Friday, May 31, 2019
Child Observation Report Essay -- Adolescent Behavior
Confidential Material Detailed report of five observations. The names used in this posting Report are fictitious. This is absolutely necessary to protect the privacy of the children being observed. Observation 1 Ron and aggression Date and time Wednesday April 16, 2014 1125-1250 cathode-ray oscilloscope Playground for 1st/2nd grade rift 1125-1150, 3rd/4th grade 1155-1220, Kindergarten recess 1225-1250 Activities observed Children climb across the climbing rings, watching children pretend play at the tire mountain and under the large wooden play structure with the blue charge card slide. My interaction with the children I spent a lot of time answering questions about my name and where I am from for the children. Example A There was wizard child named Ron on the first recess who was racing across the rings with a nonher child, lost th e race and fell to the ground. He then started to call out and called himself a loser. I pulled him aside to try to talk to him to find out what was wrong. He kept telling me that he was a loser because he didnt take in the race and he never wins, and that all my friends think I am a loser because I cry all the time. They make fun of me because I cry. They beat me up. I am a loser. I tried to reassure him and tell him I did not think he was a loser. I explained how I thought one of the reasons he lost the race was because he had been climbing across the rings for most of recess was tired from racing. He continued to cry even after his friends came everyplace and tried to get him to play. He just sat in the sand sobbing, so I tried to tell him that his friends came over and asked him to play so it did not appear that they think he is a loser. He said they would beat him up. I tried to get him to go and agree if they would play initially, he refused to interact with his friends bu t then he got up and tried to find his friends. He searched for a few minutes and when he could not find them he started crying again and walked away from me. Date and time Monday, April 21, 2014 1125-1250 Setting Playground for 1st/2nd grade recess 1125-1150, 3rd/4th grade 1155-1220, Kindergarten recess 1225-1250 Activities observed Chi... ...g & Homer, Bruce. (1999). Children as folk psychologists The developing understanding of the mind. In A. slater & D. Muir (Eds.), The Blackwell reader in victimisational psychology (pp. 228-252). Oxford, England Blackwell Publishers. Pepler, Debra, Craig, Wendy M., & OConnell, Paul. (1999). Understanding bullying from a dynamics systems perspective. In A. Slater & D. Muir (Eds.), The Blackwell reader in Developmental Psychology (pp. 440-451). Oxford, England Blackwell Publishers. Putallaz, Martha, & Wasserman, Aviva. (1990). Childrens entry behavior. In S.R. Asher & J. D. Coie (Eds.), Peer rejection in childhood (pp. 60-76). Cambridge, Eng land Cambridge University Press. Rubin, Kenneth H., Burgess, Kim B., Coplan, Robert, J. (2002). Social withdrawal and shyness. In P. K. Smith & C.H. Hart (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development (pp. 329-352). Oxford, England Blackwell Publishers. Seifert, Kelvin L., Hoffnung, Robert J., & Hoffnung, Michele. (1997). Play. In Lifespan Development (pp. 221-228). Boston Houghton Mifflin. Shaffer, David R. (2000). Social & Personality Development (4th ed.). Belmont, CA Wadsworth Thomas Learning.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Macbeth Act 1: Plot :: essays research papers
Act 1 PlotWhen the play first opens we hear 3 strange witches standing in a field while it is roaring and lightening. They begin to chant spells and talk about their meeting with Macbeth as they vanish into thin air.Not to far from the field, there is a battle taking place, the top executive of Scotland is there with some of his followers. The king is much to old to fight for himself, so he sends to hear how his army is doing. A badly injured soldier and so returns from battle to suppose Duncan how dreadfully bloody it is but how Macbeth saved the day by fighting and killing many of the rebels and their leader.The Thane of Ross soon arrives bringing more parole about the Thane of Cawdor he claims he is a traitor. Once Duncan learns that he has won the battle, he orders that the Thane of Cawdor be executed and killed leaving Macbeth to take over his place.Before Duncan had the date to reach Macbeth with the good news, the three witches approach him and Banquo. The greet Macbeth with three different titles Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King Hereafter, but this confuses Macbeth. Not only do the witches recognise Macbeth his future, they also tell Banquo that although he will never be King, his children will be and then they vanish once again.As Banquo and Macbeth joke about the predictions, Duncans messengers interrupt them and tell Macbeth that he is now the Thane of Cawdor, he is no longer laughing about the witches and their predictions. Duncan also announces that his son, Malcolm, will inherit the throne, but his reaction was unexpected. At the same time, madam Macbeth is at the castle reading a leader from her husband telling her about the witches, shes willing to do anything to make Macbeth King.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Exploring Cultural Diversity in Mirror for Man :: Mirror for Man Essays
Exploring Cultural Diversity in Mirror for Man Why do men do the things they do? prof Kluckhohn attempts to explore, define and explain the do to this complex question in one brief passage. He reasons that we are all given the same basic biological tools at birth, so it should descend then, that we should all behave in similar ways. But, because of culture, defined as the total life way of a people, we do not fight down to similar situations in exactly the same way. Culture is the main reason we can not explain other peoples actions in terms of biological properties. Professor Kluckhohn proceeds to explain cultural differences and similarities through some experiences of his own. First he parallels an American wo adult males view of polygamy to a Koryak womans. Then he shares an anecdote of an American man who was raised as a Chinese. Lastly, he tells a tale of a woman serving rattlesnake sandwiches to her guests. After each example he points come forth that it is a persons upbringing and way of life that dictates how he or she pull up stakes act in or react to a given situation. I am in total agreement with Professor Kluckhohns views. I found his passage to be very interesting reading because it put into words views and ideas I had suppose through dealing with people of other nationalities. It also pointed out that a body doesnt make a man, a mind does. How the mind is trained and nurtured will decide what the man is and how he thinks. I am what some would call a people-person. I love being with new people and learning some what makes them tick. I have been lucky enought to travel through Europe and the Orient so I have seen first hand whether East does meet air jacket or not. But the place where I learned the most about people and the way they live would have to be right here at home - Southern California. Living here in an area with a rich ethinic mixture has opened my eyes to things like the Philippine tendency to carry off with a s poon and fork while Americans tend to use mainly the fork, the Orientals tight family ties and the growing rate of American divorces, etc. The mixture of traditional Filipino parents and growing up in California has given me a chance to glimpse how some cultures go hand in hand while others clangor violently.
Comparing Mood and Atmosphere of The Pity of Love, Broken Dreams, and T
Mood and Atmosphere of The Pity of Love, Broken Dreams, and The Fisherman The Pity of Love is a short, relatively simple poem, yet it still manages to create a feeling of anxiousness, of desperate worry. Yeats achieves this in only eight cable television services of average length by extremely careful and precise use of language and structure. The poem begins with the line A pity beyond all telling, immediately setting the general tone and basic point of the piece, elevating his despair to its highest levels and plunging the poem into the depths of depression and misery before it has barely begun, Yeats is already admitting defeat, after a fashion, claiming that this pity is so terrible he is unable to properly describe it. The folk who are purchase and selling, The clouds on their journey above, The cold wet winds ever blowing, And the shadowy hazel grove Where mouse-grey waters are flowing, These pastoral images are all part of an quotidian rural life, someth ing for which Yeats always strived. However, unlike his usual praising of these elements of life, this time he presents them in a distinctly downbeat way, emphasising the negative aspects, and becoming darker and darker in tone with every successive example - the wind is cold and wet the clouds are assumed to be storm clouds from the juxtaposition of the verbal description of the wind straight after the description of the clouds the hazel grove is shadowy and the water is mouse-grey. These are all very washed-out, colourless, cold adjectives that refect the depressed nature of the narrator. The image of somewhat frantic movement conveyed by the use of the words buying and selling, journey above, ever blowing and ?owing represent the inner ... ...anza helps to contribute to the unplanned feeling, and the constantly shifting reduce gives an almost stream-of-consciousness feel to the proceedings. As indicated by the title, this is a sombre poem, due to its subject matter, but it is n ot a bitter poem in fact, in places, it is very romantic, particularly the third stanza The certainty that I shall see that lady Leaning or standing or walking In the first equity of womanhood, And with the fervour of my youthful eyes, Has set me muttering like a fool. It is as if Yeats has finally accepted Gonnes rejection and is no longer tormented by it. He is a good deal more at peace writing Broken Dreams than with his other Maud Gonne poems. Whilst he still finds his life understandably sad, he no longer expects her to change her sagacity and, accordingly, he does not write a depressingly bitter poem.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
tempmagic Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest :: Tempest essays
Magic in Shakespeares Tempest The delusion in The Tempest was able to ready many an(prenominal) abnormal happenings as hale as different feelings that are shown through the characters of Milan.There were two different types of magic that were shown one was represented bywitches and wizards, this type of magic was not the beneficial type of magic.The beneficial type of magic was created by studies that were done in mystical and employ to discover advanced forces, and to study the greater effects of physics. Allthis magic that took place results in many of the illusions that were created onthe island. There are many illusions that seem to happen preferably frequently, while theshipwrecked persons of Milan were on the island that was created by Prosperospowers. Many of these encounters may not even be illusions but figments oftheir imagination as well as hall(a)ucinations. While others hightail it to happenbecause of the magic that Prospero creates with his mind. The spirits of theair are the highest type these include Ariel, Ceres, Iris, Juno, as well as thenymphs. Each air division of the magic symbolizes a plastered part of the island. Thespirits of the air I have already mentioned another type would be the spirits ofthe earth. These would include the goblins, the dogs and hounds that were usedto disease Caliban and his associates. ( Our natures do pursue, equal ratsthat ravin down their proper bane, A thirsty evil and when we drink we die.Act 1, sc. 2) Another form of the earth spirits would be the nymphs(Prospero Go make yourself like a nymph o th sea. Be subject To no sightbut thine and mine, invisible to every eyeball else. Go take this framing andhither come int. Go Hence with diligence ExitAriel . Awake, dear heart,awake Thou hast slept well. Awakeact 1, sc. 2 &n bsp Out if Prosperos anger he creates a vicious storm at sea causing theship to become shipwrecked on his very own island. He uses this as an advantageto make the island as a task for all the Millan characters to find themselves.This would be their task as they are on the island. Prospero uses some of hismost intriguing magic spells to manipulate his guests that impart be staying onthe island. The batch are aware of the power that the island holds but theyare unaware that Prospero is in existence at this point. Part of themanipulation cognitive process that Prospero creates is gaining the trust amongst the manytempmagic Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest Tempest essays Magic in Shakespeares Tempest The magic in The Tempest was able to create many abnormal happenings aswell as different feelings that are shown through the characters of Milan.There were two different types of magic that were shown on e was represented bywitches and wizards, this type of magic was not the beneficial type of magic.The beneficial type of magic was created by studies that were done in secret andused to discover new forces, and to study the greater effects of physics. Allthis magic that took place results in many of the illusions that were created onthe island. There are many illusions that seem to happen quite frequently, while theshipwrecked persons of Milan were on the island that was created by Prosperospowers. Many of these encounters may not even be illusions but figments oftheir imagination as well as hallucinations. While others tend to happenbecause of the magic that Prospero creates with his mind. The spirits of theair are the highest type these include Ariel, Ceres, Iris, Juno, as well as thenymphs. Each part of the magic symbolizes a certain part of the island. Thespirits of the air I have already mentioned another type would be the spirits ofthe earth. These would include the goblins, the dogs and hounds that were usedto disease Caliban and his associates. ( Our natures do pursue, Like ratsthat ravin down their proper bane, A thirsty evil and when we drink we die.Act 1, sc. 2) Another form of the earth spirits would be the nymphs(Prospero Go make yourself like a nymph o th sea. Be subject To no sightbut thine and mine, invisible to every eyeball else. Go take this shape andhither come int. Go Hence with diligence ExitAriel . Awake, dear heart,awake Thou hast slept well. Awakeact 1, sc. 2 Out if Prosperos anger he creates a vicious storm at sea causing theship to become shipwrecked on his very own island. He uses this as an advantageto make the island as a task for all the Millan characters to find themselves.This would be their task as they are on the island. Prospero uses some of hismost intriguing magic spells to manipulate his guests that will be staying onthe island. The people are aware of the power that the island holds but theyare unaware that Prospero is in existence at this point. Part of themanipulation process that Prospero creates is gaining the trust amongst the many
tempmagic Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest :: Tempest essays
misrepresentation in Shakespeares Tempest The magic in The Tempest was able to work many abnormal happenings aswell as different feelings that are shown through the characters of Milan.There were two different types of magic that were shown one was represented bywitches and wizards, this type of magic was not the beneficial type of magic.The beneficial type of magic was created by studies that were done in secret andused to discover bare-assed forces, and to study the greater cause of physics. Allthis magic that took place results in many of the illusions that were created onthe island. There are many illusions that seem to happen kinda frequently, while the embarkwrecked persons of Milan were on the island that was created by Prosperos military units. Many of these encounters may not even be illusions but figments oftheir imagination as well as h entirelyucinations. While others ble ed to happenbecause of the magic that Prospero creates with his mind. The booze of the nervous strain are the highest type these include Ariel, Ceres, Iris, Juno, as well as thenymphs. Each part of the magic symbolizes a real part of the island. Thespirits of the air I have already mentioned another type would be the spirits ofthe earth. These would include the goblins, the dogs and hounds that were usedto disease Caliban and his associates. ( Our natures do pursue, equal ratsthat ravin down their proper bane, A thirsty evil and when we drink we die.Act 1, sc. 2) Another form of the earth spirits would be the nymphs(Prospero Go make yourself like a nymph o th sea. Be fount To no sightbut thine and mine, invisible to every eyeball else. Go take this shape andhither come int. Go Hence with diligence ExitAriel . Awake, love life heart,awake Thou hast slept well. Awakeact 1, sc. 2 &nb sp Out if Prosperos anger he creates a vicious storm at sea causing theship to become shipwrecked on his very own island. He uses this as an advantageto make the island as a lying-in for all the Millan characters to find themselves.This would be their task as they are on the island. Prospero uses some of hismost intriguing magic spells to manipulate his guests that will be staying onthe island. The peck are aware of the power that the island holds but theyare unaware that Prospero is in existence at this point. Part of themanipulation process that Prospero creates is gaining the trust amongst the manytempmagic Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest Tempest essays Magic in Shakespeares Tempest The magic in The Tempest was able to create many abnormal happenings aswell as different feelings that are shown through the characters of Milan.There were two different types of magic that were shown one was represented byw itches and wizards, this type of magic was not the beneficial type of magic.The beneficial type of magic was created by studies that were done in secret andused to discover new forces, and to study the greater effects of physics. Allthis magic that took place results in many of the illusions that were created onthe island. There are many illusions that seem to happen quite frequently, while theshipwrecked persons of Milan were on the island that was created by Prosperospowers. Many of these encounters may not even be illusions but figments oftheir imagination as well as hallucinations. While others tend to happenbecause of the magic that Prospero creates with his mind. The spirits of theair are the highest type these include Ariel, Ceres, Iris, Juno, as well as thenymphs. Each part of the magic symbolizes a certain part of the island. Thespirits of the air I have already mentioned another type would be the spirits ofthe earth. These would include the goblins, the dogs and hounds that were usedto disease Caliban and his associates. ( Our natures do pursue, Like ratsthat ravin down their proper bane, A thirsty evil and when we drink we die.Act 1, sc. 2) Another form of the earth spirits would be the nymphs(Prospero Go make yourself like a nymph o th sea. Be subject To no sightbut thine and mine, invisible to every eyeball else. Go take this shape andhither come int. Go Hence with diligence ExitAriel . Awake, dear heart,awake Thou hast slept well. Awakeact 1, sc. 2 Out if Prosperos anger he creates a vicious storm at sea causing theship to become shipwrecked on his very own island. He uses this as an advantageto make the island as a task for all the Millan characters to find themselves.This would be their task as they are on the island. Prospero uses some of hismost intriguing magic spe lls to manipulate his guests that will be staying onthe island. The people are aware of the power that the island holds but theyare unaware that Prospero is in existence at this point. Part of themanipulation process that Prospero creates is gaining the trust amongst the many
Monday, May 27, 2019
Fedex Operation Mangement
The organizations name and main line of business FEDEX conjunctions Logistics 2. Specific type of operation Air and Ground Deliin truth Specializing in abutting Day Delivery 3. Describe the nature of operations process sacrificen your newfound understanding of operation management and productivity a. Service and product build i. Supply Chain management ii. Next Day Delivery Services b. Quality management Customer oriented business People First philosophy c.Process and capacity use of available technologies (web based tracking system) to enable customers real time access to information related to their packages to increase customer satisfaction labor employees to think of innovation as part of their day to day job d. Location sites located locally and globally (over 220 countries) e. Layout and design operated and owed independently f. Job radiation pattern based on parcel shipping through ground and air, e-commerce and business service of processs g.Supply Chain Manage ment h. Inventory Management use improved engineering function to meet its goals i. Scheduling 24 hour shipping operation globally 4. Maintenance Owns and operates and maintains over 90K ground vehicles 663 aircrafts in more than 375 airports 5. Global outline of the Organization FEDEX is the embodiment of operation management. The company started out as shipping company in 1971 to a multibillion dollar corporation with current revenue of $42. 7 billion in the current fiscal year.Originally FEDEX started with freight delivery through ground and air which expanded to four divisions FEDEX Express, Ground, Freight, and Services. FEDEX success in todays business due to their diligence in addressing Basic Management Functions planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling as well as addressing the ten critical decisions associated with a very successful business. FEDEX CEO and founder Mr. Fred Smith planning his organization from fledgling company offering delivery of small p ackages and documents to approximately 25 cities in the linked States.His efficient ideas of outlining delivery service in the computer information age was outstanding not only did his idea went to fruition became FEDEX blue print for success. He organized his corporation by having locally owned company can concentrated on specific needs of that area through FEDEX business pattern not only minimize staffing overhead, it also gave the independent companies the flexibility they need without losing control of core principles is a owing(p) example of successful and triumphant Corporation in the modern era.FEDEX address their ten critical decision areas by incorporating it through their mission, strategies and values. Their customer centric mission People First Philosophy embodies their service and product design. Their process and capacity is addressed again through customer satisfaction by utilizing modern technology such as the internet to give real time in-transit information on t heir packages and tasking the employees to think of innovative ways to operate as part of their day to day job is a great example of empowerment to improve the work place resulting in efficient ways to operate.Independently owned and operated sites are another way to save money in lower overhead cost. This also allows the site to concentrate on the particular requirements of the customers in that area. FEDEX is in the forefront of a successful business because of how they employ and use operation management techniques and addressing the ten critical decision areas through their mission, strategies and values that centers on employees and customers.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Nursing-Sensitive Indicators Essay
The structure, processes, and outcome factors of nursing care are reflected in care for-Sensitive Indicators (NSIs). There are several things that the nurses in the give upd scenario could have done to elicit quality forbearing care. By being aware of restraint use as an NSI the hospital staff would be more likely to increase their focus on and attention to its affect and any development of complications. This increased focus and attention could have led to the development of educational opportunities for the hospital staff on the naming of pressure ulcer related complications. Had the nurse and nursing supervisor been aware of patient/family/caregiver satisfaction as an NSI they may have reacted differently in the situation. According to the physician in the scenario, there have been multiple complaints by Jewish patients intimately the disregard for their fastary requests. Having this selective information and information avail fitting give notice aid in maturation and e ducational session for hospital staff including dietary workers, nurses, and certified nursing assistants about the importance of respecting patients heathen requests.It is possible that some of the problems identified in the scenario were a related to the structure of the system and a result of inadequate staffing, educational, or experience levels. Being able to collect data on these NSIs can aid in identifying issues within this organization structure and make appropriate changes to ensure better quality patient care outcomes. For example, some issues may be related to there not being an adequate number of nursing on the unit. Collecting relevant data would help to identify this as an issue, possibly a recurring issue, which would lead to the assigning of more nurses to that particular unit. timber Patient CareNursing-sensitive indicators can provide data to help identify needs and diminish risks. Part of the reason why nursing-sensitive indicators are used is to be able to make changes and adjustments to policies and procedures ofa hospital, if necessary. Quality patient care can be advanced in this situation by collecting data on specific nursing-sensitive indicators. info on the prevalence of restraint use and consequential complications (e.g. pressure ulcers, contractions, anxiety, incontinence, and other complications) can aid in maintaining awareness of risks and allowing the nurse to take proper steps to limit their occurrence.Data on patient/family/caregiver satisfaction can help illustrate whether the quantity and quality of nursing care needs to be improved. Data on nursing satisfaction and staffing can help to assess whether changes need to be made to staffing numbers, whether more experienced nurses are needed, whether more educational opportunities are need for the hospital staff, for example.System Resources, Referrals, or ColleaguesThere are a few ethical issues that in the provided scenario which need addressing from the nursing shift sup ervisor. The first occurs when the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) fails to appropriately address the possibility of a developing pressure ulcer. A combat injury care team can be consulted about developing an educational program about pressure ulcers for hospital staff. Also, there is the issue of restraints. The ordering physician should be contacted about the necessity of restraint use. Along with the wound care team, data could be collected about the use of restraints and the subsequent development of pressure ulcers. In the scenario, the patient was not served a kosher diet as the order indicated. The physician could be contacted to illicit more information about the several dietary complaints. The hospital administrator can, also, be contacted to inquire about any other dietary complaints before contacting the kitchen supervisor. The hospital ethics committee is a valuable resource when a need for education arises. The daughter was not told of the dietary mistake and was lat er inadvertently informed by a dietary worker. Members of the Ethics committee may be able to conduct an educational session for hospital workers about being patient advocates.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Essay
Bacteria These be tiny microorganisms, they mountainnot be seen with the naked eye. They exist on virtually every living affair or object in the environment i.e. dirt, water, caves, trees, dead animals, and inwardly everybody living on earth. Its keep is from its surroundings. We carry bacteria in the body, mainly in the intestines, on the genitalia or on the skin. Bacteria mountain be good or bad. It can help our immune system but there be bad bacteria which make you become ill. Meningitis is a bacterial polluteion, this can be life threating to a young baby and is most public in young children. It is an transmitting of the membranes covering the brain and/or spinal cord, this is a reason it can be life-threatening. MRSA is another big bacteria illness, this commonly walk fall out hospitals and is due to lack of hygiene. Food inebriation is a common ca persona of illness caused by bacteria. This is because bacteria lives on food. If cooked and food has not reached a upl ifted enough temperature to kill off bacteria then it can cause the bacteria to rapidly grow and cause sickness to a person. The types of food poisoning argon salmonella, E. coli, norovirus, campylobacter, listeria, clostridium perfringens. These atomic number 18 also linked with viruses too.Also most sexual convey diseases are a bacterial infection i.e. syphilis, gonorrhea. Also Lyme disease, this is dispersed by the bite of a deer ticks most common around wooded, rural areas. If untreated it causes an arthritis-like condition that can last for months. Viruses This is a disease producing agents which are far smaller than bacteria. They are enclosed in a protein coating which makes them to a greater extent difficult to destroy. These replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. They can infect all types of life forms i.e. plants, animals, and bacteria. The most common virus is the flu, its a contagious infection (it spreads from one person to the next). Foot-and-mouth is a virus disease which is caused within an animal. Plant viruses such as mild mottle virus eat away at the flesh of i.e. peppers. This can cause harm onto animals and people if they study the food. Some viruses can replicate within archaea, these are double stranded DNA viruses with unusual shapes. Chicken pox is another virus illness, this affects normally in children. Fungi This comes from the plant kingdom but are quite different from green plants.The basicunit of a fungus is a hypha which is a hollow tube. This spreads out over and into the food material making a visible mesh. Some mass together to create toadstools, releasing spores into the environment. Some fungi can be quite dangerous causing hallucinations but some can even result in death. There are 1.5 million different types of fungi in the world. Out of that only 300 are known to cause illness. Aspergillosis this normally occurs with a person who has a lung disease or a attenuated immune system. Dermatophytes this i n fungal infection to the skin and nail i.e. athletes foot. Fungal keratitis- this is the inflammation of the cornea (the clear front part of the eye). Parasites A parasite lives in a close relationship with another organism (host) this causes harm. It is dependent on the host for its life functions e.g. viruses are common parasites. It lives, grows and multiplies off the host. A hookworm is a common type of parasite, pets can get these and change over then onto tenders. Hookworms attach in the lining of the small intestine, causing disease and malnutrition as well they eat the nutrition and prevent the host from getting them. Parasites can give off toxins that make the host sick resulting in an infection. Malaria is one of the deadliest parasite diseases, this is why when flying oversea you essential ensure all injections against parasites are up-to-date. So there are three types of organisms where parasitic infects protozoa, helminths and ectoparasites.Protozoa are singled cell ed that live and multiply within humans. An infection caused by this is giardiasis, this is caused from drinking water infected with protozoa. Helminths are multi-celled organisms that can live alone or in humans and animals. These are commonly known as flatworms, tapeworms, ringworms, roundworms. Ectoparasites are multi-celled organisms that live or feed of the skin of humans such as mosquitos, fleas, ticks and mites.When we have an invasion of the body of microorganisms which are not normally present, we adjure it an infection. This is when germs such as parasites, microbes etc. attack our body and cause harm (disease) or even death unto a host (organism) body. An infection may ride out localised in the body (stay in one place) or it may spread through the blood or lymphatic vessels to become systemic (body wide). So something which is linked with infection is something called colonisation. This is the process in the biology by which a microorganism will spread to new areas/part of the body. Colonisation is the cultivation of a bacterial infection on/in anindividual. The individual becomes a carrier to the infection but may have no signs or symptoms of illness. They do have the potential to infect others.Systemic infections affect not just one part but all of the body, examples of this are flu/HIV. And localised infections are limited to one area ear/eye infection.Identifying poor practise that could lead to infection are fairly simple and basic. Ensuring that you wear clean habiliments every day, washing hands very regularly, wearing all correct PPE. Incorrect storing or cooking of foods will lead to infection so you must ensure that things are stored correctly i.e. fresh meat should not be kept on top shelf of the fridge above fruit and veg, pollution of blood could occur. 2.1 What conditions are needed for the effect of growth on micro-organisms? Food is the main source, organisms need food to survive, foods with high protein such as fish and poultry . partiality is another key factor, anything between 20-40 degrees will really encourage microorganisms to develop and grow, and moisture enables the multiplying process further. Air (usually) although some microorganisms do not need the use of air to spread. So all of these factors seems very every day and very easy for an organism to grow very quickly although a single M.O becomes 2 every 20 minutes. This means the process can take fairly long so regularly cleaning surfaces and storing food correctly will minify the contamination. 2.2 Infectious organisms that can recruit the body are many. They can potentially cause harm to the body, they immortalise through different openings in the human body. As well as this they can be transferred from mother to baby during pregnancy. The respiratory system the infectious organisms that cause communicable diseases such as common cold, flu, and pneumonia.They enter through the nose and then begin to multiple, if not treated right away the y can cause other additional problems. The digestive system with this the organisms are found in food i.e. food poisoning. If food is not correctly cooked at a high enough temperature to enable the bacteria to be killed off. The organisms enter the digestive system and can make you sick when the body is trying to digest the tainted food. Some food poisoning can be inglorious if theyre left untreated. Penetrating through the skin infections organisms that can cause sicknesslike tetanus and hepatitis C enter the body through the skin. once entered they start out to multiply and can cause more serious problems if untreated. Sexual transmission some infections such as sexually-transmitted diseases like HIV and gonorrhoea, are transmitted through body fluids such as semen. Once it has entered the body the infection multiplies and can cause complications if its not treated. Contact with animals if you come in allude with an animal that is infected with i.e. rabies the virus can en ter your body through the skin. Transferring from mother to child a woman who is pregnant can transfer lots of kinds of infections such as rubella, German measles, this can be done without realising, and vaccinations for babies once born must be given to prevent the infections.Infections are a significant problem which humans have to face on a daily basis. They can affect the body in some of the most vitriolic ways. They have multitude causes, some are completely uncontrollable. Some people can have an infection and not even know (asymptomatic infections). There are actually five types of microorganisms called bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsia, and protozoa. Microorganisms are normally found in the human body in small amounts and are actually indispensable. Sources of infection can be classified as endogenous and exogenous. In endogenous infections, the agent causing the problem comes from the human body. Some of the microorganisms living here exceed their limits ad start causi ng damage. This might happen because the immunity is compromised and it is very common in patients who have had surgery or in undernourished people. Exogenous are sources of infections that microorganisms from orthogonal the human body find their way inside and cause illnesses or diseases. Exogenous sources of infections that can be split into three main categories a human origin, of animal origin and of environmental origin. Animals are a source of infection. If an animal bites you, they can transfer the infection. Water, air and soil are significant other sources of infection. This can be contaminated water from parasites. Air and soil are not sources of infection themselves but they mainly contain non-pathogenic agents that can get contaminated microorganisms carried by humans or animals and contribute in spreading them. Air is one of the most important sources of spreading as we breathe air in.The boundary of how an infectious agent can be transmitted to a person is the trans mission of microorganisms directly from one person toanother by one or more reasons. These being Droplet achieve coughing or sneezing on another personDirect physical contact touching an infected person, including sexual contact Indirect physical contact usually by touching i.e. soil contamination or a contaminated surface. Airborne transmission- if the microorganism can stick in the air or long periods. Fecal-oral transmission usually from contaminated food or water sources. So transmitting of a microorganism can have many routes in which it can be caught. It can be confirming, via another organism, either a vector (mosquito) or an intermediate host (tapeworm) indirect transmission could involve zoonoses (infectious disease that can be transmitted form non-human animals) or more typically larger pathogens like macro parasites with more entangled life cycles. Times when an infection is more likely to occur is when a person has a low immunity or is on long term antibiotic the rapy. Poor hygiene when treating wounds or dealing with personal care can aid the transmission of infection. Any contact with bodily fluids, hygiene i.e. foetid services or clothes (contamination).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Legal issues
Are Deed. Charlie and Bella too liable for the jurisprudencesuit against the firm by their client Mr.. Laurent.? 2. If so how far responsible ar the other partners for Jakes mistake? 3. If no other partner liable, what excludes them? 4. Are there any defenses to any of the members of the firm from creation liable to the lawsuit? Law federations confederacy Act 1891 (SLD) Nature of Partnership Determination of existence of partnership Joint venture partnership Liability of influent partner Dissolution of partnershipsCompany Law Khan v Amah 2000 Nature of partnership Cox v Carlson 1916 Joint venture and partnership how the partnerships are created and what sustains them Hammerer Pity Ltd v formal 1996 Liability of retiring partner does a recently retired partner own any liability to the spilles or profits of the firm? Application The rule s that persons who agree to carry on a business activity as a joint venture d non become partners until they actually guess on the act ivity in question (text, 328).This Is In regards to Bella who claimed she had no liability towards the lawsuit against the firm as she had only been working there a myopic while and was not at work the time the accident happened. Bella had however been working there with a view for profit (Text, 328) which happened to be the activity in question. With this same(p) question in mind t has been stated that It is possible for a person to be a partner even though they do not have a claim to the share of the profit (text,328).Bella had not contri just nowed any capital upon joining the firm just still took on the art of a partner at the firm through assistance. Unlike the case of Cox (text,331 ) whereby ACH party was found with different liabilities for their parts of the Joint venture prank Zillions Is a deferent case as they were continuing with the business In an effort to get a profit. Where there is profit sharing and a much integrated business structure (text. 30) as n the cas e of Magic Zillions it means that there was an aim for profit which is what considers the determination of existence of a Partnership amongst all four persons. In order for a partner to have been qualified as retired there has to be written confirmation that Charlie had actually been excluded from his entity and all its business, but the case does not well specify this. The implied 1 OFF partner it means that they must contribute equally towards losses (text,335) and in this case the loss is the lawsuit which is aimed at everyone a part of Magic Zillions. A partner who retires from a firm does not thereby cease to be liable for the partnership debts incurred before their retirement (text,343), this case of the Liability of retiring partner falls on Charlie. Charlie has since retired from the business due to stress and ill-health and has limited personal funds ( facts), although Charlie had been retired but still part of the entity during the accident it disqualifies him from not be ing liable for the lawsuit against Magic Zillions as he was a partner then when the accident happened.Conclusion On the balance of Probabilities the Magistrates philander would find that Deed, Charlie, Jake as well as Bella are all partners of Magic Zillions due to the evidence and supporting cases mentioned above and all would have to contribute to the $30,000 to the complainant, Mr.. Laurent to cover the injures he faced upon entering the premises of the defendants, Magic ZillionsLegal IssuesSecurity ken and Training Program (for Nancy Johnson and other similarly locate employees)Nancy Johnson and other employees were all over from their jobs by the administrator of the company, US Bancorp Comprehensive Welfare Benefit Plan Committee. The Ca do of Johnsons termination of employment is entrustful and rude misconduct when Johnson introductioned the files of her supervisor containing the 2002 performance level of the companys employees.When Johnson was denied the severance p ayment (she was able to access a file that contains the proposed merging of US Bancorp with other company nearly employees would be terminated with severance payment, except those who were involved in gross misconduct), she requested for a summary judgment to the district court. The district court raise Johnson lay out that the company did not establish a hostage culture system that would prevent employees from accessing the files of the company. The committee though wrote an appeal to the rope court arguing that the court erred in its interpretation of the provisions of the plan. The circuit court agreed to the arguments of the committee, arguing that since no official interpretation as to the use of the name voluntary and gross misconduct, the administrator of the plan rear end apply these terms to similar situations. The severance payment to Johnson was therefore denied.Information bail awareness and fostering programs then should be designed based on the so-called Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984. The statute criminalizes unauthorized access to a saved development processing system with the intent to obtain information, defraud, obtain anything of value or cause damage to a computer (Security Awareness Laws, http// The so-called protected computer is a computer used for foreign or communication purposes (as in the case of the complainant) and for interstate inter movement. Without authorization from the Department of Defense or the remote Affairs, accessing information from utter institutions is deemed hot.Also read Explain Legal Issues, Policies and Procedures Relevant to AssessmentSharing of passwords, computer fraud, and damage of essential federal information are also deemed illegal. The law was extended to include private computers. In the case of the defendant (the corporation), it must institute narrower definitions as to the terms willful and gross misconduct. This will definitely als o narrow the options for employees who are accessing important information from the companys database. The employees must be first acquainted ( by memorandum) of the sites allowed to use during friendly function work.Security Awareness and Training Program (for Scott Moulton)The plaintiff, Scott Moulton accused the defendant of trenchant the formers network of clients. Defendant claims statements from Moulton concerning the defendant were defamatory. First is the statement make by Moulton to C.J. Johns, information systems manager for the Cherokee Countys Sheriffs Office (December 19, 1999) that defendant had created security risks and that defendants network employees were stupid. The second is the statements made by Moulton that the way defendant be after to connect the natural law Department to two systems created a security risk from the internet. Lastly, statements from the plaintiff said that defendants network had created a security risk.The plaintiff though argued that these statements were tho opinions. People may agree or disagree with the statements made. The court though granted the defendant summary judgment for the failure of the plaintiff to run a put test in the project. The plaintiff was also granted a summary judgment for the failure of the defendant to reduce the security risks.The US sexual congress passed a bill on July 2004, stating that internet probing of contractors to government activity websites (contractors duly approved to negotiate for the construction of website connections between government offices) can only be legal on three counts 1) probing does not in any way create security risks for the government office involved, 2) the probing would not leave behind to malversation of any public information, and 3) such probing must be requested by the client government office, with approval from its head office. though the case was a posteriori since the bill was passed before the case was filed, it would be good for governmen t offices to follow the guidelines of the law on internet probing of intergovernmental offices. Hence, law analysts cut the law as the most Balearic safeguard of the government from hackers.Security Awareness and Training Program (for Dewey Watkins)The plaintiff, Dewey Watkins requested the district court to cancel a computer access economy that had been assigned to him and was being used (with the supervisors approval) by another authorized employee. The code provided access to confidential records maintained for Tennessees Medicaid Program. The plaintiff argued that the action of the supervisor violated the confidentiality provision of the state law. The plaintiff also accused EDS of terminating his employment when the former refused to participate in the illegal conduct. The circuit court however affirmed the decision of the district court to grant summary judgment in favor of EDS, for the reason that Tennessee law does not conflict with the prevalent provision of the Confiden tiality Law.There was no proof that other employees also use the computer access code, and if there was such a case, it would be legal. It is noteworthy that the same law discussed in case 1 also applies in this case. Sharing of passwords to access public documents is clearly prohibited by law. nary(prenominal)etheless, although the terms public information was the focus of the case, it should be noted that public information are information that have direct link to the public in general. This constitutes government programs, strategic social and economic planning, and of course interstate activities. Security awareness programs must be based on the definition of public information in order to rationalise any instances of sharing passwords or revealing information from government-locked and secured database.ReferencesNancy J. Johnson v. US Bancorp united States woo of Appeals for the Eight Circuit. Appeal from the United States District Court of the District of Minnesota. fami ly line 9, 2005.Security Awareness Laws. 2006. University of Massachusetts. URL http// Retrieved September 14, 2007.Scott Allen Moulton and Network Installation Computer Services, Inc., Plaintiffs v. VC3, Defendant. United States District Court, Atlanta Division.Watkins v. EDS. NO. 100-CV-434-TWT. United States Court of Appeals No. 03-6353. United states Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. November 2, 2004.Legal IssuesSecurity Awareness and Training Program (for Nancy Johnson and other similarly situated employees)Nancy Johnson and other employees were terminated from their jobs by the administrator of the company, US Bancorp Comprehensive Welfare Benefit Plan Committee. The Cause of Johnsons termination of employment is willful and gross misconduct when Johnson accessed the files of her supervisor containing the 2002 performance level of the companys employees.When Johnson was denied the severance payment (she was able to access a file tha t contains the proposed merging of US Bancorp with another company some employees would be terminated with severance payment, except those who were involved in gross misconduct), she requested for a summary judgment to the district court. The district court favored Johnson arguing that the company did not establish a security information system that would prevent employees from accessing the files of the company. The committee though wrote an appeal to the circuit court arguing that the court erred in its interpretation of the provisions of the plan. The circuit court agreed to the arguments of the committee, arguing that since no official interpretation as to the use of the terms willful and gross misconduct, the administrator of the plan can apply these terms to similar situations. The severance payment to Johnson was therefore denied.Information security awareness and training programs then should be designed based on the so-called Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984. The statu te criminalizes unauthorized access to a protected computer with the intent to obtain information, defraud, obtain anything of value or cause damage to a computer (Security Awareness Laws, http// The so-called protected computer is a computer used for foreign or communication purposes (as in the case of the plaintiff) and for interstate interaction. Without authorization from the Department of Defense or the Foreign Affairs, accessing information from said institutions is deemed illegal.Also read Explain Legal Issues, Policies and Procedures Relevant to AssessmentSharing of passwords, computer fraud, and damage of essential federal information are also deemed illegal. The law was extended to include private computers. In the case of the defendant (the corporation), it must institute narrower definitions as to the terms willful and gross misconduct. This will definitely also narrow the options for employees who are accessing important informati on from the companys database. The employees must be first acquainted ( by memorandum) of the sites allowed to use during office work.Security Awareness and Training Program (for Scott Moulton)The plaintiff, Scott Moulton accused the defendant of probing the formers network of clients. Defendant claims statements from Moulton concerning the defendant were defamatory. First is the statement made by Moulton to C.J. Johns, information systems manager for the Cherokee Countys Sheriffs Office (December 19, 1999) that defendant had created security risks and that defendants network employees were stupid. The second is the statements made by Moulton that the way defendant planned to connect the Police Department to two systems created a security risk from the internet. Lastly, statements from the plaintiff said that defendants network had created a security risk.The plaintiff though argued that these statements were merely opinions. People may agree or disagree with the statements made. Th e court though granted the defendant summary judgment for the failure of the plaintiff to run a put test in the project. The plaintiff was also granted a summary judgment for the failure of the defendant to reduce the security risks.The US Congress passed a bill on July 2004, stating that internet probing of contractors to government websites (contractors duly approved to negotiate for the construction of website connections between government offices) can only be legal on three counts 1) probing does not in any way create security risks for the government office involved, 2) the probing would not result to malversation of any public information, and 3) such probing must be requested by the client government office, with approval from its head office. Though the case was a posteriori since the bill was passed before the case was filed, it would be good for government offices to follow the guidelines of the law on internet probing of intergovernmental offices. Hence, law analysts saw the law as the most Balearic safeguard of the government from hackers.Security Awareness and Training Program (for Dewey Watkins)The plaintiff, Dewey Watkins requested the district court to cancel a computer access code that had been assigned to him and was being used (with the supervisors approval) by another authorized employee. The code provided access to confidential records maintained for Tennessees Medicaid Program. The plaintiff argued that the action of the supervisor violated the confidentiality provision of the state law. The plaintiff also accused EDS of terminating his employment when the former refused to participate in the illegal conduct. The circuit court however affirmed the decision of the district court to grant summary judgment in favor of EDS, for the reason that Tennessee law does not conflict with the general provision of the Confidentiality Law.There was no proof that other employees also use the computer access code, and if there was such a case, it would b e legal. It is noteworthy that the same law discussed in case 1 also applies in this case. Sharing of passwords to access public documents is clearly prohibited by law. Nonetheless, although the terms public information was the focus of the case, it should be noted that public information are information that have direct link to the public in general. This constitutes government programs, strategic social and economic planning, and of course interstate activities. Security awareness programs must be based on the definition of public information in order to vindicate any instances of sharing passwords or revealing information from government-locked and secured database.ReferencesNancy J. Johnson v. US Bancorp United States Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit. Appeal from the United States District Court of the District of Minnesota. September 9, 2005.Security Awareness Laws. 2006. University of Massachusetts. URL http// Retrieved September 1 4, 2007.Scott Allen Moulton and Network Installation Computer Services, Inc., Plaintiffs v. VC3, Defendant. United States District Court, Atlanta Division.Watkins v. EDS. NO. 100-CV-434-TWT. United States Court of Appeals No. 03-6353. United states Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. November 2, 2004.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Factory Farming Essay Essay
Factory kick upst oxygenatesing is one of the most controversial topics talked rough around the world. Most flock exactly believe their perfectly packaged perfume from the supermarket comes from a normal farm. Little do they know, its much more(prenominal) than that. Consumers have no idea what animals go through just for them to have a great chicken or steak dinner. Jessica Leader of the Huffington Post states, 99% of the meat in the United States comes from manufacturing plant farms. (Leader, paragraph1). Factory agriculture fit to Websters Dictionary is a farm on which large numbers of livestock atomic number 18 raised indoors in conditions intended to maximize production at minimal cost. This doesnt sound so hurtful or damaging, moreover according to the Huffington Post, these operations cause distress for the animals that live there, and they argon given chemicals, antibiotics and sometimes they even have diseases (Paragraph 2). Factory farming, in my opinion is very animal viciousness and there is nothing healthy or domineering ab come to the fore it.There are actually many health and environmental problems associated with industrial farming. For example, Jonathan Foer in his parole, alimentation Animals states These animals are genetically engineered, restricted in mobility and fed unnatural diets. (Page 34) Anything unnatural obviously cant be healthy for the animals let alone the people who are being fed these animals after they are packaged and sent away to markets. In addition, factory farms are not healthy for the environment. A farm with 10,000 hogs takes as much fecal waste as a microscopic city with 40,000 people, says Robert Martin of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health. (Kristof, Nicholas, page 2). Food people are eat and fecal waste should not even be in the same association with each other. The hogs in a single country of North Carolina produce half as much waste as all of the people living in overbold York City. That fact right there intelligibly shows that factory farms are using very unsanitary conditions just to harm these animals, as well as the environment.Although not intentional, these farms hurt the animals without a care because people deprivation to eat. Mass amounts of waste is a perfect example of air pollution. Soil used for vast crops as well as the manure arethe largest contri entirelyors to air pollution from the farms. Another big health risk of factory farming is the use of chemicals/antibiotics. Antibiotics are medicine prescribed from a doctor to humans or animals to kill infections and more then 80% of antibiotics was produced in 2011 to be fed to livestock. (Leader, 2) Factory farmers are giving these to the animals who arent upchuck. Routinely they are given antibiotics, in order to help them grow quicker in small living conditions. Infections can also be given because of antibiotics, which puts Americans at risk everyday because of utilize (Paragraph 13). The animals are fed the medicines to fight disease that they dont have, pretty much infecting the humans as well. People could be getting sick because of the foods their eating everyday without even knowing it. Taking antibiotics not prescribed to you sometimes allows unwanted bacteria to grow causing a person to get sick when they werent going to be in the first place.Although there seems to be no positive reasons as to why factory farming could benefit anyone, the however benefit besides people not starving very is its efficiency. Because its a fast and organized carcass, these farms have no choice but to make a lot of money for themselves and the government. Consumers are obviously buying all things that are being made mainly because they dont really know whats being put into the meat they are buying. Because there are not enough reasons to convince me why factory farming is positive to anyone at all, I think that its a very negative way to get our food. Kristof states in his article Is That Sausage Worth This? that animals, Live out their adult lives without exercise or meaningful social interaction its like a life sentence of solitary confinement in a coffin (Kristof, Nicholas, Paragraph 7).In no way, shape or form is that fair to an innocent animal. Animals shouldnt have to be kept prisoners in small places just to be poisoned, killed and eaten. All of the various drugs and chemicals are harming the animals and humans that it touches. More animals are being slaughtered and fed different chemicals that arent safe for people to be eating all the time. If the government truly cared about societies health, they would try to stop unsanitary and unhealthy conditions such as this. In 1906, a situation just as similar to this had risen with the meat packing industry.In that year, Upton Sinclair a reformer/socialist released his book The Jungle which told a horrible story of boodles meat packing industry. Because of this book, society started to change sever ely. The issue of the unsanitary and unfair working conditions got to the president and he knew he had to make a change. president Theodore Roosevelt had a bill signed on June 30th of that same year, called The burden Inspection Act. This banned packers from using unhealthy dyes, chemical preservatives and adulterants. By studying what happened to advance the industry in the 1900s I believe that our food system could then make some changes.This act should still be in effect, but the way its been worked around, it seems as if factory farming really isnt harming people at all. Its an undercover system. Obama already started trying to fix these problems by undertaking a push beginning in 2010 to strengthen antitrust of the meat industry. Kristof, Nicholas, Paragraph 4). I still believe that overtime they could bring weaken products to give the animals that are safer and healthier for both them to live a little longer, and us to be healthier.Personally, I believe that if people inc luding myself start to buy more healthier, organic foods, and less meat, producers will start to realize that maybe people are seeing the truth. Organic foods are just made in a safer way, without really harming animals and theyre also more nutritious as well. Also, in some way people need to be informed of whats really being put into their food and actually try to make a difference instead of sitting there and watching themselves be harmed by things that should be giving them a better well being. Over time, hopefully factory farms die out and there will be a better system to produce our foods.Analysis of bloodlines FormGive the following information for each cum that youuse in your research paper.Source 1)Title of Source 9 Facts About Factory Farming that Will Break Your Heart . Name of Author Jessica Leader . Date of publication March 17, 2014. Publisher The Huffington Post . Where did you find the source? Online . eccentric person of Source (Is your source a book, magazine, ne wspaper, journal, etc?) The source is an online article from a newspaper. Credentials of the occasion flake your source for information about the author or google his/her name) Jessica Leader is the Huffpost Green associate editor.Publisher How long has the newspaper been in business? What other publications does the anaesthetizeer publish?____Not sure how long the publisher has been in business, but she wrote several articles in the Huffington Post . Reasons why this source is reliable____Real information and real live pictures to show how gruesome factory farming is. Reasons why this source may be unreliable There may be some opinions listed, not all people may be totality broken from this.Source 2)Title of Source Eating Animals . Name of Author Jonathan Safran Foer . Date of publication 2009 .Publisher Little, Brown and Company . Where did you find the source? I was told to read this novel last semester in English 12. Type of Source (Is your source a book, magazine, newspape r, journal, etc?) Source is a book . Credentials of the author Check your source for information about the author or google his/her name) Foer is most known for his two novels Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Known especially for his storytelling in non-traditional ways . Publisher How long has the publisher been in business?What other publications does the publisher publish? His first novel was published in 2002, and hes written many other books as well. Reasons why this source is reliable first hand source, someone who has experienced and studied factoryfarming on his own. Reasons why this source may be unreliable The novel includes a lot of his opinion and a reader may interpret those things as facts. Source 3)Title of Source Is That Sausage Worth This? Name of Author Nicholas Kristof . Date of publication February 19, 2014 . Publisher The New York clock . Where did you find the source? CUNY online library . Type of Source (Is your source a book , magazine, newspaper, journal, etc?) Online, newspaper article.Credentials of the author Check your source for information about the author or google his/her name) Columnist for The New York Times since 2001, writes op-ed columns that are in the paper twice a week. Mr. Kristof won the Pulitzer Prize two times, in 1990 and 2006. Publisher How long has the publisher been in business? What other publications does the publisher publish? He joined the Times in 1984, and as well as columns in the paper he is the author of a chapter in a book on George W. Bush. Reasons why this source is reliable He has been in the business for a very long time, so he is clearly smart and speaks facts. Reasons why this source may be unreliable Newspaper columnists can too make mistakes when writing. Source 4)Title of Source The Unhealthy Meat Market . Name of Author Nicholas Kristof . Date of publication March 12, 2014 . Publisher The New York Times .Where did you find the source? CUNY online library .Typ e of Source (Is your source a book, magazine, newspaper, journal, etc?)Online, newspaper article.Credentials of the author Check your source for information about the author or google his/her name) Columnist for The New York Times since 2001, writes op-ed columns that are in the paper twice a week. Mr. Kristof won the Pulitzer Prize two times, in 1990 and 2006. Publisher How long has the publisher been in business? What other publications does the publisher publish? He joined the Times in 1984, and as well as columns in the paper he is the author of a chapter in a book on George W. Bush. Reasons why this source is reliable He has been in the business for a very long time, so he is clearly smart and speaks facts. He wouldnt continue to be working with the Times if he wasnt knowledgable. Reasons why this source may be unreliable Sometimes there are errors in breaking news.WORKS CITEDLeader, Jessica. 9 Facts About Factory Farming That Will Break Your Heart (GRAPHIC PHOTOS). The Huffing ton Post., 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. http//, Jonathan Safran. Eating animals. New York Little, Brown and Company, 2009. Print.Kristof, Nicholas. Is That Sausage Worth This?. The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. http//, Nicholas. The Unhealthy Meat Market. The New York Times. The New York Times, 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Poultry Management System
A make outment system is the frame puddle of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization slew fulfill entirely tasks required to happen upon its objectives. Businesses today be developing and upgrading their system into more high level system to lessen the time and effort of performing their complex jobs. Comparing to their anile system like their MS leap out System in account, sales, monitoring and production they ar now implementing a system that manages all their complex proceedings.In the global arena, Willmar Poultry Company (WPC), one of the largest turkey poultry producers in United States operates in the production of turkeys and opposite livestock. Moreover, they prefer to take a leak a declaration which both strong in manufacturing and financing area. Further, they want to streamline entropy entry and reporting, increase in flexibility and functionality, and remedy information assenting and decision making capabilities. So, in managing a ll their versatile transaction, WPC implemented the system, Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta. (Willmar Poultry Company, 2000)In the national scene, Maya farms, a large integrated farm located nearly 40 km from the city of Manila. It maintains some 60,000 pigs, 12,000 egg-type chickens and a few hundred heads of cattle. Soon after the embargo in 1973, Maya farms started experimenting on the industrial uses of biogas sustaind from the manure produced by their livestock. It developed systems that enabled the farm to use methane gas from the manure as substitute for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and as source of energy to run native combustion engines that power its deep-well water pumps, feed mixers and generators and some other electric equipment in the farm.After they succeeded the implementation of the biogas, they developed a system that focuses on their proceedings especially on their purchasing, selling and giving inventory in mid 90s. After several years of developing ne w system that would manage their fast growing farm, they successfully implemented their new system Livestock Inventory System which caters to their diverse transactions like purchasing and selling of chickens and other livestock. (Integrated Livestock Fish Production System, 2000)Locally, a company that maintains egg-type chickens in their farm is (LBF) Lacia Breeder Farm located at Taglono, Toril, Davao City. The farm seeks innovative ways to improve the health of their breeding stock. Moreover, the farm needs faster decision making, panderd records, and powerful reporting every time they see and need the data. Since, they are using MS Excel System in recording and processing their transaction they encountered problems that would prolong their decision making in improving the farm.Moving forward, Lacia Breeder Farms passion for innovation continues as they seek out and discover new technology that testament provide them with distinct competitive advantages necessary in providing the highest choice poultry at the greatest value to the customers and consumers. Hence, they recognize that the future is besides a day away and are always considering new ideas and technology as they continue their relentless commitment to innovation. In response to their innovation, the researchers rent proposed a system called Poultry Management System that would help the farm in managing their diverse transactions.Statement of the Problem The Lacia Breeder Farm (LBF) is using MS Excel for their transactions in the farm. While, using the old system, LB Farm encounter problems which get under ones skin them delay in transacting businesses of the farm. Moreover, in using the their existing system for a long period of time there is a need of a reliable, secure and fast anxiety system to handle their diverse transactions and to strengtbiddy their operations. ground on our interviews of the farm manager, the problems found upon using their existing system have been identified.T here is a delay in generating reports. Upon using the MS Excel application, it would take several days in producing reports because the management still has to gather all the data. They have to encode all the gathered data and looked to their columnar to pictureout if the reports and data are the same as recorded in their columnar take. They excessively have to encode each data again and again in every transaction that they have put one overe and categorized each data into finicky reports.Duplication of data is essential for back-up purposes but in this case, LBF produced a redundant report that would delay them in their decision making. Thus, in determining the history of their transactions and reports of their inventory still they have to scroll over their old system and find the necessary data of that particular report. Moreover, this could cause the disorganization of reports that would hinder their operation. It would also delay them to generate reports, since the data w ill not be automatically updated in their MS Excel System. Stocks are not monitored properly.Since they are using the Microsoft Excel for the monitoring of their feeds and medicines, the farm management encountered a problem in determining if there is still available stock in their stockroom because in Microsoft Excel, although it calculates the stay stocks, the management still needs constant monitoring to their MS Excel just to determine if there are stocks available. Moreover, if this happened they will check the stockroom how some(prenominal) feeds and medicines available. They have to calculate again from their columnar and notebooks the consumed feeds and medicines to determined the availability of the stocks.There is miscalculation of data that leads to inaccurate result. While using the MS Excel System, the management is hesitant to use the formula for their MS Excel because sometimes it will be modified by the user. There are also instances that they are disjointed on the accuracy of the result of their MS Excel System because the user or the manager inputs a wrong formula that makes the calculation inaccurate and it can only be identified once double-checked. This would also create confusion in determining the stocks availability and accuracy of the files and records in inventory of their products.The records and files are misplaced. The daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports are misplaced for once it had been recorded in their MS Excel and printed, the hard copy will be compiled in a folder without label and placed on top of the table because they dont have proper cabinet for storage. Some records are thrown in the garbage if it is assorted to the old files and it is hard to find the files for it was thrown away. Some records are also misplaced by the manager for he will bring them in their main office in Panabo sometimes he left them on his car or misplaced somewhere else.This is why files and records are hard to find during retrieval. Furthe rmore, they will consume too much time in retrieving the misplaced files because they have to scan all their unlabeled folders, to their assorted files and in case of lost of file/s. They have to scroll over to their MS Excel System just to find the unavoidable data because some data and files are in the farm and others are in the main office at Panabo which took so long because of the distance between the farm and the office. And also, they have to check on their columnar book back again to get the files that were lost.Files are unsecured. The files that are supposed to be viewed and get toed only by the manager are viewed and accessed by unauthorized personnel due to lack of security privacy of their MS Excel system. Based on what we have seen in their MS Excel System, they dont have a security like asking password every time they accessed the files. When the manager is not in the office, the caretaker or employee could view and access the confidential files and could even chang e and erase the data recorded.They could easily hacked on other files which is not supposed to be accessed by unauthorized personnel since it is lite to accessed the system because of the lacking of security. Even, they could ruin the entire program or changing the program set up. And, change the formula which leads to a wrong output. There are also chances of data lost once it was accessed by the caretaker or other employee. The manager has to evaluate again the encoded data to double check and to ensure the files that have not been purge and change. Assumption of the StudyThis study aims to develop the management system of Lacia Breeder Farm to provide fast and accurate farm transaction. Based on the identified problem, this study assumes to Generate accurate and particular reports in every transaction. Through using this management system, it would give them a report on a particular transaction. This would help them to analyze and decide what the next move to hike up improve th eir farm. Moreover, this would lessen the encoding process of the data because it can generate automatically the reports after the data are encoded.It will not block any operations of the farm because it can generate reports easily. Thus, this system automatically updated reports that needed on particular operations. reserve convenient way of monitoring the stocks. Through using this management system, it would give the management an update monitoring of the stocks availability. This would lessen the work in encoding, retrieving and processing manually all the data encoded and needed. Provide a system that can give accurate calculation of data. This gives proper calculation of data and gives accurate result since the formula is embedded and cannot be accessed by someone else.Hence, it would determine, give accurate result and proper calculation of the stock remained in the stockroom. Provide proper storage for all records and files. This management system provide proper storage for it has a big storage system which the database of the system. It would help the management in easily searching the files that are lost. It provides an update detail of the files and records to be retrieve. Further, it fastens the time consumed in retrieving data. And, they will not anymore scan all the files, records and columnar book just to find the needed lost data.Provide a system that has security like asking password. It would not allow any user to access the system to secure all the file/s and record/s inside. It will give the management a better and safe data for further uses. Hence, only those registered users can access, view and add data. These would be a great help for the farm for they do not have anymore double check the records and files for it is secure. Thus, categorized personnel have their own category in accessing the data for example the manager can access all the detailed, confidential and important data while other users have a limitation.Review of Related Li terature To provide a background and framework of the investigation, selected literature related to the study are presented in this section. These include theories, systems, principles, concepts and views, which have a direct bearing to the variables of the study. Poultry is any domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for food, meat or eggs (Grolier New Websters Dictionary) is the main product of the poultry farm before developing any computerized information system to manage the transactions accurately and reliably.Based on the research, the following are the factors should be considered in managing the farm which is important in developing a system for poultry farm and to commiserate the processes involved (Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 2005). Hatching. The development of a mechanical setter and Hatcher has permitted the large scale production of chicks with little labor. While many of the eggs produced on the farms are unferti lized, only those eggs which are fertilized will hatch.Fertilized eggs can be purchased from breeding operations, or by the successful mating of a rooster and a hen by natural methods or by using artificial insemination. Turkey production relies on the use of artificial insemination to produce fertile eggs. The continuous genetic selection for turkeys with large breast muscling has resulting in many breeds which are no longer capable of copulating because of their large and awkward size.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Relevance of Shakespeare Macbeth Themes Essay
winning the stage 400 years ago, when shakespe be was equipped with his magical wand and book of speels , he casted a super mankind charm upon the world leaving people everywhere spell bounded. From the wonderful pleasures of love to the dark entrancing delights of ambition, his expert flawless wizardry enabled his socerous charms to stun and stagger the world even to this day. There is virtually no one who doesnt know this quoteFair is foul and foul is fairTo know the bard, is to be a somebody. True fact.In particular there is a certain shakespeare hearten that strongly and sort of brutally deals with those themes applicable and prevalent to todays society. Its a tale of loyalty, morality, guilt and scruples to lust, deception, betrayal, jealousy, ambition and greed. Add in the element of war and destiny and youve got Macbeth. Shakespeare has truly shaped, shifted and cultivated Macbeth to convey human emotions to his characters to the utmost extreme. He also demonstrated that its more satisfying to achieve goals than ill gained means. Ambition and guilt, these themes are still relevant to todays society. Eessntially the play Macbeth explores the temptation of absolute power and vaulting ambition. Iots relevant because Macbeth captures the many modern dilemmas and concerns today and the timeless nature of the human condition. Ambition was the driving commit behind Macbeth. Normally, being ambitious is a good thing, it pushes people to not give up.Without ambition, people wouldnt get very far, yet being overzealous with ambition also has its downfalls. I beget no spur to prick the sides of my intent buy only vaulting ambition illustrates Macbeths remorseless obsession for power. There are two types of ambition Ambition Type 1 naked and unrestrained ambition only benefiting themselves like Macbeth Ambition Type 2 caring others above themselves like Banqou The play fiercely illustrates how being consumed by naked and unchecked ambition has its drast ic consequences especially when it compromises your conscience or morality which is still applicable to todays society. The world is full of ambition and people indirect request to climb to the top. So being ambitious is like wielding a two-edged sword.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Aldi Hr
Introduction ALDI is a global regimen retailer. Since opening its first store in 1913, Aldi has established itself as a reputable retailer direct in international markets including Germany, Australia and the U. S. Aldi has over 7,000 stores worldwide. What distinguishes Aldi from its competitors is its matched pricing strategy without reducing the quality of its products. In fact, in some cases Aldis products argon 30% cheaper than those offered by its competitors. Aldi can do this because the business operates so efficiently. The multiplication Case Studies, 2011) ALDI and HR Aldi has a very flat organisational structure. In the UK it is split into 5 regions (there atomic number 18 62 internationally) each region operates individually, only sharing the purchasing wait on. Each region has 5 departments, and there are only 3 levels between the Store assistants and the Managing Director of the Region. Organisational Structure Noticeably, there is no IT, merchandise or HR funct ion in the structure. IT and Marketing are both outsourced to third parties.IT are called on as and when needed by whichever department needs them at the time, whether it be till maintenance, or maintaining the logistics software package. Marketing is outsourced to a company in Atherstone, and their link in the organisation is the Trading function. HR is stripped indorse at heart ALDI, and is headed by 2 HR Managers in the Store Operations Function. All area directors at bottom ALDI are skilled in HR, and deal with all personnel issues, from enlisting, to mental process management and Training and Development.The HR managers in Head Office purely focus on making sure the ambit Managers are up to date with new legislation and policies. ALDI adopt a grandfather technique, where, store managers exact teensy-weensy to do with HR. It is their job to focus on the store, and deal with staff rotas and minor issues. This way, store employees report to their rip manager for operatio nal issues, and the Area Manager for HR issues. The only HR issue non ingenious by Area Managers is Payroll, which falls into the Finance Function.ALDI is extremely focused on productiveness and efficiency, and because of this, the Neston Region in the UK is trialling using a HR Agency (Kinetic), to manage a major amount of its HR function. The office staff takes care of Recruitment, Induction, Payroll, Development, Performance Management, and acts as a HR Manager for the influence staff indoors ALDI. ALDI signify to get to a point where 70% of store staff is done an agency, with exception to Store Managers, aid Managers, Deputies and Full Time Staff. This saves money as it takes a lot of certificate of indebtedness off Area Managers, passing them with to a greater extent time to focus on operations.According to Righeimer (Date Un agnizen, p. 4), most organizations view the department of forgiving Resources (HR) as an administrative function and ignore the need and opport unity to align it with its strategic plans. Aligning HR and strategic plans is an cardinal endeavour for every organisation. Studies strongly support the alignment between strategies, HR, and action and thus show the potentiality role HR can play in implementing strategy and developing an organisations competitive advantage. How HR activities support the organisations strategyRecruitment and Selection, Performance Management, and Training and Development are triad HR activities that support the organisations strategy. (Hameed, 2011) Recruitment and Selection According to ALDIs strategy (2012), We want every ALDI employee to sop up a rewarding career, with opportunities to kick upstairs and develop, whether they work in our stores, distribution centres or management teams. We expect our people to be committed, hard-working and take self-command of their responsibilities. In return, we provide salaries that are considerably above the rest of the industry. The recruitment and se lection activity supports this by ensuring the right people are hired first time. It is vital to find committed, hardworking people, who have a pride in their work and take responsibility for their success and mistakes. Productivity, quality and service are three of ALDIs focuses, so HRs ability to attract and select people with the right knowledge, skills and post is vital. As it is down for the most part to the Area Manager to fulfil this HR role, it is vital they have the skills to recognise the right sort of employee who would fit in the business.The major disadvantage of using the agencies, as currently being trialled, is that the agencies do non work in the stores, and are an outsider to the culture and work ethical code of ALDI. For that reason, the Area Managers should have know control, as they know what sort of person they need, how to motivate them, and exactly what is evaluate with ALDIs culture. Performance Management We have developed a range of high quality, stru ctured teach programmes to enable our employees to fulfil their roles successfully.ALDI Managers have a responsibility to develop and motivate employees, rewarding excellent performance and continuous improvement. (ALDI, 2012) A HR activity that is also performed in part by Area Managers is performance management. As Area Managers spend a lot of time in stores, they can see the productivity of staff, who is excelling and who needs a little motivation. The store manager reports performance to them also, so they get a complete picture. The agencies receive reports from the Store Managers, only if something is not working out.The agencies manage the performance of their employees, but do not really focus on opportunities or continuous improvement, as they do not have the creator in store to do so. Likewise, store managers and Area Managers do not focus on the agencies employees, as technically they are not their own. If this was fully down to the Area Managers again, and Store Manag ers were given a great role, staff could be managed better. Stand out performers could be recognised better, and future progression would be a value.Also, employees would be more engaged and productive with a clear structure and with everyone being part of the uniform team, no us and them as such. Training We want to attract the best talent and ours are among the highest advertised starting salaries for graduates in the UK and Ireland. Over 85% of our Directors are recruited from within the company, demonstrating the importance we place on training and development and rewarding performance. (ALDI, 2012) The Training and Development aspect of HR is focused highly on, within ALDI. There is constant training available and succession plans in place for most stores.Deputies are trained to do the Assistant Managers job in case of Sickness, Pregnancy or Resignation of the latter, and likewise with the Assistant Managers, they are trained to do the Store Managers Role. Store Assistants are encouraged to progress to Deputies based on performance. Training and Development is also evident throughout Head Office. Area Managers are only recruited through Graduate Schemes, and Directors are successful Area Managers. 85% of the Directors were Area Managers, whereas the other 15% are both from international ALDI head offices, or born into it, i. e. the Albrieght family.The obvious disadvantage with the Agency is that they have no posit or decision in regards to Training. As its employees are employed by them and not ALDI, they do not have access to the same training and development. How HR Professionals support pains managers and their Staff With a 2006 ASTD theatre of operations finding that 70% of training failure happens after the formal training finishes and a recent CIPD field of view finding that only 12% of employees feel that line managers take learning and development very seriously, its a little surprising that more is not being done to gain line manager su pport in the development process. Peterson, 2006) The role of the line managers has changed over the last twenty years.There is a general drive to give line managers more responsibility for the management of their staff and to reduce the extent to which kind-hearted resource departments control or restrict line management autonomy in this area (Brewster & antiophthalmic factor Larson, 2000). HR professionals no longer have sole responsibility for the management of people, but share this responsibility with line managers. There is evidence that HR responsibilities are increasingly decentralized nd devolved to line managers (Cunningham & ampere Hyman, 1995). In ALDI, Cunningham and Hymans point (1995) that responsibility is shared is correct, if not more centred toward the line manager or else than a 50/50 split. This is probably due to the amount of time passed since their original comment. It is interesting that what they sooner said nearly 20 years ago still applies, giving the impression that the HR function has been under fire for quite some time, so far is still here in a picturesque similar form in most companies.The line manager in terms of ALDI would be the Area Manager and the HR Professionals for the Area Manager. With the Agency staff, their line manager for HR would be their external agency manager. HR professionals in ALDI support the line managers by providing updated regulations, policies and visions down, to be implemented further down. The obvious benefit of puff Managers taking a front line role in HR, is that they know the staff better. HR Professionals in Head Office do not work with the store employees and do not know about performance or what motivates each individual.The CIPD states that where employees feel positive about their relationship with their front line managers, moreover, they are more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty which are in turn associated with higher levels of performance or discretionary behaviour. (CIPD, 2012) As the HR professionals have empowered the Line managers as such, it improves employee engagement. Talent can be spotted, managed and trained, and with the right people in the right jobs, the teams works better together and is more productive.Consistency is an issue that can arise when different Line Managers have different attitudes and ways of working. This is when support from HR is vital as they can provide guidelines and policies that ensure the content across the company is consistent. With the agency, it does mean that the message HR is sending out, is not necessarily what the agency is doing / preaching. This is other shortfall in the HR process when it comes to agency working. If Area Managers had complete control and there was no agency, then the message would be consistent across the board.Conclusion and Recommendations It is evident that HR takes a simple yet complex form in ALDI. Although it is missing from the organisational st ructure, it is practiced in part by at to the lowest degree 46 Area Managers. There is a big emphasis on Training and Development throughout the company, and HR activities are being used for succession planning and finding the next generation of ALDI AMs and Directors. The use of the agency seems to be slightly detrimental to ALDIs message, and outsourcing the HR like it is, get out cause confusion, and splits in the teams.They need to revert to AM as the main HR leader within the Area and only use agencies at times such as Christmas for relief workers etc. As AM know better than any agency, the staff recruited and selected will more than likely be more productive and fit the company better. Also, there may be an issue with succession planning if their goal of outsourcing most staff jobs out is achieved. It would seem that they would hire the people themselves, after trialling them with the agency, so why not just hire directly anyway.The overall finding however, is that HR must remain in the company, and be managed as it once was. Eliminating the HR function more so than now, will cause major problems, and those problems are starting to arise now. If HR wasnt managed at Head Office, then inconsistent practices would be followed out, creating uncomfortableness within the stores and the ALDI mantra of Team working would be lost.Works Cited ALDI, 2012. CSR Our People. Online operational at http//www. aldi. co. uk/uk/html/company/15435_25201. tm Accessed 06 11 2012. Brewster, C. & Larson, H. , 2000. Human Resource Management in Europe. capital of the United Kingdom Blackwells. CIPD, 2012. Role of Line Managers In HR. Online Available at http//www. cipd. co. uk/hr-resources/factsheets/role-line-managers-hr. aspx Accessed 06 11 2012. Cunningham, I. & Hyman, J. , 1995. Transforming the HRM vision into Reality The Role of Line Managers. Employee Relations, 17(8), pp. 5-20. Hameed, T. , 2011. Organisation Strategy and Human Reosurce. Online Available at ht tp//www. rutilities. com/2011/09/organization-strategy-and-human-resource/ Accessed 06 11 2012. Peterson, E. , 2006. Employee Relations. 2nd ed. Chicago Hardwell Press. Righeimer, J. P. , Date Unknown. Aligning Human Resources and Strategic Plans, London Maverick Electric. The Times Case Studies, 2011. Aldi Competitive Advantage through Efficiency. Online Available at http//businesscasestudies. co. uk/aldi/competitive-advantage-through-efficiency/introduction. htmlixzz2CEnCsFmq Accessed 06 11 2012.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Benthic Marine Ecosystems
The Earth is a delicate web of ecosystems which are interconnected and intertwined and have an shock absorber on the rest of the system. Changes or swageances to any component of this complex web lot have commodious carrying serious publications often even on components that are seemingly unconnected. One of the major and primary(prenominal) components of this complex and fragile system is the benthonic leatherneck ecosystem which plays an important role in maintaining the ecological end. The benthal shipboard soldier ecosystem exists at the lowest level of a body of water of an ocean or a lake called as the benthic zone.It comprises of benthic organisms or Benthos that live in close association with the nation at the bottom of the water body which is very essential for all their biological activity. Benthic ocean ecosystems are often disturbed because of world activity resulting in disturbance to the integral marine ecosystem and last to the overall Earths system. Sin ce Benthic ecosystems form such an integral and important part of the finished ecosystem and have such far reaching impacts it is essential to understand the probable threats to the benthic ecosystems and its impacts.Threats to the Benthic ecosystems and their impacts and equality to the pelagic ecosystem Human actvities of trawling and by-catch Trawling has always posed a threat to marine ecosystems as in that respect is a lack of selectivity cod to the nature of the trawl net and there is capture of a huge and diverse number of un rateted aquatic brio called by-catch. This has a serious impact on the chemical , somatic and biological nature of the Benthic marine ecosystem. Huge biomass is removed through trawling.This results in reduced marine fish landings and productivity as Benthic habitats house fauna which serves as food to many marine life and provides shelter and protection to smaller fishes. Eg A single passage of the beam trawl is know to kill 5-65% of the reside nt fauna and mix the make it few centimeters of the sediment. It has an effect that is similar to forest clear-cutting. (Trawling and by-catch Implications on marine ecosystem , Biju, A. K. &, Deepti, G. R. (2006)) Trawling causes the most serious physical disturbance on the sea-floor.They can burrow thickheaded furrows on the ocean floor, remove corals rocks , stir up sediments, smother benthic organisms creating havoc and destroying a plow of marine life and biodiversity. Dragging of trawl nets and formation of sediment clouds may affect the natural balance between physio-chemical parameters and decreases the dissolved oxygen and the benthic fauna composition . Trawling is known to flush out nutrients and contaminants and spare lethal gases such as methane , ammonia hyydrogen sulphide thus affecting the life and mortality of organisms.Benthic communities withal play an important role in remineralisation and release of nutrients in marine ecosystems. All this ultimately affec ts the entire marine ecosystem and aquatic biodiversity impacting the entire ecoystem. However it is seen that the impact of trawling on the pegalic ecosystem is minimal as they are buffered by their physical environment and phytoplanktons and some other organisms which are a major component of this ecosystem are equal to vary their cell nutrient content irrespective of environmental changes overdue to trawling.However it is somewhat difficult to poll the imact sometimes as some pelagic species depend on benthic communities for food and shelter during the premature stages. Also the effect might just be to increase the population of some species when compared to other species that may not have a very significant impact as these species are relatives at the top of the food chain. Eg The Gulf of Thailand showed an increase in the cephalopod species when trawling was done frequently.Stable states are often returned to over a duration of time when trawling is stopped which may not ha ppen in case of benthic communities. trophic cascades in Benthic marine ecosystems Fishing Fishing is one of the most exploitative acts of human beings . There are many indirect impacts of fishing other than just removal of target and non target organisms. There are many fishing tools which disturb the benthic natural environment by taking out benthic sessile organisms that provide a critical structural habitat important for the organisms activities.Fishing can cause mechanical effects to the bottom of the water bed by dragging the fishing incline across it resulting in habitat changes and reduction in refuge for animals. Stellwagen Bank, a heavily fished area, was observed in 1993 and 1994 before and after a certain type of fishing gear was introduced. Benthic communities were untowardly affected. (Sustaining oceanic Fisheries (1999)). Fishing or harvesting in an unplanned manner leads to changes in the population of aquatic life which can disturb the benthic ecosytem . There is a coupling between benthic and pelagic systems two of which are affected due to this activity.Since benthic fauna and organisms are the target organisms of fish , reduction in their population can result in increase in density and diversity of infaunal species which is a potential threat to the ecosystem. However once the fishing activity is stopped populations do stabilize and return to everyday atleast in case of pelagic systems which easily recover. Climatic changes and spherical warming environment pollution international warming and climatic changes have a major impact on Benthic communities . Photosynthesis is inhibited due to global warming and ozone depletion in the benthic zone.Solar UV-B radiations are found to impair the reproductive processes of organisms in the benthic zone. It reduces the size of benthic populatons and reduces their mortality. Coastal areas in many countries which are developing rapidly with major ports, holidaymaker spots and pollution in co astal areas result in deterioration of Benthic populations Eg Lebanon. Persistent complete Pollutants(POPs), Radioactive discharges, PCBs, Oil and Gas discharges and dumping from ships are potential threats to benthic ecosystems. The ill effects of pollution can be summarised into three main ill effects .It can increase the tightfistedness of total heat ions thus increasing the acidity in those ecosytems, it can reach toxic levels that impair the ability of benthic organisms to grow and reproduce, and it can ultimately disturb the entire food web . ( The Structure of Marine Ecosystems, Steele, J. H. (1974. )) It is withal seen that in case of pelagic ecosystems it is not possible to analyse exactly the direct effect of global warming and climatic changes on the pelagic species and they can be misleading and inaccurate and effect would be in terms of predator requirements.However it is seen that in case of pelagic phytoplanktons there is decoupling between photosynthesis and nutr ient using up Shift in nutrient and bio-chemical ratios will result in changes in the ecosystem. Oftentimes newly introduced species ,such as from ballast water from ships, also pose a threat to benthic ecosystems of an area as they disturb the complex and the delicate food web. Eg the Svalbard area of Norway lists 11 new species( microalgae and benthic organisms) as per the European environmental Agency. Oil spillages from ships and pipeline as well as land-based pollution pose a threat.In the benthic ecosystem hydrocarbon pollution could cause adverse changes such as destruction of species in the lower trophic level, which could be reclaimable in the breakdown processes of carbon , nitrogen and sulphur cycles and also the disturbance to the food web due to extinction of some species. Studies were conducted during the oil spill from the ocean vessel MV River Princess regarding the effect of the oil spill on the benthic organisms. ( Ecotoxicological effect of grounded MV River Pri ncess On Intertidal Benthic Organisms off Goa, Ingole, B &, Sivadas, S &, Goltekar, R (2006).After research and lab tests it was seen that there were reduced levels of oxygen due to reduced benthic biomass and increase respiratory activity by some aerobic bacteria which can mineralize the Hydrocarbons from the oil spill. Population of mixed fauna were found to be completely altered thus the biodiversity was adversely affected furthur reducing the concentration and mortality of aquatic life. There was a 60% reduction on the number of species available. All these changes had adverse effect on the marine ecosystem. References 1. Biju, A. K. &, Deepti, G. R. (2006). Trawling and by-catch Implications on marine ecosystem2. Ingole, B &, Sivadas, S &, Goltekar, R (2006). Ecotoxicological effect of grounded MV River Princess On Intertidal Benthic Organisms off Goa 3. Orheim, O. (2006). Protecting the environment of the Artic Ecoystem 4. Grassle, J. F. 1997. Report to the Alfred P. Sloan Fou ndation, Workshop to look the Scientific and Technical Aspects of a Census of Marine Benthic Species. 5. Steele, J. H. (1974). The Structure of Marine Ecosystems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 6. Sustaining Marine Fisheries ,(1999), heraldic bearing on Geosciences, Environment and Resources ,Ocean Studies Board
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