Friday, December 27, 2019
Mass Media Enslavement and Stupidity Effects of Media on...
Although Americans have been concerned about the moral principles involved with mass media approaches, it hasn’t stopped our society from continually investing money and time into fueling the mass media fire. In Tom Cooper’s (2008) In Between the Summits: What Americans Think About Media Ethics, he states: While some concerns such as deception, invasion of privacy, advertising saturation, and excessive violence apply to multiple channels of communication, others are medium specific. For example, the public’s primary anxieties about the Internet include fraud, spam, and the availability of pornography to children, while the primary concerns about telephone have included telemarketing and wiretapping. Overall findings suggest several†¦show more content†¦Reducing dissonance is important because if not handled correctly, dissonance can increase and our beliefs can be compromised. These acts of reducing dissonance can be done in multiple ways, which in this instance can also overlap with the use of mass media. One way of reducing dissonance can be through selective exposure. This is when an individual starts to protect their lifestyle by omitting any information that may conflict with what they believe (Griffin, 2009). An example of this could be through mass media contro l and ownership. The number of corporations that control the media has considerably been consolidated over the past 20 years, which censors the amount of viewpoints we are exposed to (VC, 2010). Media ownership today can be traced back to five main companies: AOL Time Warner, Viacom, The Walt Disney Company, Vivendi Universal, and Sony (VC, 2010). The chart provided below summarizes the more popular media. In this case, we don’t necessarily have control over what information is being selected by the media, but we can weed through this filtered information to find sources that reinforce our lifestyles. An example would be how certain news stations politically tend to be more conservative while others have more of a liberal stance. The viewer has the choice to filter this exposureShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) And Acquired...
Introduction Over the last three decades, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS) epidemic has been a public health concern in the United States (US) and globally. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], (2015d) estimates that in the US, over 1.2 million people are living with HIV, of which 12.8% are unaware of their diagnosis. Due to exceptional medical advances in treatment and prevention strategies, a healthier quality of life and longevity can now be achieved with persons diagnosed with HIV (Irvine et al., 2014; CDC 2015a; Sayles, Wong, Kinsler, Martins, Cunningham, 2009). However, despite the advance from a deathly diagnosis to a chronic disease, the continuum of care in treatment is still threatened. Each year, there are 40,000 new HIV infections in the US; and HIV is one of the leading causes of death in Florida. After unintentional injury, cancer, heart disease and suicide. It is reported as the 5th leading cause of death for ages 35 – 44, in 2011 (Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, 2013). The disparity seen in the African American population in regards to HIV is often discussed, and is targeted for prevention strategies. Only making up less than 16% of the US population, yet having the highest HIV infection rate in comparison to adults in other racial/ethnic populations. Nearly half of new infections occur in black young adults and adolescents (13 – 24 in age) (CDC, 2015d;Show MoreRelatedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus And Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome1477 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome In 1981, the first cases in the United States of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) developed in Los Angeles and New York (Fraser, Burd, Liebson, Lipschik, Peterson, 2008). The illness presented itself among several homosexual males who developed rare opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma (Sharp Hahn, 2011). At the time, medical professionals deemed the infections to beRead MoreCommunicable Disease934 Words  | 4 PagesCommunicable Disease Svetlana Brooks HCS/457 April 22, 2013 Deborah Ayers Communicable Disease A communicable disease is an infectious disease transmitted from one person to another directly or indirectly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV and nearly one in five of those are not aware that they are infected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquiredRead MoreModern Day Methods Of Contracting1113 Words  | 5 Pagesthe SIV virus from these non-human primates is discussed as well. As a result of these transmissions, the human immunodeficiency virus is brought to life. In this paper, this virus and its journey throughout history will be explained. Also, HIV and the different subfields this virus can be classified in are discussed throughout the research. As well as the where this virus was contracted, about the time when, and how it was possible. Also, the modern day methods of contracting this virus are listedRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1359 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper explores the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well as the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The virus has infected two million adults and children by the year 2005 already. The virus continues to race around the world, and new HIV infections are at 50,000 p er year (Martine Peeters, Matthieu Jung, Ahidjo Ayouba) (2013). The final outcome of the HIV infection is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are many treatments that have developed to help the large numberRead MoreAIDS/HIV Its Effects on Popular Culture Essay1194 Words  | 5 Pageshealth care worker. Some people may sadly consider their lives extinguished upon contraction of the in-curable virus, others will not let the infection rule their lives. However, the infection is no long-er considered a death sentence in contrast to what many may believe. Many people are igno-rant of the virus and continue to believe what was shared many years ago. What is HIV/AIDS, and what is its history? What is its effects on the body? How can it be, not cured, but treated? Who is at higherRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus Essay1208 Words  | 5 PagesHIV has been a pandemic that has affected the world relentlessly for many years in a never-ending circle. HIV , or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is the virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids and can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV attacks the immune system by destroying CD4+ T cells, which leaves the person infected with HIV vulnerable to other infections, diseases, and other complications.1 Once this virus is acquired, the human can never fully rid itself of thisRead MoreHiv/Aids854 Words  | 4 Pages------------------------------------------------- REACTION PAPER â€Å"HIV / AIDS†I. Title: HIV / AIDS Date: December 10, 2011 Name of speaker: Darius Umande II. Overview of the topic As I have learned from my past lessons in high school and elementary, HIV which stands for human immunodeficiency virus is a kind of virus, specifically lentivirus, that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome better known as AIDS. As what our high school teacher taught us, HIV can be transmitted commonly from personRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pages The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects the human wellbeing by attacking the body’s immune system which is the natural defense system in the human body to resist infections. When the immune system is being compromised, the body becomes less capable of fighting diseases, allowing the body to become more susceptible to infections. Different from other viruses that the body can get rid of, HIV will remain in the body for life (Wright and Carnes, 2016). HIV works by attacking the CD4Read MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, Also Known As Hiv, Continuous1519 Words  | 7 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV, continuous to be an epidemic crisis. HIV can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if left untreated.Unlike other viruses once HIV is acquired the human body can not get rid of it. Sub Saharan Africa is currently the most affected region for HIV/AIDS, Men in the region seem to be the most affected. There is currently no cure for HIV, however there is possible treatment, as well as ways one can prevent developing the virus. HIV/AIDS continousRead MoreAids757 Words  | 4 PagesAIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the disease progresses. HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
International Cases in Sustainable Travel & Tourism
Question: Descrbe about the International Cases in Sustainable Travel Tourism? Answer: Sustainability of tourism The tourism business in Kenya is the second biggest wellspring of outside trade income took after by farming. The fundamental vacation destinations are amusement safaris and visits through the national stops and diversion holds. Different attractions incorporate the 4Ss (Sandy shorelines, sex, sun and ocean, building outlines like the mosques at Mombasa the prestigious landscape of the Great Rift Valley, the espresso ranches at Thika, a perspective of Mt. Kilimanjaro, over the fringe into Tanzania and its shorelines along the Indian Ocean among others (Swarbrooke, 1999). Meeting tourism was gravely hit amid the first quarter, dropping by 87.4% contrasted with the development that was seen in 2007, 974 individuals touched base in Kenya amid that period for some gatherings were crossed out. Business travel declined by 21 for every penny amid the time period and 35,914 voyagers came into the nation contrasted with 45,338 amid the same period the prior year. Notwithstanding this, Kenya won the Best Leisure Destination recompense at the World Travel Fair in Shanghai, China, in April 2008. The Permanent Secretary in Kenya's Ministry of Tourism, Rebecca Nabutola, expressed that the honour "goes to affirm that Kenya has one of a kind world acclaimed tourism item. The acknowledgment will most likely support Kenya's tourism and upgrade its profile as a main vacationer destination. Sustainable tourism advancement system and management performances are appropriate to all kinds of tourism in a broad variety of purpose, including accumulation travelling and the dissimilar subject tourism section. Maintainability principles allude to the natural, financial, and communal sections of tourism improvement, and a suitable equalization must be built up among these three capacities to make sure its long heave manageability. Feasible tourism improvement requires the cultured collaboration of each important partner, and additionally hard following proposal to assurance wide interest and accord structure. Achieving manageable tourism is a persistent process and it requires stable inspection of effects, present the fundamental defensive and/or remedial measures at whatever point essential. Economical tourism should additionally continue an irregular state of traveller fulfilment and assurance an important matter to the visitors, raise their concerns about support and ability issue and advance feasible tourism practices among them. Tourism is an administration industry which implies that it depends firmly on HR at all levels (territorial, national, global) and from a wide range of administration divisions, e.g. convenience, gastronomy, travel organizations, travel authors and distributers and so forth. Each of these divisions is truly its very own industry. HR incorporates every one of the general population who work in the tourism business at all levels, from the cleaners who clean the inn rooms to the people who oversee tourism resorts. This reliance on HR implies that the nature of tourism changes continually. The general population utilized in the tourism business are frequently those utilized for a shorter measure of time than those in different commercial ventures. Aptitudes learnt including tourism frequently don't stay in one spot for long in light of this high move over rate (Pineda and Brebbia, 2004). Tourism can be a lucrative wellspring of income for a destination; however it can likewise have significant negative effects on it. These effects are physical, as well as social. The effects shift as indicated by the number and the way of voyagers and in addition the attributes of the site at which tourism exercises happen. These negative effects must be overseen viably on the off chance that they have been distinguished, measured and assessed. At whatever point the negative effects on the indigenous habitat are managed, it ought to be viewed as that these effects once in a while impact stand out substance, yet that the natural effects of tourism generally impact environments all in all. The effects on the indigenous habitat don't just impact immaculate nature regions, additionally developed area, which is a critical piece of the common and social legacy of a locale and environmentally profitable on the grounds that it's the living space of numerous species (Page and Connell, 2008). Tourism helps change and improvement and in this manner affects the social advancement of a general public. The response of social orders towards tourism is differing: some reject transforms, others involucrate them into their customs and some will desert their social roots by and large. While social change is an unavoidable, common piece of human culture, the sudden and constrained changes that tourism frequently brings can bring about the complete breakdown of society and might importantly bring about the loss of whole social custom. Tourism earning not just enhances the monetary circumstance of a destination, however can encourage ecological insurance. Direct monetary commitment to preservation is created through extra charges for secured regions, gifts with which visit administrators and other tourism suppliers bolster protection measures, charges which the legislature somewhat utilizes for financing natural insurance. Sightseers welcome a solid and lovely common habitat and reject destinations where the contamination and pulverization of the regular habitat happens. Tourism can in this manner raise the attention to the neighbourhood populace concerning natural issues and upgrade the inspiration for protection exercises or advance the change of preservation administration. Because of the measurement of the tourism business - 900 million entries for each year around the globe - and on the grounds that tourism is connected so basically to regular ranges, it is one of the real dangers to biodiversity and common assets around the world. Along these lines, it is totally key to attempt endeavours to make tourism more maintainable - in regards to a wide range of tourism, at all levels and for all parts of the tourism business from global visit administrator to little benefits proprietors (Page and Connell, 2008). The test of practical tourism improvement is to make utilization of tourism's certain effects, upgrading and diverting the advantages into the right bearings, and to maintain a strategic distance from or moderate the negative effects beyond what many would consider possible. Tourism in Kenya is a noteworthy remote trade worker topping more than 60 billion annually. The segment depends vigorously on biodiversity with a few heavenly sights from national parks to the sandy shorelines on the Kenya coastline. Kenya rehearses mass tourism however is understands that this can just devastate the business by pulverization of the biological community. A fragile equalization is coveted, practical tourism is the decision. It presents different advantages particularly for SMEs improvement. Numerous hotel and lodges, far from the urban areas, are presently putting resources into option vitality sources. Sun based force, specifically, is the favoured option, and most dependable organizations today utilize some sort of close planetary system for their power and water warming. Wind force is not yet as large, but rather a few nearby suppliers are fuelling a developing hobby (Brebbia, Favro and Pineda, 2014). For the groups to profit by tourism, group tourism is rapidly grabbing with backing from the Tourism Trust Fund, and NGOs like SNV. Home-stays where the visitor is facilitated by local people in their estates is putting forth impetuses to moderate the earth. CBOs are meeting up to run vacation spot sports like the Hell's kitchen in Magarini. The Kipepeo or butterfly raising endeavor by ladies in Arabuko Sokoke in Malindi offers elective wellspring of job while monitoring the earth. The group circumscribing the Kakamega woods are occupied with developing restorative plants like Mukombero while monitoring the backwoods and pulling in vacationers. The Kenya Community Based Tourism (Kecobat) is an enrollment NGO framed to advance group tourism. Every year the Mara acting crowd to the world's most noteworthy characteristic scene, the seventh miracle of the earth the huge Wildebeest Migration from the area of Serengeti. The Mara is most likely the best overhauled of all Kenyan Nature Park and assets with an extensive variety of housing for any financial plan. The natural park is a prevalent fascination with Safari administrators. Generally, the Maasai once in a while chase and living close by untamed life in amicability is a vital piece of their beliefs. Lions and Wildebeest assume as essential a part in their social convictions as their own groups of steers (Brebbia and Pineda, 2006). The sustainability tourism is one of the most important examples in modern day. The sustainability is important aspect in tourism and it helps to enhance the tourism in that area of Kenya. The sustainability is important aspect that needs to environmental and social responsibility towards the state and nation. Reasonable tourism is the suggestion of going to a spot as a traveller and effort to have immediately an advantageous conclusion on the world, civilization and financial system. Tourism can include essential transportation to the general area, neighbourhood transport, housing, enthusiasm, enjroyment, food and etc. The sustainable tourism enhances and improves the tourism in any area and generates good response from stakeholders. As more districts and state add to their tourism business, it produces huge belongings on usual possessions, utilization designs, contamination and social laws. The requirement for feasible/dependable arrange and management is essential for the industry to make due all in all (Benckendorff and Lund-Durlacher, 2013). References Benckendorff, P. and Lund-Durlacher, D. (2013).International cases in sustainable travel tourism. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers. Brebbia, C. and Pineda, F. (2006).Sustainable tourism II. Southampton: WIT. Brebbia, C., Favro, S. and Pineda, F. (2014).Sustainable tourism VI. Southhampton: WIT Press. Page, S. and Connell, J. (2008).Sustainable tourism. London: Routledge. Pineda, F. and Brebbia, C. (2004).Sustainable tourism. Southampton: WIT Press. Pineda, F. and Brebbia, C. (2010).Sustainable tourism IV. Southampton: WIT. Pooley, C. (2013).Promoting walking and cycling. Bristol: Policy Press. Richards, G. and Hall, D. (2000).Tourism and sustainable community development. London: Routledge. Solway, A. (2010).Sustainable tourism. Mankato, Minn.: Arcturus Pub. Swarbrooke, J. (1999).Sustainable tourism management. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Pub.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sooner or Later Essay Sample free essay sample
It’s a bright cheery twenty-four hours. City is unagitated. Birds are peeping. We hear people are speaking. Senior citizens are practising yoga and express joying exercising. It’s a crowd comprising of all ages from senior citizen to kids of all ages. college traveling childs ; shouting. express joying. Everyone is busy in their ain universe. A child looks about and runs to his fellow mate. who is shouting. the kid shows concern toward him. Meanwhile another kid is shouting some names out loud and a group of kids tallies towards him. Some misss are playing home-home. Some male childs are playing cricket/football. Some are merely chew the fating. ( no sound merely obviously background music. Visuals will be slow-mo. stressing chiefly on different emotions of children’s. ) We see ANKUR and AMIT are sitting at the corner of the park off from all kids. ANKIT looks emotional and witting like he is afraid of something or the other. We will write a custom essay sample on Sooner or Later Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ANKIT starts walking backwards off from ANKUR. Unaware of what’s traveling on. on ANKITS head ANKUR breaks the distance and walks towards him inquiring. . ANKUR Kya Harkat-ul-Mujahidin?ANKITMaine kal raat ma dad KO baat karte chromaticity suna. Voh tumhein door bejne welt h. ANKURArey pagal! Aisa tujhse kisne kahan?ANKITBhai. wahan dekho!ANKUR looks at two ladies. sitting on the bench in the garden. One is ANKIT’s female parent and another 1 is her friend. They are being civil and speaking in a vey low voice. ANKIT and ANKUR attempts to listen to them. LADY 1 ( ANKIT’s MOM )Aaj kal itni mehengai mein samajh mein hello nahi aata hahi aakhir kare toh kare kya! ? Tax wage kare toh rashan mein samjhota. loan ka involvement wage karein toh ghar qi choti moti zarurteinpoori karne mein samjhota. Interest. measure chukate chukate kahin hum hi karze mein na doob jayein. Uppar se ANKIT-ANKUR ki padhai toh abhi Ba chalu hello hui hai. Itna sab ANKIT ke dad ki salary mein adjust kar pana bada mushkil hai. LADY 2 ( FRIEND ) Haan! Ab mehengai hai hello itni. Tum ek kaam kyon nahi karti apne jeeth ke ladke KO kisi authorities school mein admittance kyon nahi dila deti? Wahan bhi toh acchi padhai hoti hai. LADY 1Mujhe bhi Bachelor of Arts yahin slowdown raha hai. Kyon ki agar aisa hello chalta raha toh na jaane ANKIT qi aage ki padhai kaise hogi. ANKIT-ANKUR expressions at each other. emotional. Both remain soundless for a minute. ANKIT’s oculus bend ruddy. full of cryings he all of a sudden turns his dorsum towards ANKUR seeking to halt weeping. Hissing. embracing himself as if he has nowhere to travel. ANKUR on the other manus somehow command his emotions and tried to convert ANKIT. Ans says. . ANKUR Pagal! Mummy jo kuch bol rahi hai usmein burai kya hai. Woh toh busyness dono ke whole ke liye. hamare future ke bare bearing hello soch rahi hai. Unka kehna bhi galat nahi hai. ANKIT un satisfy with ANKUR’s suggestion says. . ANKIT( Firm voice )Bhai aap chale jaoge toh chief kaise rahunga. Main aapke bina nahi reh sakta. ANKUR keep his cryings and says. .ANKURSab clip ke saath theek Ho jayega. Main hamesh tere saath rahunga Bachelor of Arts rona set kar. Both hug each other tightly. Camera pans from ANKIT’s face. We see a immature male child who is 26. good suitable office traveling cat. hearing all the conversation between the male childs. Blink his eyes with cryings. Scene II.VIVEK and SHAURYA are like bestest brothers since childhood though are existent brothers. They can non conceive of life without each other. VIVEK is largely depended on his brother for his support. He is unworried for about everything in his life. While SHAURYA is mature. responsible cats handle everything with easiness. But when both are together they behave immature. comrade enjoy a hedonic life even while SHAURYA is married to a degree headed mature miss name SONIA. ) CUT TO We see both are in the auto. Enjoying. Playing music. Singing aloud. checking gags. SHAURYA drives VIVEK to his college and leaves for his office. Both are back place in the dark. Laughing.Cut TOCamera pulls back from dismay clock its 9:30 am. Its VIVEK’s suites which is all messed up. Alarm rings. Vivek take a expression at the dismay clock. rolls his eyes. hits it. take a deep breath. covers his face with bed sheet and goes back to kip once more. SHAURAYA noticing from his ain room.SHAURAYAOye nind ke poojari VIKI. Chal uth aise hello sota rahega toh aaj mujhe bhi late karayega. 5 min mein ready Ho warna tujhe chod ke chala jaunga. Both are ready. Rushing from their house’s chief door. SHAURYA doing a dead full serious face and VIVEK muttering random vocals. SHAURYA Be a small responsible VIVEK. Sson you will be finishing your grads and now to don’t even have wont of turn uping your bed sheets. VIVEKArey Bhai. poke mein khud apne aap KO college ke liye taiyaar nahi paa raha Hunt oh bed sheet KOs kaise karu! SHAURYA smiles. Both goes towards auto.SHAURYATu bhi sodium. . tere kuch nahi Ho sakta.VIVEKAakhir bhai kiska Hun Cut TOSHAURYA takes short stairss towards childs. Almost about to shout. Wanted to state something but nil comes out of him. Sound of his HEART BEAT is heard. ANKIT-ANKUR Still embracing each other tightly. Crying. Cut TOA classy life room. Marble flooring. pendants. keen furniture. SONIA is set uping materials and SHAURYA is acquiring ready for his office. SONIAAb kab tak aap apne bhai KO bachche jaise rakheinge. Woh bada ho gaya hai Bachelor of Arts apni duties khud le sakta hai. If you guys wont separate now so I am afraid than any of us will hold any hereafter. Let him travel. Besides you cant travel in front in your life with VIVEK around. C’mon we have household to be planned. Baby please inquire VIVEK to travel on. SHAURYA is listening to her frustrated from day-to-day dosage of ASK VIVEK TO MOVE ON. he tried to knot his tie. Ignore Sonia as if he doesn’t attention. After a piece SHAURYA gets annoyed and leaves the room with arrant dissatisfaction. Camera pans to VIVEK face. standing outside SAURYA’s room with staff of life in his custodies. VIVEK don’t react to things that eh heard recently. Alternatively maintain fire hook face and expression determined. Trying to pull off this state of affairs SHAURYA indiscriminately do his day-to-day material and inquire VIVEK. . SHAURYA Chal you are acquiring tardily for college. You have college fest today right? Even I got up early for you today. VIVEKNahi Bhai. you go. I have some assignment to be done. College fest is of no usage. Furthermore there are no talks agenda for today so I should be at place making assignments. SHAURYA nods and foliages. Cut TOWe see VIVEK haste towards his room. lock it and is looking for something between the apparels every bit shortly as he finds his laptop he sits and look for a occupation over the net. His eyes turn ruddy. full of cryings. Finally he wipes his cryings. Get relax like he got the occupation. VIVEK drops his cryings. ( one bead. Slow minute ) CUT TO SHAURYA cryings are dropping down. Equally shortly as one of his tear falls on the grass everything goes on contrary manner. Cryings are eventually traveling back on SHAURYA’s eyes as if he is rewinding and populating all the minute he spent with his brother. V/O WAQT NAHI LAGTA. APNO KO PARAYA BANANE MEINSAALON JINKE SAATH JIYE. UNKO BEGANA BANANE MEINCHANND KHUSHIYON KE LIYE. KIMTI KHUSHIYO KA GALA DABANE MEIN AAKHIR KAB TAK CHALEGA YEIN ZAMANE MEIN? Full collage of SHAURYA-VIVEK’s life with â€Å"RUTH KE HUMSE KABHI JAB CHALE JAOGE â€Å" playing at the background.
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