Sunday, February 23, 2020

Disaster Recovery Plan for Home Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disaster Recovery Plan for Home - Assignment Example The laptop is used for school assignments, emails, contains e-books and an electronic address book (Rittinghouse & James 12). Each of these assets will need a recovery window. This simply means how long one can do without the access to the resource. For example, the parents can do without email for about 6 hours. For the laptop, if one is in school, then the recovery window for the assignments and school assignments may be less than when on vacation. The next step is to define the recovery solution. Here, the major question is, how will each use of the asset be recovered? As we are dealing with data, there will be need for a disk back up for all the information on the desktop and the laptop. Dat replication can also be used where this is done at an offsite. Each asset based on its value, should have a recovery window and the appropriate recovery solution. For example, the emails on the desktop are through Miscrosoft Outlook. Microsoft offers its exchange hosted continuity as backup. The draft plan needs to be put down on paper, defining the assets and how they will be protected. The plan needs to be commun icated to all those who use the assets. The users will be aware of how to asses and use the various applications in case of disaster. The plan needs to be tested and refined, and retested to ensure that it can be implemented in case of a disaster (Rittinghouse & James

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Industrial Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industrial Pollution - Essay Example people engage in such as dumping plastics are all part of massive chain reaction that ultimately results in the destruction or decimation of millions of lives both human and animal world over. Inevitably, every form of pollution has an impact on the environment and the animals in it, the effects may range from minor discomfort to serious conditions such as cancer and physical deformities. Industrial pollution contributes to the greenhouse effect that results in climate change disrupting weather patterns resulting to widespread famine, and it is the leading cause of health and enviromental challenges affecting animals and plants resulting in ill health and even death. The seepage of pollutant matter from industries is without doubt the biggest threat to human health with the pollution of water air and land resulting in illness and loss of life on a massive scale. Studies have proven the existence of a direct connection between outdoor air pollution and hospital admission records, showing that within every 10 micrograms of particulate matter in the air, the risk of respiratory conditions like lung cancer go up by 1%. Over 1.2 billion people have no access to clean water because of the high levels of pollutant matter in water bodies. The consequence has been that waterborne infections account for a significant fraction of the infectious diseases, it is approximated that over 5 million people, half of whom are children die from unsanitary living conditions directly attributed to the pollution of their environment (Briggs, 2014). While conceding that the impacts of industrial pollution are very serious, it is not too late to take preventive actions. This can be achieved through collaboration by the shareholders who are in this case; governments, citizens and the corporates that mostly run the suspect industries. Firstly, the policies for reducing the amounts of emissions as well as regulating waste disposal more so in landfills and other water bodies should be