlinally to cope with the production of tissues in the stelar region. Formation of annual ring or growth ring The activity of the cambium ring is under the control of series of physiological and environmental factors. For example, in spring the cambium becomes more active and forms a greater number of vessels with wider cavities. In winter, the temperature is low due to which the cambium also becomes less active and forms narrow pitted vessels, tracheids and wood fibers. The xylem (wood) formed during the spring is known as spring wood or early wood and which is formed in winter is called autumn wood or late wood. The spring wood is lighter in color and exhibits low density where as the autumn (or winter) wood is darker and has higher density. These two kinds of wood appear together, in a transverse section of the stem, as a concentric ring known as the annual ring or growth ring. Successive annual rings are formed year after year by the activity of the cambium. Each annual ring corresponds to one years growth. Thus one can estimate the age of plant to some degree of accuracy by counting the total number of annual rings. Annual rings are readily seen with naked eye in the logs of a tree trunk. Heart-wood and sap-wood: In old trees, the greater part of the secondary wood is filled up with tannins resins, gums, essential oils, etc. , which make it hard and durable. It looks dark or brown. This region is known as heart-wood. The heart wood gives mechanical support to the stem. The outer region of the secondary wood is of lighter color and is known as sap-wood or alburnum. It helps in conduction of water and mineral salts from the root to the leaf. (B) Secondary growth in extra-stelar region Secondary growth in the extra stellar region occurs to cope with the addition of tissues in the stellar region. It occurs in the cortex and helps in the formation of periderm. It occurs by the formation and activities of a secondary meristem called cork cambium or phellogen. Origin and activity of the cork-cambium or phellogen Due to the addition of secondary phloem and secondary xylem elements, the outermost layer of the cortex becomes highly stretched and may crack open. During this process a few layers of meristematic tissue arise in the cortex. This is called the cork cambium or phellogen. The nature of cambium is secondary. Commonly it arises in the outer layers of the cortex i. . hypodermis. It may also arise in the epidermis itself, or in the inner layers of the cortex, or even in the pericycle. The cork combium consists of narrow, thin-walled and roughly rectangular cells. It is of few layers in thickness. The cork cambium cuts of cells on both the sides and secondary cortex on the inner. The cells of the secondary cortex are parenchymatous in nature and often contain chloroplast. Cork The new cells cut off by the cork-cambium on its outer side are rough rectangular and soon become suberized. They form the cork of the plant. Cork cells are dead, suberized, thick-walled and brown in color. They are arranged in radial rows being suberized, cork is impervious to air and water. Functions of Crock (i)It acts as a waterproof covering to the stem (ii) It also protects the plant] against the attacks of parasitic fungi, (iii) Cork cells, being dead and empty, containing air only, are bad conductors of heat. This being so, a sudden variation in outside] temperature does not affect the internal tissues of the plant; (IV) Cork is also made use of by the plant for the healing of wounds. The bottle cork is obtained from the cork] cells of Quercus suber. ) Bark In restricted sense, all the dead tissues lying outside the active cork cambium constitute the bark of the plant. It, therefore, includes the epidermis, the lenticels and cork, and sometimes also hypodermis and a portion of the cortex depending on the position of the cork-cambium. Thus the deeper the origin of the cork-cambium, the thicker would be the bark. The term bark in a wider since is used to describe all tissues outside the vascular cambium of the stem. Phellem, phelloderm and phellogen layers are collectively called periderm. Thus periderm is a protective multilayered structure of secondary origin. On the basis of function, two types of barks are distinguished- ring barks and scale bark. When the cork cambium appears in the form of a complete ring the bark that is formed comes away in a sheet; such a bark is known as the ring bark as in Betula. When the cork-combium appears in strips the resulting bark comes away in the form of scales; such a bark is known as the scale bark as in (guava) Psidium. Function of bark The bark protects the inner tissues (i) against the attack of fungi and insects (ii) against loss of water by evaporation and (iii) against variation of external temperature. Lenticels These are small aerating pores formed in the bark of stems through which gaseous exchange takes place. Externally they appear as scars or raised portions on the surface of stems. Lenticels are first formed below the stomata. A section through one of the scars shows that the lenticels consists of a loose mass of small thin walled cells called complementary cells or filling tissue.
Giotto Di Bondones Style and Technique
Giotto Di Bondones Style and Technique Briefly outline the characteristics of Giotto’s style and analyse the impact of his works on fourteenth-century Italian Art Giotto was a Florentine painter and architect who was recognized as an artistic genius and protagonist during the Italian Renaissance. For artist Giorgio Vasari the great biographer of Italian Renaissance artists the new art had its birth with Giotto[1]. Giotto lived and worked at a time when society was exploring and testing the boundaries of medieval traditions and institutions. This is reflected in his religious subjects where the earthly, full-blooded energy for which he was so famous was to spark the beginnings of artistic naturalism and humanism. For Vasari, Giotto’s work represents a period when painting woke from its long subjection to the Greeks. As Hale says: the stiffness of the Byzantine style gave way to something like grace, figures began to cast shadows and to be foreshortened, their drapery revealed movement and their faces reflected feeling, fear, hope, anger or love. [2] These characteristics are reflected in one of Giotto’s earliest works, Madonna and Child, where the child, although now lost, is affectionately clasping the Madonna’s hand, with its other hand outstretched to her face. The Madonna’s eyes meet those of the viewer with an elongated stare. Both of these qualities reflect Giotto’s desire to express human sentiment and his interest in the communication of feeling. Giotto also experiments with form so that the straight alignment of the Madonna’s features are juxtaposed against the shape of her gown which flows down and away from her face. Giotto is famous for his frescoes at Assisi where he perpetuated a new use of space and colour. For example, The Doctors of the Church sets portraits within areas framed by extravagantly decorative geometric, figurative, and floral motifs.[3] In The Scenes from the Life of St. Francis the strong portrayal of animals, plants, flowers, pottery and rocks are integrated into the human scenarios so that the two become integral to one another. In St. Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Knight the red of the knight’s robe is seen on the back of the mule and in the buildings and landscapes of the background. This is suggestive of Giotto’s desire to unify different elements of his paintings a theme which was to continue into the trends of the fourteenth century. Indeed in his frescoes at Padua (1302-5) where he painted the lives of Christ and the Virgin in the private chapel of Enrico Scrovegni, Padua’s richest citizen, his fusion between figures and space and his concep tion of them as a ‘single coherent unit’[4] is taken to a new extreme. A section of The Last Judgement shows Enrico Scrovegni offering a model of the chapel to Mary, who stands beside a saint and an angel. The gift symbolises Enrico seeking penitence for his father’s sin of usury.[5] This arrangement reflects man’s communication with God, and in turn the unification of the material and the spiritual. In The Last Judgement, where Christ sits surrounded by an aura, Giotto places figures at the centre of their world representing mankind’s place at the centre of history and his unique individuality, which was to become a fundamental of the humanist vision during the fourteenth century. Fourteenth century Italian art was intrinsically linked to the political developments occurring during the time. Giotto was certainly one of the first to assert a style based on observations of nature rather than the upholding of medieval traditions, and during a time when city states were becoming more independent, and democracies were governed by guilds associations of merchants, bankers, artisans, and other professionals[6] this form of artistic freedom was welcomed by those who had democratic or political influence. Giotto’s decorating of the family chapels of the wealthiest citizens of Florence and Padua suggests that art was seen as an ultimate aesthetic representation of virtue and power. In S. Croce Giotto painted the life of St. Francis in the Bardi chapel and those of the two St. Johns in the Peruzzi chapel. The Bardi and Peruzzi were the two greatest banker families of Florence and court bankers of the kings of England and Naples, to the latter of whom Giotto was court painter between 1328-32.[7] These were important developments for fourteenth century art as at Peruzzi Giotto incorporates portrait heads, presumably of the Peruzzi family. As Antal phrases it: ‘it was the wealthiest citizens of Florence who were the first to be represented, outside a fresco or religious painting, in almost wholly independent portraits, though still for the time being inside the same frame.’[8] Later artwork was to completely separate portraits from religious paintings so that the individual could be represented as independent of, but still connected to, the spiritual realm. Fourteenth-century frescoes reveal that individualism was greatly esteemed in the Italian city-republics, and a developing trend for freedom of expression can be seen in Giotto’s pupils and successors such as Taddeo Gaddi. The lives of Christ, the Virgin and the Saints were the subjects of many important paintings and sculptures commissioned at the time. However, although these subjects continue those used by Giotto, his style began to be adapted by his pupils. His idea of a painting as a single unified whole was taken further by incorporating a greater diversity of individual elements within that whole. As Antal explains it: The painters abandoned Giottos centripetal emphasis in order to obtain a fuller narrative; the number of figures is greater, they are individualised and more vehement in their movements, more passionate or more charming; sometimes landscape predominates, and the architecture is richer and more Gothic.[9] However, Giotto’s work was still to prove pivotal to the changes occurring during the fourteenth century. By mid-century, Italy saw a surge of artistic output which integrated new ideals into earlier modes of representation. Over time, figures became more naturalistic, and the linear and angular quality of clothing on figures became softened. As mentioned above, Giotto’s volumetric figures of Madonna and of Christ express these qualities nearly a century earlier. These works were to influence major fourteenth century artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael. As seen in Madonna and Child Giotto experimented with the form of the figure and created a shadow effect, adding three dimensionality to the painting. This solution to creating the illusion of solidity to his figures was developed by the later artists who are famous for their exquisite eye for detail. With Giotto, the two dimensional world of thirteenth-century Italian painting was transformed into an analogue for the real world.[10] It was the simplicity of his style and his mastery of illusion which captivated the audiences of his time. As Bernard Berenson puts it: With the simplest means, with almost rudimentary light and shade, and functional line, he contrives to render, out of all the possible outlines, out of all the possible variations of light and shade that a given figure may have, only those that we must isolate for special attention when we are actually realizing it.[11] Giotto was to lay the foundations of a radical artistic movement in fourteenth century Italy. Later artists developed the simplicity of his use of line, form and three-dimensionality. His bold use of colour and composition was to precipitate a wealth of changes in the styles and tastes of fourteenth century Italian art, and his contributions to the history of aesthetics are perhaps some of the most comprehensive in history. Bibliography Antal, F., 1947, Florentine Painting and Its Social Background; the Bourgeois Republic before Cosimo De Medicis Advent to Power: XIV and Early XV Centuries. London: K. Paul Bennett, A., 1999, Giotto. London: Dorling Kindersley Berenson, B., 1953, The Italian Painters of the Renaissance. Phaidon: New York Hale, J.R., 1954, England and the Italian Renaissance: The Growth of Interest in Its History and Art. London: Faber and Faber Osmond, S.F., 1998, The Renaissance Mind Mirrored in Art. World and I, Vol. 13 Further Reading Henderson, J., and Verdon, T., (eds), 1990, Christianity and the Renaissance: Image and Religious Imagination in the Quattrocento. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press Martindale, A., 1969, The Complete Paintings of Giotto. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson. Murray, L., and Murray, P., 1963, The Art of the Renaissance. New York: Praeger Footnotes [1] Osmond, S.F., 1998, The Renaissance Mind Mirrored in Art. World and I, Vol. 13. p.1. [2] Hale, J.R., 1954, England and the Italian Renaissance: The Growth of Interest in Its History and Art. London: Faber and Faber, p.60. [3] Bennett, A., 1999, Giotto. London: Dorling Kindersley, p.25. [4] Ibid, p.66. [5] Ibid, p.71. [6] Osmond, S.F., 1998, The Renaissance Mind Mirrored in Art. World and I, Vol. 13. [7] Antal, F., 1947, Florentine Painting and Its Social Background; the Bourgeois Republic before Cosimo De Medicis Advent to Power: XIV and Early XV Centuries. London: K. Paul, p.159. [8] Ibid, p.159. [9] Ibid, p.174. [10] [11] Berenson, B., 1953, The Italian Painters of the Renaissance. Phaidon: New York, p.44.
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